RedState "Come, I will conceal nothing from you: I turned on the debate, then turned it off because I thought that it was going to be as dull as dishwater. And then I turned it back on, because people emailed me asking why I wasn’t watching Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz eat Donald Trump’s liver. If you missed the debate, this pretty much epitomizes what Marco Rubio was like tonight. From Marco Rubio’s store:
Rubio's Trump Watch
"The actual quote was, I believe, “If Donald Trump hadn’t inherited $200 million, he’d be selling $10 watches in Manhattan.” Which is, of course, true. And I am highly gratified to hear somebody say that to Donald Trump’s face." Moe LaneRubio's Trump Watch
PS: The other thing to take away from this is that you should not think that I didn’t enjoy watching Ted Cruz staple every corrupt Democrat for the last forty years (there were a lot of age jokes at Trump’s expense, and he mostly missed them) to Donald Trump’s forehead. If you’re a Cruz supporter, he did a great job today. I just love that watch.