I love it when he does these articles.
Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell
. . . "The presidential election prospects for the Democrats are so bad this year that only the Republicans can save them -- as Republicans have saved them before.
"Will a Supreme Court without a single Protestant justice rule that an "under-representation" of any group is evidence of discrimination?
"Here is a trick question: What percentage of American households have incomes in the top 10 percent? Answer: 51 percent of American households are in the top 10 percent in income at some point in the course of a lifetime -- usually in their older years. Those who want us to envy and resent the top 10 percent are urging half of us to envy and resent ourselves.
. . .
"Many Americans were not only saddened but angry that Iran publicized photographs of captured American sailors weeping. But do you think that Reverend Jeremiah Wright was saddened and angry? What about his 20-year disciple in the White House? Let us not forget that President Obama voluntarily humbled himself -- and America -- by bowing to foreign leaders."