According to the White House pool report, Obama spent approximately 15 minutes in another room “meeting with others.”
"Friday, the Obamas spent approximately 35 seconds in front of the casket and then approximately 67 seconds in front of the portrait of Scalia.
"The Obamas will not be attending Scalia’s funeral on Saturday. Vice President Joe Biden and his wife Jill will be attending.
"According to the White House pool report, Obama spent approximately 15 minutes in another room “meeting with others.' ”
Take WILD Guess What Obama Did on a Sunny Saturday Instead of Scalia’s Funeral . . . But, by Sunday, the urge to put work and remembrance aside and play some golf was just too strong to ignore.
. . . Mr. Obama will (sarcasm alert!) also visit the grave of Che Guevara as part of a solemn ceremony which involves leaving a large briefcase of cash behind the headstone, feeling that "somehow I owe it" to the revolutionary's sole surviving granddaughter, Texas judge Cinderela Guevera.
"Still, Barry isn't completely stiffing Scalia's funeral (so to speak). No, he's sending...