Saturday, October 3, 2015

Why is Obama not called to account for the "common-sense" gun laws in his home town?

The awful truth about Obama's hometown that he and the media ignore in gun discussion
"Why has no one asked President Obama what “common sense” gun control measures in addition to those already at work in Chicago he would like to see? Why has no one asked him about the disparity in his concern over a handful of white victims in Oregon versus his complete ignoring of hundreds of black murder victims in his hometown?

"Chicago, the town Obama adopted as his own and where his mansion still sits, puts the lie to the vague gun control nostrums he is selling.

"A highly amusing site called (“Illustrating Chicago Values”) graphically illustrates the ongoing carnage with grim wit. The fact that President Obama has never been called to account for his chosen hometown’s disastrous record in the face of some of the harshest gun control laws in the nation speaks volumes about media bias.

"Here are some of the highlights of the page:"

So much for "Black Lives Matter".

More graphs like this at the link.

The ideology of the Roseburg shooter. Open it yourself if you must; I'm not

Illegal immigrants could elect Hillary

"How noncitizens decrease Republican chances of winning the White House next year."



"Illegal immigrants—along with other noncitizens without the right to vote—may pick the 2016 presidential winner. Thanks to the unique math undergirding the Electoral College, the mere presence of 11-12 million illegal immigrants and other noncitizens here legally may enable them to swing the election from Republicans to Democrats.

"The right to vote is intended to be a singular privilege of citizenship. But the 1787 Constitutional Convention rejected allowing the people to directly elect their President. The delegates chose instead our Electoral College system, under which 538 electoral votes distributed amongst the states determine the presidential victor. The Electoral College awards one elector for each U.S. Senator, thus 100 of the total, and D.C. gets three electors pursuant to the 23rd Amendment. Those electoral numbers are unaffected by the size of the noncitizen population. The same cannot be said for the remaining 435, more than 80 percent of the total, which represent the members elected to the House. " . . .

"The distribution of these 435 seats is not static: they are reapportioned every ten years to reflect the population changes found in the census. That reallocation math is based on the relative “whole number of persons in each state,” as the formulation in the 14th Amendment has it. When this language was inserted into the U.S. Constitution, the concept of an “illegal immigrant,” as the term is defined today, had no meaning. Thus the census counts illegal immigrants and other noncitizens equally with citizens. " . . .

Friday, October 2, 2015

Krauthammer: Putin acts because he knows he will not face an American President like Obama again

If only bad regimes feared Obama as much as regular Americans

Charles Krauthammer: Obama's Syria Debacle And A Powerless U.S.
"If it had the wit, the Obama administration would be not angered, but appropriately humiliated. President Obama has, once again, been totally outmaneuvered by Vladimir Putin.

"Two days earlier at the United Nations, Obama had welcomed the return, in force, of the Russian military to the Middle East — for the first time in decades — in order to help fight the Islamic State.
The ruse was transparent from the beginning. Russia is not in Syria to fight the Islamic State. The Kremlin was sending fighter planes, air-to-air missiles and SA-22 anti-aircraft batteries. Against an Islamic State that has no air force, no planes, no helicopters?

"Russia then sent reconnaissance drones over Western Idlib and Hama, where there are no Islamic State fighters. Followed by bombing attacks on Homs and other opposition strongholds that had nothing to do with the Islamic State.

"Indeed, some of these bombed fighters were U.S. trained and equipped. Asked if we didn't have an obligation to support our allies on the ground, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter bumbled that Russia's actions exposed its policy as self-contradictory." . . .
. . .
"Why is Putin moving so quickly and so brazenly? Because he's got only 16 more months to push on the open door that is Obama.

"He knows he'll never again see an American president such as this — one who once told the General Assembly that "no one nation can or should try to dominate another nation" and told it again last Monday of "believing in my core that we, the nations of the world, cannot return to the old ways of conflict and coercion."

"They cannot? Has he looked at the world around him — from Homs to Kunduz, from Sanaa to Donetsk — ablaze with conflict and coercion?

"Wouldn't you take advantage of these last 16 months if you were Putin, facing a man living in a faculty-lounge fantasy world? Where was Obama when Putin began bombing Syria? "

Foreign Policy and Israel; to paraphrase Michelle Obama: for the first time in my life I am ashamed of my country and this president

Benjamin Netanyahu UN Transcript: Obama Pulls Kerry, Powers
"There are reports that Barack Obama pulled the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power and Secretary of State John Kerry from Netanyahu’s October 1, 2015 speech. The report says there was a “video conference” with Obama (or maybe not even that). Cowards run and hide. The disrespectful get their full measure of disrespect. (Speech transcript and video below)

John Kerry, Samantha Powers
        John Kerry, Samantha Powers, pictured

"While the Israeli Prime Minister said he is open to peace talks with Palestine with “no conditions,” but Mahmoud Abbas has declined, we know that Palestine will never accept Israel’s right to exist where it is, and Israel will never accept any agreement without that right." . . .

Obama pulls Kerry and Power from audience of Netanyahu's powerful UN speech
. . . "I believe that Netanyahu’s speech may go down as one of the most significant in U.N. history, particularly if Israel takes the military action against Iran’s nuclear facilities that he hinted at.  The League of Nations has vanished from history, but the memory lives on of Ethiopia’s Emperor Haile Selassie’s 1935 speech warning to that body that his nation was mobilizing for the Italian invasion that was threatened and that followed.  That speech is remembered with shame and cited as an example of the moral and practical bankruptcy of the League.  The U.N. should take note.  History will not be kind to either the U.N. or Obama when the next promised genocide is attempted." . . . 

Benjamin Netanyahu Stares Down the United Nations for 45 seconds –– silence!
Benjamin Netanyahu Stares Down the United Nations for 45 seconds –– silence!

Netanyahu must stand against The Most Dangerous Man In the World  ". . . it’s none other than America’s Barack Hussein Obama.  This is not because of any aggressive, risk-laden actions he has taken, far from it.  It is because of those he has failed to take at critical times to credibly dissuade strategic competitors and potential aggressors, such as Russia and China, from actions that may suddenly compound into  destabilizing confrontations, even war.  When the Middle East cauldron spawned the barbaric ISIS, Obama’s indecisive,
pusillanimous response allowed this Islamic malignancy to rapidly metastasize, compounding and accelerating an existing refugee problem that will involve America.  Additionally, throughout his tenure, overt actions Obama has taken served to steadily and materially, degrade American military capabilities, while enemies grow stronger." . . .
In retrospect, divining Obama’s foreign policy should have been relatively easy given his background – a world seen through the eyes of someone whose father was a Muslim, as was his step-father, whose early education was in a Muslim madrassa, followed by mentoring from the known communist Frank Marshall Davis, associations with Columbia University’s Palestinian activist Edward Said and later, Harvard’s leftist Brazilian socialist Roberto Unger, later close association with admitted communist and Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers, then followed by 20 years of anti-American and anti- Semitic sermons by Reverend Jeremiah Wright who, placing much of the world’s ills at America’s doorstep, culminated a post 9-11 sermon sententiously intoning, “…America’s chickens have come home to roost.”
Lt Col Ralph Peters angry at Obama’s foreign policy blunders calls him out as a ‘scared kid’  . . . "Obama’s worldview is in tatters. His constant apologizing for the United States and his weakness has invited aggression. Putin is taking full advantage." . . .

. . . "Nevertheless, an effective U.S. response needn’t involve war with Russia. At present, Putin is doing what he is doing because he believes — through his years of experience with President Obama — that he can get away with it.  . . . If confronted by American resolution, in return for retaining these bases and his influence, Putin would likely accept Assad’s replacement and a peace arrangement that allows moderate Sunni empowerment. That said, until Putin realizes America is serious about its Syria strategy, he’ll keep rolling the dice." . . . 

In UN speech, Netanyahu keeps focus on Iran  . . . "Netanyahu, in turn, blamed Abbas for rejecting Israeli peace offers and again called on him to enter negotiations without preconditions. Netanyahu also said that Israel is committed to maintaining the status quo on the Temple Mount and protecting freedom of religion.
“Israel stands out as a towering beacon of enlightenment and tolerance,” he said. “Far from endangering the holy sites, it is Israel that ensures their safety.”

Roseburg, OR: "Forget the Zero; Remember the Hero"

Victory Girls Blog

Cal @calumtrail
People always remember the shooter and never the hero. REMEMBER: Chris Mintz who took *five bullets trying to stop the shooter.
"Chris Mintz, 30, was in his first week of class at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday when a man, identified by officials as 26-year-old [name deleted], walked into Snyder Hall, where classes are held, and started shooting.

"Mintz reportedly tried “to block the door to keep the gunman from coming in,” Mintz’s aunt, Wanda Mintz, told Q13 Fox News in Oregon.
. . .
Most of all, Chris’s focus was on his son, Tyrik. In fact, the reason Chris is living in Oregon was to help raise his boy. As he lay wounded after the gunman shot him *5 times, his only thoughts were of his son.
. . .
"As Chris recovers from his gunshot wounds, starts the process of learning to walk again, and hugs his son close – it is worth reading something he wrote on Facebook just a few weeks ago." . . .*Other reports say seven times.

"You're not getting by me."
. . . "According to Fox 8, when the gunman tried to enter Mintz’s class, Mintchris mintzz told the students in his classroom to get to a safe place, then said to the shooter “you’re not getting by me”:

“At that point, the shooter shot him five times and the shooter moved on and apparently didn’t go in to that classroom,” Pastor Dennis Kreiss told People. ”I applaud the guy’s heroism. He may have saved the people in that classroom.”
. . .  "Mintz’s cousin Ariana Earnhardt told Fox 8:

"His vital signs are OK. He’s going to have to learn to walk again, but he walked away with his life and that’s more than so many other people did."

What gun law would have kept this man from his guns?

'The more people you kill, the more you're in the limelight': College gunman, 26, was 'filled with hate,' lived with his mother and asked if his victims were Christian in rampage that left at least ten dead

  • Ch----------------, 26, has been identified as the gunman at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon 

  • Killer with British father died in gunfight with police and had four guns - three pistols and one rifle and bodyarmor 

  • He killed nine and wounded at least seven, and just three days prior he had downloaded This World Surviving Sandy Hook BBC Documentary 2015 according to his profile on a website community 

  • ------------ said he was 'mixed race,' a 'conservative Republican,' 'not religious,' and 'living with parents' 

  • He celebrated Nazis and IRA online

  • In August he praised TV station shooter Vester Flanagan and said killing more people meant 'in the limelight'

  • ------------made his victims lie on the ground and then stand up and state their religion before shooting them according to eyewitnesses, also asking if they were Christian and saying; 'Good, you'll see God in a second'

  • Gallery: On the killer's MySpace page he has several posts and pictures where he appears to praise the IRA and their terrorist activities

    First details emerge of Oregon college killer

    "Two phone numbers associated with the name appeared to have been disconnected.

    "A profile on the site belonging to Mercer on the website Spiritual Singles, which advertises itself as “a free online dating & social networking site specifically for spiritual singles,” and bears a picture of the same person as Mercer’s Myspace page, the alleged killer describes himself politically as a “conservative, republican” whose hobbies are “internet, killing zombies, movies, music, reading” and who lives with parents.

    "In the profile, the personality type he is looking for is “intellectual, punk, introvert, loner, lover, geek, nerd” with an “individuality” of “piercings, psychic, tattoos, vampire”. His preferred religious views are “Pagan, Wiccan, Not Religious, but Spiritual” as well.
    " . . .

    Article on gun control from the Tunnel Wall after Sandy Hook

    Seeking an effective argument FOR gun control
    Here, two respected writers discuss the case against taking away individual firearms from Americans. Yes, it is true that if guns did not exist everywhere in this nation those little children in Sandy Hook would be living right now and I only wish that were the case. But it is not and there are violent people out there in their thousands and they are armed; willing and lusting to watch innocent people die in bunches by their hands. How, exactly do you gun-control advocates plan to remove those weapons from their blood-thirsty hands?
    I will honestly look for a reasoned argument FOR gun control that contains effective means for keeping us safe from those who carry weapons illegally and are willing to do us harm. Cartoons showing crazed, wild-eyed gun owners don't wash.
    As yet, I have seen only politically correct, emotional responses to the issue that have no value other than simply making a politician look as if they are doing something. TD

    Thursday, October 1, 2015

    Childress, TX, police chief tells Freedom from Religion Foundation they can pound sand

    Police Chief tells FFRF to go fly a kite as Atheists condemn Christians
    "Childress, Texas, Police Chief, Adrian Garcia, received a letter from the hardcore atheist organization that hates Christianity and anything pertaining to God, the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF).  As Faye Higbee reported earlier, the letter demanded the Chief remove the ‘In God We Trust’ decals from all the department’s patrol vehicles.

    "The Freedom from Religion Foundation, a hardcore group of liberal atheists, has been going after and filing suits against schools, government, police departments and against any other government entity, demanding removal of anything that displays or mentions the word ‘God’ or any reference to any scriptures in the Bible.

    "Garcia, as with many Sheriffs and police chiefs across the nation, are taking a stand and when he received the letter from the FFRF, he replied, “After carefully reading your letter I must deny your request in the removal of our Nations motto from our patrol units, and ask that you and the Freedom From Religion Foundation go fly a kite.' ”. . .

    "Laura Levites, an alleged “comedian” who once said she wanted to rip out Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ uterus after the Washington Republican gave the GOP response to Obama’s State of the Union, recently said she wanted to castrate conservative Christian males.  She then told a pro-life teenager she should be murdered.  Topping it all off, she whined about the backlash she received as a result of her hate speech.

    A closer look at the Umpqua murderer

    Umpqua Shooter Identified as ‘Chris Harper Mercer’ – Student at College- PHOTO

    chis harper mercer
    The New York Post reported: Quote
    “The shooter was lining people up and asking if they were Christian,” she wrote. “If they said yes, then they were shot in the head. If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs. My grandma just got to my house, and she was in the room. She wasn’t shot, but she is very upset.
    The Twitter user then recalled how her grandmother attempted to save the life of one of her close classmates.
    “She tried to perform CPR on her friend, but it was too late,” the woman said. “I hope nothing like this ever happens again.”
    Kortney Moore, an 18-year-old student at Umpqua Community College who was also in the room, told Oregon’s News Review that the shooter was indeed on the hunt for Christians.
    Moments after hearing a bullet come flying through a window, she said the 20-year-old shooter made his way inside and targeted their teacher, pumping a single round into their head.
    As the young man ordered people to the ground, Moore laid patiently with her classmates and waited, according to the News Review.
    Once they all got down, she said the gunman began asking people to rise and say what their religion was. After they stood and gave their answer, he started shooting.  End quote

    "Update: Only Two Myspace Friends, One Who Praises Islamic Terrorists, Urges Killing Of Jews… "    Mercer's myspace site
    Some of Mercer's interests:

    Latest at 6:30 CDT on the latest school shooting at Umpqua College

    "Police said the 20-year-old male shooter, who has not yet been identified, is dead and there is no longer a threat. It’s not yet known if the gunman was a student or was affiliated with the southern Oregon school. He was armed with four guns, three handguns and an AR-15-style long gun, according to CNN.

    'Here’s what you need to know:" . . . More at the link

    Did Roseburg Oregon Shooter Post About Shooting on 4Chan?
    "Full text reads: "Don't go to school tomorrow if you are in the Pacific Northwest. Happening thread will be posted tomorrow morning.' "

    Screen Shot 2015-10-01 at 5.49.44 PM

    "Under the disturbing message, many users encouraged the person to go ahead with their threat and even advised the poster on the best ways to kill people.
    "One user wrote: ‘I suggest you enter a classroom and tell people that you will take them as hostages. Make everyone get in one corner and then open fire." 
    Screen Shot 2015-10-01 at 5.50.14 PM

    Witness: Gunman Asked About Religion
    "Kortney Moore, 18, from Rogue River, Ore., was in her Writing 115 class at Snyder Hall when she heard a shot come through a window.

    "She said she watched as her teacher was shot in the head. The gunman was inside the building at that point, she said, and was ordering people to get on the ground.

    "Ms. Moore said the the man asked people to stand up and state their religion, and then he began firing."

    The gunman who opened fire at Umpqua Community College in Oregon asked victims to state their religion before opening fire, according to multiple reports. An 18-year-old student told the News-Review newspaper that the gunman, after shooting her teacher in the head through a window, told people to get on the ground. He then told people to stand up and state their religion before opening fire. Twitter user @BodhiLooney, who said her grandma was at the school, said the shooter asked people if they were Christian. “If they said yes, then they were shot in the head,” she wrote. “If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs.”   Weasel Zippers

    Left-wing Think Progress Reports Campus Not A ‘Gun Free Zone’ Because Public Colleges In Oregon Can’t Ban Guns

    Umpqua Community College is a posted Gun Free Zone but allows concealed carry under Oregon law.  How sad that someone with a concealed-carry license was not packing in that classroom.

    Roseburg: Another ‘gun-free zone’ failure
    "CBS and the Associated Press in Seattle are reporting also that the campus is a gun-free zone, and quoted the college’s security policy, which states, “Possession, use, or threatened use of firearms (including but not limited to BB guns, air guns, water pistols, and paint guns) ammunition, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or any other objects as weapons on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations, is prohibited,” the college’s security policy states.”
    "People who write such regulations seem to ignore the fact that criminals and crazy people don’t follow the rules. Gun-free zones are essentially risk-free environments for killers." . . .

    Authorities shed no light on the gunman's motive and said they were investigating.
    "Hours after the attack, a visibly angry President Barack Obama spoke to reporters, saying the U.S. is becoming numb to mass shootings and that the shooters have "sickness" in their minds."
    He showed no concern over the massacre of blacks by blacks in cities, nor of the assassinations of police officers.

    true obama
    Pamela Geller

    Remember Alek Skarlatos?  One of the three American heroes who stopped the French train terrorist. Alex is from Roseburg and attended Umpqua College


    Read a few of Hillary's emails

    15 Secret Hillary Emails That May Interest You
    "The State Department released a new batch of Hillary Clinton's emails on Wednesday that she sent and received via her private email server while acting as Secretary of State.

    "Clinton has recently expressed regret for using the server after several months of defying the media's questions about it, and at times making flippant jokes about wiping it "with a cloth." The server has since been seized by the FBI, which is investigating its contents and security.

    "Gathered below are 15 of the most shocking messages from the most recent release:" . . .

    Hint for talking points:


    I agree with Hillary's position on this, yet feel her motives come not from conviction but tactics:

    "Clinton can't recall her past votes as a senator from New York"

    More at the link...

    Krauthammer on Democrat ineffectiveness in standing up to Russia and Islam

    Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

    Krauthammer’s Take: Russia’s Targeting Our Allies in Syria ‘and We Do Nothing’
    "Tonight Charles Krauthammer said Russian President Vladimir Putin is directly targeting American allies in Syria and the Obama Administration is giving him a green light.

    “It’s one thing to be humiliated,” Krauthammer said on Wednesday’s Special Report on Fox News. “It’s another thing to have that demonstrated to the world when our allies are looking at us and wondering who’s in charge here.”

    “ 'The United States is told by Russia one hour earlier that they’re going to go and attack ISIS; the Soviet ministry announces that they hit ISIS targets — everyone knows it is a lie,” Krauthammer continued. “Like all the lies issued in the Ukraine, they were not hitting ISIS, ISIS isn’t in the area; they were hitting the city of Homs, which is a stronghold for Free Syrian Army, our allies who we are supposedly supporting and training and the allies of our Arab allies, the ones in the Gulf and elsewhere.”

    " 'And we do nothing, but not only do we do nothing, but then you’ve got the scene you showed, Brett, about 20 minutes ago of before the show, actually, live of our secretary of State coming out in a jolly; with Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia, as a buddy, and saying ‘Well, we’ve got a little problem about the nature of the targets that Russia attacked today, but we’ll go on to other stuff and worry about that later,’” Krauthammer said. “As if it’s a side issue.”

    “ 'The point of Obama inviting in the Russians first time in half a century, a complete revolution in our position on the Russians staying out of the Middle East, was on the premise they’re going to join a coalition against ISIS,” he said. “As I was saying last night, the Russians have no interest in fighting ISIS. They’re only interest is supporting Assad. Keeping him in place and the reason they are hitting Homs, is because it’s the center of resistance from the legitimate pro-western opposition.”

    “ 'They are hitting our allies and we do nothing, except have a palsy-walsy statement with the Russian foreign minister, as it nothing has happened,” Krauthammer said."

    Lavrov has pretty well found that he owns US Secretaries of State. Can the Russians have a shred of respect for the United States?
    Cartoons and video added by TD