Thursday, November 5, 2015

Obama faces the world. . .


America Toppled: Putin World’s Most Powerful Man (Again)  . . . "And, then there’s Barack Obama. The Mom Jeans Wonder falls to number three in the list because he is ineffective. He can get nothing done. He goes in front of the media and repeatedly talks about how little he can get done. It’s not just his own power that appears weak, but the power of America as a whole." . . .
Our World: Showdown at the OK Corral    "Whatever he says before the cameras next week when he meets with Netanyahu, Obama has no intention of letting bygones be bygones." . . . 

SEEN ON STREETS OF RUSSIA: T-Shirts of Putin Judo-Kicking Obama’s Face

putin obama

. . . “Our answer to sanctions.” A t-shirt on sale in Crimea shows Putin using his judo skills on President Obama. (Photo by Valeria Koulikova)

"Obama is an international joke."

"Barack Obama got laughs Monday saying if GOP candidates can’t take the heat from CNBC moderators, how could they stand up to Russia and China. He himself has not punished China for cyber attacks, he’s allowed Russia to re-imperialize and permitted Iran nuclear weapons. What bothers Anglo-Saxons most about Mr. Obama is his determination to make World War III a fair fight."  Comedian Argus Hamilton

Community Organizing America (Entire article printed here)

Victor Davis Hanson

"The modern art of a community organizer seems fairly simple.

"The proverbial agitator identifies a particular aggrieved racial, ethnic, gender, or class group that believes equality of opportunity must guarantee equality of result.

"Then he “organizes” the victims by claiming that their ostensible failure to obtain parity can only be due to systematic racism, sexism, and bias by the supposed callous establishment majority (usually emblemized as callous white, male, heterosexual Christians). Myth is useful (e.g., “hands up, don’t shoot” or “one in four women on campus suffer sexual assault”).

"Next he mounts a shrill campaign to demand “fairness” and “equality” (demonstrations, demonization of public figures, boycotts, media campaigns, showing up outside the homes of supposed enemies of the people, getting “in their faces,” and metaphorically “taking a gun to a knife fight,” etc.).

"Finally, he is willing to meet with authorities (such as the mayor, city council, various legislators, college president, police, etc.). Then the organizer subtly offers “solutions,” a euphemism for payoffs such as new laws, favorable executive orders, lucrative jobs for himself and friends, community block grants, diversity hires, some sort of reparations and set-asides, legal exemptions, new community programs, etc. Soon the organizer’s original radical demands metamorphosize from being shrill and costly to mainstream, doable and akin to cost-effective protection money. And then onto the next victim.

"The community organizer himself usually ends up quite well off, in the manner of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s mini-mansion on the golf course, or Barack Obama’s book deals, spousal income, home and expansive yard (the latter thanks to Tony Rezko’s largess). The spectrum of community organizers ranges widely, from the buffoonish Al Sharpton to the suave Barack Obama of the 1990s. Univision’s activist Jorge Ramos is a telegenic community organizer of sorts, and he has parlayed his victim shtick into becoming an aristocrat with all the perks of the .0001% — and a multimillion-dollar salary. In good community-organizer fashion, Ramos does not send his children to schools with sizable enrollments of illegal aliens or live in the barrio analogous to those in Delano or Parlier.

"Community organizing under President Obama has been applied to the country at large. "Obama may have wrecked the Democratic Party (loss of the Senate, loss of the House, minority status in all the state legislatures and governorships, well below 50% approval rating of the president, etc.), which now is on the path to becoming openly neo-socialist. But at least he did community organize and thus divide the United States in rather radical ways.

Obama by intent has shattered the populace into dozens of fragments. He cannot put the country back together again, but he did glue enough shards together to reconstruct half of a Humpty Dumpty America, and thus a narrow majority in 2012."
Emphasis added. TD

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Krauthammer: Obama's foreign policy it to make it look as if something is happening

This petulant juvenile has blamed others for his failures for seven years. I see him dragging out US foreign affairs to pass his mess on to the next administration, which is what one would expect from a politician who spent his elected political life voting "present".
When out of office, expect Obama to sit on the sidelines, speaking snarkily about how he would have handled this nation's affairs much better. The Tunnel Dweller

"President Obama said he didn’t break his vow not to send U.S. troops to Syria when he sent U.S. troops to Syria. He said it was nullified when he sent U.S. troops to Iraq, which he’d vowed not to do. Barack Obama’s Syria strategy is so screwed up he’s trying to change the subject to his Iraq strategy."  Comedian Argus Hamilton

Krauthammer’s Take: Obama’s Foreign Policy Is ‘Make It Look as if Something Is Happening’
"President Obama knows sending 50 special ops forces into Syria won’t accomplish anything, but doing so gives the appearance of having a foreign policy, Charles Krauthammer charged tonight on Fox News’s Special Report. “Five years into this civil war and you have done nothing,”

"Krauthammer said. By announces he’s sending in a limited number of soldiers, Obama is trying to ”give the appearance of motion — make it look as if something is happening so at least he can issue statements.”

“ 'The Russians and Iranians have shown they will do something,” Krauthammer continued. “Obama shown over and over again, 50 special ops in this vast Kurdish area, everybody knows it’s a joke. And the irony is, the Turks have been attacking our Kurdish allies in that enclave, which is why we can’t do a fly zone.' ” 

"Gentle Giant" Michael Brown's criminal record released to journalist. It ain't pretty

Michael Brown’s Criminal Past Revealed To Journalist By St. Louis Authorities

Photo credit: a katz /
a katz /

"Journalist Charles C. Johnson of Got News confirmed earlier this month that he was told by multiple St. Louis area authorities that Michael Brown had a substantial criminal record as a juvenile – including a second-degree murder charge.

Liberal media forced to abandon any pretense of objectivity

The Conservative-Media Revolution Has Forced the Liberal Media to Abandon Any Pretense of Objectivity by Rush Limbaugh

. . . "I firmly believe that the conservative-media revolution has caused the liberal media to abandon any pretense of objectivity and fairness and actively advocate on the Left’s behalf. This has led in turn to the hyper-partisan nature of our politics today. When Republicans were perennial losers and happy about it, the media could stay hidden behind their wall of phony objectivity. But they were called out. Now there is a fierce competition for the hearts and minds of the American people, which the Left used to believe it owned.

"So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington. That is on the Democrats and the Left, for trying to destroy the traditions and institutions that have defined this country. We stand in defense of this great nation, and we always will. And we look forward to the Republican party’s someday joining us."

"—Mr. Limbaugh hosts the most-listened-to radio talk show in America, airing on more than 600 stations. This article originally appeared in the November 19, 2015, issue of National Review."

File this under "American Silliness": The DOE is now in the high school girl's shower

American Thinker  "For more than two decades Americans have become desensitized to the arrogance, hubris and general incompetence of Washington insiders. Each succeeding administration has seemingly tried to outdo the previous administration in outrageous conduct, whether it be in creative tax burdens or reasons for sending young Americans to other countries to fight and die. Every day brings another revelation causing Americans to roll their eyes, shake their heads, and wonder what, if anything, can be done to a government that seems to pay no attention to its citizens whatsoever."
. . .
"The U.S. Department of Education has tried for the last 7 years to implement the Obama administration’s numerous social engineering agendas and failed. It is time to abolish the Department of Education, strip it of the multi-billion-dollar budget, and put the Office of Education in place such as existed before 1979."

Will the NFL boycott Houston for keeping boys out of girls' showers?. . . Now that Houston has rejected a law that would have required schools to let disguised boys shower with young girls in schools (and other places), there is some talk that there may be an economic backlash – notably that the NFL may not hold the Super Bowl in Houston because of it.

From Houston, Signs of How the Democratic Party Is Bound to Fracture   . . . "The liberal white lady du jour is Houston mayor Annise Parker, who has just failed — spectacularly — in her tireless and ruthless campaign to bring Houstonians’ private opinions under political discipline through a so-called civil-rights ordinance that would have made the abolition of penis-bearing persons (we used to call them “men”) from the ladies’ locker room an official offense in the same category of wrongdoing as shoving Rosa Parks to the back of the bus. But the voters in this overwhelmingly non-Anglo city saw things differently: 61 percent of Houston’s largely progressive voters opposed the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO, naturally). " . . .

The Lesson of Kentucky and Houston: Social-Justice Bullies Lose  , , , "And it was bullying that Houston citizens recognized all too well. One year ago, the activist, lesbian mayor of Houston subpoenaed the sermons and other communications of five pastors — men who opposed the city’s expansive nondiscrimination ordinance. The subpoenas weren’t limited to sermons about the so-called HERO act; they demanded “emails, instant messages, and text messages” on “equal rights, civil rights, homosexuality, or gender identity.” Houston had launched a direct attack on religious freedom."

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Obama's Achievements at Home and Abroad Crumble

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Jennifer Rubin   "President Obama’s biggest domestic “accomplishment,” Obamacare, and his biggest foreign policy objective, extracting the United States from the Middle East and redesigning our alliances (Iran in, Israel out), are now Exhibits A and B in the argument for jettisoning the Democrats from the White House. At the very least these issues, combined with a lackluster economy, suggest Hillary Clinton will have trouble running for a “third Obama term.' ”
. . .
"And where is Clinton’s plan for untangling the mess she and her former boss are leaving behind? Again, Republicans should be focused on the debacle the Obama-Clinton-Kerry brain trust is leaving behind. Instead, too many Republican presidential candidates play to the know-nothing crowd and argue we have no interest in the Syrian “civil war.”

"Republicans should extract themselves from internal squabbles over debate rules and look around. The country and the international scene are fraught with problems, the direct result of the Democrats’ policy choices. Republicans, isn’t [it] time to leave the debate bickering and take up the policy cudgel?"

Weasel of the Week Nominees for 11/3/15

Watchers Council

"It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!

"Here are this week’s nominees…
"The Noisy Room: My nomination this week goes to Bill Gates and his carbon tax scam. He wants to spend $2 billion of his own money on it as an investment. That should tell you something. His says the private sector is too selfish and inefficient to get the job done. Bill Gates is not a socialist… he’s a fascist. " . . .

Fausta’s Blog: Carl Quintanilla, who came up with “”Congressional Republicans, Democrats and the White House are about to strike a compromise that would raise the debt limit, prevent a government shutdown, and calm financial markets of the fear that a Washington crisis is on the way. Does your opposition to it show you’re not the kind of problem-solver that American voters want?”'‘

"The Independent Sentinel: Whoopi Goldberg is my weasel of the week.
After the “ladies” of The View insulted Carly Fiorina’s appearance during the debate, she said if she ever gets invited back onto the show, she’d like to see if they’d say that to her face.
"Well, apparently, the catty women on The View didn’t like being called out for being rude. They invited Carly back on Friday and she’s going, but Whoopi, who won’t be present on Friday, took the coward’s way out and insulted her during Monday’s show." . . .

 What a despicable group of Weasels… ANY OF THEM COULD WIN! Check back Thursday to see which Weasel walks off with the statuette of shame!

Democrats at your door

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

New Poll: Obama Has Poisoned Race Relations in America  . . . "Who can blame Americans for thinking the nation is more divided along racial lines?

"When our poll was taken in late October, respondents heard news that authorities in St. Louis are bracing for more senseless riots. Black street agitators bussed in from Chicago are spoiling for a race war, egged on by an attorney general who's tried to convince African-Americans that white cops like Darren Wilson are gunning for them, despite forensic and other evidence refuting such garbage.

"These polls also reflect campaign attack ads showing Obama-yoked Democrats resorting to shameless race-baiting in the final days of a congressional election that promises to repudiate them and their party leader.

"Obama, the son of an African father and white mother, was supposed to put race behind us. He was supposed to bring whites and blacks together. Instead, he has fanned the flames of racial discord, even coordinating with the worst hustlers in the racial grievance industry.

"A White House aide explained to the Washington Post how it is that Al Sharpton became Obama's go-to guy on race: "There's a trust factor with The Rev from the Oval Office on down. He gets it."

"What Sharpton "gets" apparently is what no misty-eyed white who voted for Obama gets — that this president, like Sharpton, sees everything through the lens of race. And he injects race into virtually every issue."   More here.

Obama Hopes His Successor Will Care As Much About Race Issues as He Does
. . . "Obama said he’s “proud” that his presidency has been able to address issues of racial disparity and racial justice, saying, “I do so hoping that my successor, who’s not African-American, if he or she is not, that they’ll be just as concerned as I am.”
Video at the link.

Is this bloodshed Islam's Reformation?

"The current mess looks remarkably like the Thirty Years War with its religious underpinnings, warring states and over-involved mega powers."

Andrew Klavan  "This from a Wall Street Journal piece celebrating the October 31st anniversary of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses, the 1517 protest against Church practices that is usually regarded as the start of Christianity’s Reformation. Joseph Loconte, an associate professor at the Christian King’s College, writes:

Given the failed revolutions of the Arab Spring, can Islam undergo a similar reformation? One hopeful sign is the outrage at the atrocities carried out under the banner of Islam.
"Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the relentlessly heroic crusader against Islamism, and the author of Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now, also finds hope in Islamic protests against Islamist atrocities."

"One can hope. But the tenets of Westphalia grew out of Christian thinking and Christian religion. Christians were appalled by the bloodletting of the the Thirty Years War precisely because it violated the central preachings of the Prince of Peace: Love your enemies; bless them that curse you; do good to them that hate you. The outline for modern statehood and separation of church and state were written into the Gospels: Judge not lest ye be judged; render under Caesar that which is Caesar and unto God that which is God’s, and so on."

Hillary supporters asked if they approve of Sharia Law; their answers make one fear for this country

Clash Daily  "This proves to all of America just how dumb and clueless people who support Hillary Clinton are. If their answers don’t shock you, I don’t know what will. "

"Hillary Clinton supporters in California mindlessly agree with anything and everything Hillary supposedly says. In an experiment, media analyst Mark Dice tells Hillary fans that one of her primary campaign promises is to implement Sharia Law in America. Mark Dice's shocking Man on the Street Monday series continues."
Wayne Dupree:  "This is beyond a facepalm! Hillary Clinton supporters are all for expansion of Islamic “Sharia Law” to impact the rights of women in America! They don’t have the slightest idea what “Sharia Law” even is. They are clueless — which is exactly what Hillary and the Democrats are counting on. "