Friday, February 26, 2016

While Obama fiddles ...

Charles Krauthammer  "State of the world, Year Eight of Barack Obama:
"1. In the South China Sea, on a speck of land of disputed sovereignty far from its borders, China has just installed antiaircraft batteries and stationed fighter jets. This after China landed planes on an artificial island it created on another disputed island chain (the Spratlys, claimed by the Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam). These facilities now function as forward bases for Beijing to challenge seven decades of American naval dominance of the Pacific Rim." . . .
"2. Syria. Russian intervention has turned the tide of war. Having rescued the Bashar al-Assad regime from collapse, relentless Russian bombing is destroying the rebel stronghold of Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, creating a massive new wave of refugees and demonstrating to the entire Middle East what a Great Power can achieve when it acts seriously.
"The U.S. response? Repeated pathetic attempts by Secretary of State John Kerry to propitiate Russia (and its ally, Iran) in one collapsed peace conference after another. On Sunday, he stepped out to announce yet another“provisional agreement in principle” on “a cessation of hostilities” that the CIA director, the defense secretary and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff deem little more than a ruse.
Obama Syrian Policy
3. Ukraine. Having swallowed Crimea so thoroughly that no one even talks about it anymore, Russia continues to trample with impunity on the Minsk cease-fire agreements. Vladimir Putin is now again stirring the pot,intensifying the fighting, advancing his remorseless campaign to fracture and subordinate the Ukrainian state. Meanwhile, Obama still refuses to send the Ukrainians even defensive weapons.
"4. Iran. Last Thursday, Iran . . . is negotiating an $8 billion arms deal with Russia that includes sophisticated combat aircraft. Like its ballistic missile tests, this conventional weapons shopping spree is a blatant violation of U.N. Security Council prohibitions. It was also a predictable — and predicted — consequence of the Iran nuclear deal that granted Iran $100 billion and normalized its relations with the world." . . .  Emphases added, TD

Just so you know, Mr. Chamberlain had his red line and when Hitler crossed it, he led his nation to war against the Nazis. 

Three Simple Questions for Trump Supporters

If I were the Washington establishment, I would be publicly tut-tutting Donald Trump about his rhetoric every day -- and going to sleep with a big smile on my face every night.
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Daren Jonescu  . . . "In light of this consistent pattern of preemptive assault from the "left" and "right" against all anti-establishment GOP candidates, isn't it odd that Trump, who has been the obvious frontrunner in the primaries since last summer, and who presents as inviting a target for a media takedown effort as any candidate has ever presented, has been given a pass?  In fact, he's been given much better than a pass.  Aside from the nonstop free advertising he is getting as celebrity of the year, the most overtly leftist news network, MSNBC, has actively helped to create an aura of inevitability around him, and to demean his opponents.  Meanwhile, has there been even one serious attempt on any twenty-four hour news network to dredge up and pursue any kind of scandal, ugly rumor, old girlfriends, shady business associates, anything at all that might undermine his campaign?"

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Revealed: 'Bullied' employee had been issued a restraining order 90 MINUTES before going on deadl UPDATEDy workplace rampage that killed three and wounded 14 in Kansask

UK Daily Mail   "Law enforcement officials in Kansas revealed Friday that the gunman who killed three people and wounded 14 on Thursday was issued a restraining order that afternoon, which may have triggered the deadly rampage at the factory where he worked.
Father-of-two Cedric Ford, 38, clocked in to work at lawn-mower manufacture firm Excel Industries in Hesston, Kansas, on Thursday morning. But hours later he left - and returned with a high-powered rifle, police said"Father-of-two Cedric Ford, 38, clocked in to work as a painter at lawn-mower manufacturing firm Excel Industries in the city of Hesston on Thursday morning.
"But hours later he left - and returned with a .223-caliber assault-style rifle and a pistol.
"He allegedly gunned down victims in multiple locations and stole a car along the road back to Excel Industries at 5pm on Thursday. The stolen car's driver was one of the three killed.
"Harvey County Sheriff T. Walton said this morning that the sheriff's office served Ford a protection from abuse order involving his gilfriend at around 3.30pm Thursday, and that he thinks it was likely what led to the attack, which began about 90 minutes later." . . . 

UPDATE: Mass Shooting Swept Under Rug After Liberals Learn Suspect is Black  "Liberals across social media became oddly quiet Thursday evening after it was learned that a mass shooting in Kansas, which took the lives of three and injured as many as 16, was carried out by a black male."
"Hesston Police Chief Doug Schroeder, who is being hailed as a hero by his local community, is said to have stopped the mass shooting after being the first officer on scene.
“ 'He went right in and did a heroic duty and service,” Gov. Sam Brownback said." . . . Do I hear Obama saying, "The police acted stupidly"?

Some small thoughts on the GOP debate

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, hillary, bernie, trump, debate

. . . "Hillary Clinton really did hurl the blood of young Sandy Hook victims at Bernie Sanders as she accused him of not supporting gun legislation as draconian as she wants. Bernie, in turn, says that Hillary made poverty worse in our nation through her support of Bill Clinton's welfare reforms which required able-bodied people to (gasp!) look for work while receiving benefits." . . .

. . . "As usual, Ben Carson got almost no time to talk but came across as the nicest guy on the stage. Rubio and Cruz tag-teamed Trump, and both were eloquent and convincing. Kasich got less time, but every answer impressed favorably*: it's hard to argue against a guy who has experience as a Governor and in Washington, and who has succeeded in both roles.  
"Unsurprisingly, Trump was petulant, argumentative, and vague - and seemed off his game when being challenged on policy positions (or being asked for specifics) by his opponents." . . . 
Kasich - who is from Ohio, by the way - struck me as most irritating, yet most qualified. TD.    Selwyn Duke takes issue with this: 

Cupcake Kasich is a (Rather Dull) Tyrant Enabler  
. . . “it’s time to move on.” It’s no wonder Republicans long ago move[d] on from the idea of him as president.
. . . "As for Kasich’s desire for popularity, it’s pretty hard to achieve when your implied campaign slogan is “A chicken-hearted politician in every office and a coerced cupcake in every cupboard.' ”

GOP Debate; Dr. Ben Carson: After I Spoke Out Against Obamacare – I Was Audited by Obama IRS

theGatewayPundit   "Dr. Ben Carson told the audience tonight at the CNN GOP debate that after he spoke out against Obamacare at the National Prayer Breakfast he was audited by the Obama IRS.

"Ben Carson Criticized Obama TO HIS FACE At The National Prayer Breakfast In 2013 (MRCTV)
obama carson
"Dr. Carson: I never had an audit until I spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast. And then all of the sudden they came in and said, “We just want to look at your real estate dealings.” And then they didn’t find anything. And then they took a look at the whole year. And they didn’t find anything. And then they looked at the next year and they didn’t find anything. And they won’t find anything… The fact is the IRS is not honest and we have to get rid of them."

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Branco Cartoon – Working the Ref

Mark Zuckerberg Outraged His Employees Keep Scratching Out “Black Lives Matter” And Writing “All Lives Matter” On Company’s Wall…

With the Clintons, the political scandals never stop

NY Post  “ 'Drip, drip, drip” — so US District Judge Emmett Sullivan described the constant trickle of disclosures on Hillary Clinton’s email.
“When does it stop?” he demanded.
"With the Clintons, it never does. Ever.
"It’s not that they invite scandal. They greet it at the door, give it a seat by the fire, beg it to stay for a few more rounds and then crash on the couch — or in the Lincoln Bedroom.
"After two presidents who’ve served beyond personal reproach, many Americans have forgotten the eight-year stream of Clinton scandals — right up to the pardons for fat-cat donors in Bill’s final days in the White House. If Hillary wins come November, it’ll all start up again.
"Indeed, Judge Sullivan just ensured that she’d take office with at least one investigation still open." . . .
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Weasel Of The Week!! – 02/25/16

Noisy Room  "Yes, once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!
Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all slimy and despicable, but the votes are in and we have our winner… the envelope please…"
Twitter CEO And Anti-Free Speech Gauleiter Jack Dorsey!!
Nice Deb: I’m going to nominate Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey for saying in extreme weasel-like fashion, that “Twitter stands for freedom of expression, speaking truth to power, and empowering dialogue. That starts with safety.”
His emphasis was on “safety” (for special SSW snowflakes) over freedom of expression, truth to power, etc.
With the company’s decision to appoint an Orwellian “Trust and Safety Council,” freedom of expression and the ability to speak truth to power has already come under assault.
Dorsey appointed assorted lefties and Social Justice Warriors like Anita Sarkeesian to be on the council and it hasn’t taken them long to use it as a platform to go after critics of feminism:
Sarkeesian’s critics accuse her of using claims of online harassment to discredit her critics and get them kicked off of services like—you guessed it—Twitter. So when Sarkeesian and the “dangerous speech” types got appointed as Twitter’s speech police, there was reason to think they’re going to turn Twitter into a university-style “safe space” where “safety” is assured by removing advocates of opposing ideas.
 But wait! There's more! . . .

A Response to the Millennial Who Thinks She's Entitled to Everything

Mark Griswold   "By now, most people are probably aware of the latest stupidity trending on social media.  If not, to briefly recap, on Friday, a spoiled brat named Talia Jane flipped her boss the bird via an open letter on and, surprise of surprises, got the axe.  Unfortunately, the idiocy in this nation has reached such a fever pitch that one must address it, and address it daily, before we all wake up one day to find a reality TV star in the White House.

"Talia Jane's letters are so full of irony that if this wasn't the year 2016 and millennials weren't sucking up half the air in this country and supporting, rather unironically, someone who was the '60s answer to Millennialism, I'd think her story was ripped from the pages of The Onion.

"Talia Jane is into "comedy – writing – better at thinking about things than actually doing them."  Doesn't that last bit just encapsulate the millennial generation perfectly?

North Korea threatens to carry out attacks on 'mainland America' if the US carries out planned military drill with South Korean troops

Will Obama stand his ground? Under him the US has become the Cowardly Lion.  TD

UK Mail  "North Korea has threatened to attack 'mainland America' if the U.S. carries out a planned military drill with South Korean troops next month.
"The secretive state has reacted with anger after it was revealed more than 300,000 American and South Korean troops were planning to hold their biggest ever annual exercise following the North's nuclear tests earlier this year.
"It is said the parallel Key Resolve and Foal Eagle exercises will include a staged 'pre-emptive strike' against the North - apparently leaving leader Kim Jong-Un seething.
"Pyongyang has said if there is even a 'slight sign' of such exercises taking place, it will use all its might to hit back - claiming the first target would be South Korea's presidential Blue House, while U.S. military bases in Asia and in America would be its secondary targets." . . .

Li'l Kim in a light moment, probably watching a countryman being run through a shredder.
Angry words: North Korea has threatened to attack South Korea and the U.S. mainland if the two allies carry out a joint military exercise next month. Pictured: Leader Kim Jong-un oversees a military exercise run by his new army chief Ri Myong-Su

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Sad: Ben Carson jokes about his campaign staff’s incompetence (or worse)

By joking that his campaign staff may have intentionally sabotaged his campaign, Dr. Carson opens a door he should not want to go through.

Thomas Lifson  "Dr. Ben Carson’s presidential campaign is reaching the joke stage, and it is painful to see for those of us who admire his character and achievements so deeply.  His previous campaign finance filings have revealed that, while he has been able to raise large amounts of money, a large portion has been spent on fundraising.
"Yesterday, in an interview on CNN, Dr. Carson may have revealed more than he intended:
Ben Carson jokingly wondered Tuesday if former aides intentionally undermined his campaign by bleeding it of money.  . . . 
"The challenge of building a campaign organization is the first test of a candidate’s administrative and organizational abilities.  Alas, Dr. Carson may be able to put together a surgical team, but he is clearly not up to the task of political organization and financing.  A man of tremendous dignity and integrity, Dr. Carson should move on and contribute to the nation in other ways than running for president."