"The point was not lost on them: Americans are weakening and seeking a path of retreat. Osama bin Laden may be dead (the best accomplishment of this administration), but his words live on: Arabs will always cleave to the Strong Horse. That is not a horse Mr. Obama wants to ride."Robert Morrison
"President Obama is not interested in winning any wars. He is interested in ending them by withdrawing from them. While many conservatives complain he never utters the word Islamist to describe our enemies, we might be equally concerned that he never says the word victory.
"Victory was the one-word message that Winston Churchill spoke when he assumed office in 1940. He was not interested in negotiating with the Nazis (Nozzies, as he contemptuously called them). He intended to “beat the life” out of the Hun. And he did.
"President Obama prefers to negotiate with Iran and to use pinprick surgical strikes against ISIS. President Obama and his mouthpieces are ever so respectful of ISIS. Many of us regard ISIS as Islamist Savagery Inspired by Satan. But this administration is careful to refer to them as IS, ISIL, or even Daesh – using their Arabic designator.
"That’s not too surprising. Mr. Obama’s CIA director, John Brennan, holds the dubious distinction of being the first U.S. official in history to deliver a speech in which he referred to Jerusalem first by its Arabic name, al Quds." . . .
"That’s not too surprising. Mr. Obama’s CIA director, John Brennan, holds the dubious distinction of being the first U.S. official in history to deliver a speech in which he referred to Jerusalem first by its Arabic name, al Quds." . . .