The Hill
"Republicans might have one hope for defeating Donald Trump: denying him the 1,237 delegates he needs to clinch the nomination at the Republican National Convention in July.
"Party insiders who are deeply opposed to the businessman’s candidacy are looking at the plausibility of such a move, as he racks up victory after victory and the opposition to him remains divided among three candidates: Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and John Kasich.
"Such a gambit would be chaotic and controversial, however. It would likely also face one large hurdle that needs to be removed before the voting starts.
"As things currently stand, only a candidate who has the backing of a majority of delegates from eight states can even make it onto the nominating ballot.
"The easiest way to acquire such backing is to win eight primaries. But at present, Ted Cruz is four states shy of that mark, Marco Rubio has won only one contest and no other candidate, barring Trump, has won anything.
"The eight-state rule would also plainly block the idea of some new candidate emerging at the convention — 2012 nominee Mitt Romney or Speaker Paul Ryan, for example — as a figure around whom Trump opponents could rally. " . . .
Romney? The man we'd scream at on the TV because he was not capable of the emotion we felt at the Petulant President and his scorn for us? TD
Could they be these same people?