Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Liberals, Conservatives and Islam

Candidates Perform Contortions to Avoid Saying ‘Radical Islam’ at #DemDebate
Video: Bernie Sanders: Climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism

“OH, HAPPY DAY!” The French leftist reaction in the wake of the massacre of more than 130 of their fellow countrymen by Muslim terrorists
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
Why Even the Thinking Left Owns Paris  . . . "By helping to stifle speech on one front, Maher was empowering those like Affleck who were prepared to stifle it on another. The model was there for all to share. Call someone a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe, or an Islamophobe, and you shut up all but the boldest. Those you can’t shut up -- a Pam Geller say or even a Donald Trump -- you dismiss as an extremist. With a war against the West raging, and real leaders silenced, institutions ranging from Yale and the University of Missouri to the White House and France’s Palais de l'Élysée are left in the hands of passive defenders and active collaborators.

"Maher has his moments of clarity. If he West is to prevail, he and his buddies on the left need a whole lot more."

Muslims in Brussels honking, clapping in celebration of Paris Massacre   Or could it be just a wedding celebration?

You will never guess how the U.S. is 'vetting' Syrian refugees . . . "Normally, if someone wants to come into the United States, say, from France or Germany, our government can check with the French or German government to see if this person has a criminal record, or even is who he says he is.
"But when it comes to refugees from Syria, what is called "vetting" relies mostly on one source of information: the refugee."

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

“OH, HAPPY DAY!” The French leftist reaction in the wake of the massacre of more than 130 of their fellow countrymen by Muslim terrorists  

Monday, November 16, 2015

Why won't radical Islam work with us to stop climate change?

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

"We shouldn't allow this isolated event in Paris to take our eye off the ball. After all we have our President, Secretary of State and top Democratic candidate focused like a laser beam on the most dangerous threat to our freedom; climate change. They are showing true leadership. Al Gore was doing a 24 hour webcast at the Eiffel Tower Friday the 13th on climate change. If only the terrorists had been listening maybe they could have understood how much we cared and the attack wouldn’t have happened.

"Thank goodness France is a gun free zone. That kept them safe." . . .
. . . "When I heard about the Paris attack, I thought for sure it was caused by a video no one had seen.

"Heaven help us!"

Blaming Eric Snowden for Paris

Friday’s attacks are reopening the debate on whether intelligence leaks and encryption have made it too easy for terrorists to hide online.  . . . "Still, there’s no denying the political context. The criticism of Snowden comes as intelligence officials seek to reopen a debate over the balance between security and privacy — a balance that seemed, before the deaths of 129 individuals in Paris, to have been settled firmly in favor of civil liberties. U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials have complained publicly that encryption tools — in iPhones, laptops and mobile software like Facebook-owned WhatsApp — allow terrorists, drug dealers and other criminals to “go dark” and avoid monitoring.
"In his memoirs earlier this year, Morell said Snowden's revelations had a near-immediate effect on intelligence gathering: Within weeks, “communications sources dried up, tactics were changed."

Argus Hamilton looks at current events

Safe Space

"Missouri student protesters on Thursday demanded a place on campus that is free of any First Amendment inquiry, free of any conservatives disagreeing with them, and free of hearing anything that’s hurtful. They call it a safe space. The idea’s modeled on President Obama’s first year in office."
 "Missouri student protesters on Thursday demanded a place on campus that is free of any First Amendment inquiry, free of any conservatives disagreeing with them, and free of hearing anything that’s hurtful. They call it a safe space. The idea’s modeled on President Obama’s first year in office."
 "The Washington Post reported Hillary Clinton’s story that she tried to enlist in the Marines in the Seventies isn’t true. It sounded true. According to the recruiter, Hillary really did apply to the U.S. Marines but after she took the psychological test they told her we weren’t THAT mad at the Viet Cong."

See map of places where Obama is transplanting Syrian refugees

Doug Ross Journal

. . . "Obama's "first load of 10,000 Syrian refugees arrived in the U.S., where they will be resettled into 180 unsuspecting U.S. communities.

"Coincidentally one of the Paris suicide bombers had
a Syrian passport and used the refugee crisis to enter Europe.

'There is no question that ISIS is using the refugee crisis and a feckless (or malicious) administration policy to smuggle terrorists into the country.

"Where are the Syrian refugees and/or the ISIS terrorists being relocated? The pathetic stooges at
The New York Times were kind enough to publish a detailed map (click on the map to explodify)."

Sunday, November 15, 2015

PC in America

(Yes — the posters included things this dumb)

...Blaming gun violence

A closer look at the climate-change consensus

The Great Climate Lie
. . . "Professor Richard Tol of the University of Sussex published a rebuttal of Cook’s paper in the journal Energy Policy. According to Tol, the 97 percent claim, “frequently repeated in debates about climate policy, does not stand. . . . [Cook’s] sample is not representative and contains many irrelevant papers. Overall, data quality is low. Cook’s validation test shows that the data are invalid. Data disclosure is incomplete so the key results cannot be reproduced or tested.”

"So: The sample selected for study was flawed. The analysis of that sample was flawed. The conclusion drawn from that analysis was flawed. And the reporting of that conclusion was flawed. To quote Professor Mike Hulme of the University of East Anglia, as quoted by Popular Technology, “the ‘97 percent consensus’ article is poorly conceived, poorly designed and poorly executed.”

"Normally, when faced with the “scientific consensus” on global warming, conservatives dig in and say that science is not a democracy — which, of course, is true. Before Copernicus and Galileo, roughly 97 percent of scientists believed the sun orbited the earth. But what conservatives ought to do is to stop accepting the Left’s nonsense premise: There is simply no evidence of a 97 percent consensus on global warming." . . .

By the way, did you remember there was a Democrat debate this weekend?

Three highlights (actually, lowlights) of the Democratic presidential debate  "During the Democratic presidential debate lots of dumb stuff was bandied about. Including:
Bernie Sanders’ wild assertion that (1) climate change is the greatest national security threat the United States faces, and (2) climate change and terrorism are inextricably linked. Per Sanders, “climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism.” Wow. I did not know that. Thanks Uncle Bernie! Quick question for ya’: Since you believe that climate change is a relatively new phenomenon, how do you explain 1400 years of Muslims trying to conquer the world?

"Meanwhile, all three candidates expressed unwavering commitment to bringing more “refugees” to the United States. Even in the face of this week’s terror attacks. Sanders said we have a “moral responsibility” to these “refugees.” (Heaven forbid we have a moral responsibility to ourselves.) " . . .

Candidates Perform Contortions to Avoid Saying ‘Radical Islam’ at #DemDebate

"The first 20 or so minutes of last night’s Democrat debate was devoted to national security with an emphasis on the terror attacks in Paris. It was a subject that made everyone on stage visibly uncomfortable.

"Jenna Lifhits of the Washington Free Beacon:

"Hillary Clinton refused to use the term “radical Islam” to describe groups like the Islamic State Saturday at the Democratic debate, despite having used the term “radical Islamic jihadist groups” four days prior.

"When moderator John Dickerson asked Clinton whether she agreed with Sen. Marco Rubio’s (R., Fla.) statement that the Paris attacks show “that we are at war with Radical Islam,” Clinton said she would use a term other than “Radical Islam.' ” . . .
“I don’t think we’re at war with Islam,” she said Saturday. “I don’t think we’re at war with all Muslims. I think we’re at war with jihadists.”

Drudge reports on the Islamic influx into Europe - and probably America

The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations
The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into the EU

"The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations – hidden amongst innocent refugees.

"The ISIS smuggler, who is in his thirties and is described as having a trimmed jet-black beard, revealed the ongoing clandestine operation is a complete success.

" 'Just wait," he smiled.

"The Islamic State operative spoke exclusively to BuzzFeed on the condition of anonymity and is believed to be the first to confirm plans to infiltrate western countries" . . .

. . . “ 'My concern is that Isis have actually said that they will use the migrant wave to flood Europe with half a million of their jihadi fighters,” he said in a radio interview, “Now even if that’s wrong, even it its only 5,000 - even if it’s only 500 - I am very worried about that.' ” . . .

Madonna Wrong To Think Terrorists Will Stop By Giving Them “Dignity And Respect” And “Love Unconditionally”  "Does Madonna really think if we gave ISIS “love unconditionally” they would no longer perpetrate horrific acts of violence? And can Madonna really “love unconditionally” a group that beheads, throws over the sides of building, and stones to death men for being gay?"

Mizzou Campus Activists and Black Lives Matter   Complain About Paris Stealing the Spotlight . . ."Black Lives Matter and Mizzou protesters responded to the murder of scores of people in Paris at the hands of Islamic extremists by complaining about losing the spotlight and saying their “struggles” were being “erased.” Their struggles, remember, consist of a poop swastika of unknown provenance and unsubstantiated claims of racially-charged remarks somewhere near Missouri’s campus."

"Time for Obama to lead us or resign"

"He has put his intellect and rhetorical skills into the dishonorable service of assigning blame and fudging failure."
Michael Goodwin

It’s time for Obama to make a choice: Lead us or resign

. . . "That eternal truth is so obvious that it should not need to be said. Yet even after the horrific slaughter in Paris, there remains a distressing doubt about whether America’s commander in chief gets it.

"President Obama has spent the last seven years trying to avoid the world as it is. He has put his intellect and rhetorical skills into the dishonorable service of assigning blame and fudging failure. If nuances were bombs, Islamic State would have been destroyed years ago.

"He refuses to say “Islamic terrorism,” as if that would offend the peaceful Muslims who make up the vast bulk of victims. He rejects the word “war,” even as jihadists carry out bloodthirsty attacks against Americans and innocent peoples around the world.

"He shuns the mantle of global leadership that comes with the Oval Office, with an aide advancing the preposterous concept that Obama is “leading from behind.” He snubs important partners like Egypt, showers concessions on the apocalyptic mullahs of Iran, and called the Islamic State the “jayvee team” even as it was beginning to create a caliphate." . . .

Cruz: Obama ‘does not wish to defend this country’

Putin Laughs Off Obama At G20 Summit  . . . "When images of Barack Obama shaking hands with President-host Erdogan flashed across one of the many monitors placed throughout the G20 summit it proved further fodder for rebuke by the Russian strongman, who then pointed to a monitor while shaking his head at the sight of the widely smiling and seemingly passive American president."
. . .
"Just a day prior to the Paris terror attacks President Obama again said publicly that ISIS was contained. That opinion is said to have been repeated among various world leaders as they meet in Turkey, only lessening Mr. Obama’s already plummeting  significance on the world stage."

The Other Shoe Dropped at the Bataclan

The Gates of Vienna

"The first shoe hit the floor back in 2008, and it has taken seven years — far longer than the Muslims who made the threats had intended — for the other shoe to fall.

"The jihad atrocities committed in Paris last night strongly resembled those carried out in Mumbai almost exactly seven years ago. But this year’s earlier attacks in Paris (the Charlie Hebdo massacres) and Copenhagen were the same type of action on a smaller scale. And in all three the attacks targeting the native ethnic group were immediately followed by a concerted effort to hit Jewish targets and kill Jews.

"Bearing that in mind, Vlad and I waited last night for grim news to emerge from one of the Jewish neighborhoods in Paris. We expected it to happen before anyone claimed responsibility for the attacks — that would be the normal pattern. But the Islamic State announced that it was responsible for all the terror and bloodshed in the wee hours, without any Jewish targets being hit.

"Or so it seemed." . . .

Waging the War on "Terror", Vichy-Style

"Our premodern enemies have certainly got our postmodern number. Newsmen compete to warn us not of more jihadists to come or the nature of the Islamist hatred that fuels these murderers, but instead fret about Western “backlash” on the horizon, about how nativists and right-wingers may now “scapegoat” immigrants." 

Victor Davis Hanson
"A few hours before the catastrophic attack in Paris, President Obama had announced that ISIS was now “contained,” a recalibration of his earlier assessments of “on the run” and “Jayvees” from a few years back. In the hours following the attack of jihadist suicide bombers and mass murderers in Paris, the Western press talked of the “scourge of terrorism” and “extremist violence”. Who were these terrorists and generic extremists who slaughtered the innocent in Paris — anti-abortionists, Klansmen, Tea-party zealots?

"Middle Eastern websites may be crowing over the jihadist rampage and promising more to come, but this past week in the United States we were obsessed over a yuppie son of a multi-millionaire showboating his pseudo-grievances by means of a psychodramatic hunger strike at the University of Missouri and a crowd of cry-baby would-be fascists at Yale bullying a wimpy teacher over supposedly hurtful Halloween costumes. I guess that is the contemporary American version of Verdun and the Battle of the Bulge."
. . . "What is the answer?   The free world must declare war on radical Islam, an all-out war.  But it also must work with those Muslims who say they are against violence to somehow change the Islamic teachings to eliminate the calls for violence. Our US President had the opportunity to do so when Egypt’s President Sisi called for a revision to Islamic teachings at the beginning of this year. Yet Obama has been totally quiet in response.  His devotion to Islamic change must surely be questioned given any lack of action." . . .