Noisy Room "Yes, once again, it’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!
"Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were particularly slimy and despicable, but the votes are in and we have our winner… the envelope please…"
Drum roll, please. . .
"Bookworm Room: I nominate Breitbart News, which is so committed to the Trump candidacy that the organization turned on one of its own employees, even when video footage supported her version of events: It does indeed seem that a high level Trump aide assaulted Michelle Fields. If you’re going to identify yourself as a news agency — and hold yourself out as a true news alternative to mainstream media outlets that have abandoned journalism in favor of partisan advocacy — you destroy your credibility in the most weasel-ish of ways when you do exactly the same thing."
More on this here: Ben Shapiro to Megyn Kelly: Breitbart Would Call for Lewandowski’s Firing if He Were on Hillary CampaignShapiro responded brutally: “This is disgusting. How repulsive are you people?” He noted that he had spoken with Fields for over an hour on Wednesday night, and heard the whole story, and had personally encouraged Fields to go to the police to file a report; he suggested that she would be doing that shortly, and noted that Fields hadn’t been exploiting the case, given that she’d gone “silent on social media for almost 24 hours.”
Shapiro then concluded, “If the suggestion is that Breitbart News is out to get Trump – have you ever seen Breitbart News? Have you ever viewed its front page?” See the video
Sad, because I admire Andrew Breitbart's site and the legacy he left for us. One sign this site has been effective was that Disney named an evil character in one of their movies Bryn Breitbart.
Bryn Breitbart is a snobby, mean girl that attends East View High School. She was thought to be thirteenth in line for the throne of Denmark, but was then discovered to be a liar. She turned all of Emma's friends against her in the episode Kids Don't Wanna Be Shunned and is revealed that her family makes toilet paper. In the end, she throws a nacho at Rosie, aimed for Emma, and causes Rosie to "die" (she only falls). She is an enemy of Emma Ross. Bryn makes her debut in Season 2 in Kids Don't Wanna Be Shunned.