Sad, because I consider the Bush family to be good people.
Roll Call
Roll Call
. . . "Right to Rise raised $103 million in 2015 and has spent more than $65 million so far. But nine months after he got into the race, Bush has collapsed from first to a tie for worst and is now polling at less than 5 percent nationally.
"There’s no nice way to say this, and I’ll take it back if he wins, but Bush's super PAC donors just wasted $103 million. It’s only made more mind-boggling by what all of that money could have paid for instead, including the sorts of things his family has always worked for. For $103 million, the donors could have:
- Bought 20 million children’s books for the Barbara Bush Foundation.
- Sent 22,421 4-year-olds to preschool for a year.
- Covered a year's tuition for 10,624 students to go to college.
- Paid for a year of anti-retroviral drug treatment for 719,424 children in Africa. Read it again — 719,424 children.
. . . Hat tip to Infowars