Sunday, March 20, 2016

Generational Whine vs Free Speech

John Stossel   "Samantha Harris (FIRE Director of Policy Research) and Taylor Schmitt (Claremont McKenna student) joins John to discuss the politically correct nitwittery that is crushing free speech principles at American colleges."

Kasich says he would consider nominating Garland for SCOTUS if he were president

Rick Moran   "You have to wonder what John Kasich is thinking these days as he continues his futile quest for the Republican nomination. 
"With almost the entire GOP united in opposition to Obama's SCOTUS pick Merrit Garland, Kasich scolded Senate Republicans for refusing to meet with the nominee, and claimed that he would consider nominating Garland himself if he was elected president.
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
. . . 
"But does anyone doubt Garland would be a reliable left wing vote on the high court? On a host of vital issues that will come before the court over the next few terms, Garland would cast his vote with the liberal wing. This is a given, which is why opposition to his confirmation is so universal on the Republican side.
"Kasich is not going to get the nomination. And if he thinks taking liberal positions on the issues will endear him to Donald Trump who might then choose him for vice president, he has no concept of the tenor and mood of the country. "

Secretary of Mistake

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, isis, genocide, kerry, hillary

"After much diplomatic hemming and hawing, Secretary of State John Kerry finally admitted that when ISIS beheads, burns, drowns, crushes, stones, and blows up people singled out solely because of their just might kinda sorta be genocide-ish.

"What he did not say, owing to the fact that he isn't suicidal, is that Hillary Clinton's totally failed tenure as Secretary of State pretty much laid waste to the Middle East and softened up the region for the nightmarish growth of ISIS.

"Rather than blame his predecessor, Kerry made a point of saying that while the determination of genocide is very serious, it won't have immediate policy repercussions because (brace yourself) it's going to be so difficult to bring the genocidal throat-slashing maniacs to court to be tried - no doubt with American taxpayers paying their legal defense bills." . . .

FALSE: U.S. Troops Forced to Observe Ramadan

Snopes   "Claim:   U.S. troops stationed in Muslim countries are being ordered to fast and practice Sharia law during Ramadan." 

. . . "Such claims were based on a single article from the military publication Stars and Stripes which has been greatly exaggerated in the telling. What that article actually reported is that some U.S. military personnel in Bahrain have been briefed about the significance of Ramadan, Navy personnel there have been ordered to dress more conservatively while off-base during that month, and troops have been reminded that activities such as eating, drinking, and smoking in public in the daytime during the month of Ramadan is a violation of local law (and as with other local laws, they can be detained by authorities for breaking them): " . . .
"As a number of servicemen who have been stationed in Muslim countries have observed to us, the restriction against eating and drinking in public during Ramadan didn't affect them much since most businesses, shops, and restaurants in such areas are closed in the daytime throughout that month."

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Cuba ordering its dissidents to skip meeting with Obama

LA Times
In Havana on the eve of President Obama's visit, a child runs in front of a wall reading "We keep defending the revolution."
"On the eve of President Obama’s historic visit to Cuba, authorities there are ordering dissidents invited to meet with the American leader to stay home instead, a leading human rights activist said Saturday.
"Elizardo Sanchez, a Cuban anti-government activist who chronicles political detentions month-to-month, said he and most of those invited planned to defy the government order.
"Sanchez, speaking by phone from Havana, said U.S. officials were offering to help the activists get to the meeting with Obama, scheduled for Tuesday.
“ 'Everyone is pretty determined,” he said.
"There was no immediate comment from the U.S. Embassy in Havana, the White Houseor the Cuban government." . . .
It is well to recall when the Iranian people rose up against the Ayatollahs in Iran, Obama sided with the Ayatollahs against the people. 

Fox News fires back at Trump: Enough of your “extreme, sick obsession” with Megyn Kelly

Hot Air   "John flagged Trump’s latest Twitter attack on Kelly in this post last night but you should read Fox’s reply too. Imagine: This guy can all but break the back of conservative resistance to him and become the prohibitive favorite for the Republican nomination by beating Cruz handily in Arizona and Utah on Tuesday night — and this is what he’s busy stewing about. He has a general election campaign coming up, he has fundraising to think about, he has a convention to plan, and he’s sitting in front of his TV fulminating about one of the two hours of programming each day on Trump TV that’s not devoted to glorifying him. (Bret Baier’s show is the other.) Good guy. Definitely a guy who’ll have his priorities straight as leader of the free world." . . .

Our nominee is a disaster: Time may be running out, but Democrats will come to rue Clinton over Sanders


Our nominee is a disaster: Time may be running out, but Democrats will come to rue Clinton over Sanders

The writer says there's no chance of him voting for Hillary, then doubles down by telling us we should not either. Not to worry.

"Bernie Sanders is the only Democrat not linked to an FBI investigation. If this doesn’t mean anything to you, then you’re too terrified of Trump’s rallies to realize that Clinton could get indicted. Also, if you can’t fathom the possibility of Donald Trump winning, then keep in mind that most Americans don’t trust or like Hillary Clinton. A general election isn’t a popularity contest among Democrats. In 10 out of 10 national polls regarding favorability, Hillary Clinton has negative favorability ratings nationally in all 10.
"Be very careful what you wish for, because most Americans have an unfavorable view of Clinton and Bernie Sanders already beats Trump by a wider margin. I’m only voting for Bernie Sanders in 2016 and I explain why in this YouTube segment. Most importantly, Democrats should remember that 33% of Bernie Sanders voters will refuse to vote for Clinton in November, if she becomes nominee.
"As stated by The Wall Street Journal, there are a great many Bernie Sanders supporters like myself:" . . .

17 Things You Probably Didn't Know About the P38 Lightning

Hat tip to long time friend and former aerospace engineer Val Brose  for this.

Garfields Memorial Team House Association
Veterans are people who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check payable to the United States of America, for an amount up to and including their life. Remember ALL of our Vets.....
More photos and text at the link. . .  

In this site: Awesome panoramic views of the Bataan Death March Memorial
The Bataan Memorial  Activists not to worry; the cross at the memorial is in the Philippines. TD

Back to the P38:  Good technical demonstration and pilots will appreciate it. The Northern Oregon Coast is visible below and the Tillamook Air Museum is the site of the landing, visible at 20:41.


The writer Joseph Farah
World Net Daily  . . . "For instance, after the group distributed a particularly hateful leaflet characterizing Elder as “without a doubt, the most racist, anti-black talk-show host in Southern California, who describes blacks as lazy, dumb and stupid.” Elder was so bemused by the fallacious attack that he read the flier on the air.
"Now the group incites more hatred and abuse of Elder by using an out-of-context recording of that show to “prove” to anyone they can get to call their telephone number that he believes blacks are lazy, dumb and stupid.
. . . 
"Ironically, while Larry Elder is being attacked for “racism,” the truth behind the tale is that he is being singled out for attack primarily because of his race. If Larry Elder were a white guy saying the same things, he would hardly cause a ripple of concern with the conformity fascists. They hate him because he is living, breathing evidence that there is philosophical and ideological diversity among all groups of thinking people.  
Joseph Farah  is founder, editor and CEO of WND and a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators News Service. He is the author or co-author of 13 books, including his latest, "The Tea Party Manifesto," and his classic, "Taking America Back," now in its third edition and 14th printing. Farah is the former editor of the legendary Sacramento Union and other major-market dailies.

Queen Refuses To Meet With Obama When He Is In London

Weasel Zippers
The Queen, pictured, is refusing to return to London to meet US President Barack Obama, who instead has to travel to Windsor for  lunch, where if he is wise, will not raise the issue of remaining in the EU

The Queen refuses to come to London to meet President Barack Obama next month.
Instead, accompanied by his security circus, he’ll trundle to Windsor in his bomb-proof, seven-ton limo for lunch.
He’s due to stand alongside the PM and urge Britain to stay in the EU.
‘But he’d be well advised not to give a pro-EU sermon over lunch after the row about the Queen supporting Brexit,’ says my source.
The Queen in 1947  Back in the days when Communism threatened to overthrow the free enterprise nations.

 The Queen's first visit to a Commonwealth country was in 1947 when she travelled to South Africa with her family, and during the trip the then Princess celebrated her 21st birthday - and gave her famous speech 

Friday, March 18, 2016

Russian chess master Garry Kasparov’s harsh critiques of Bernie Sanders and socialism

Perestroika Political Cartoon

Washington Post

. . . "When Bernie Sanders supporters hear the word "socialism," they think about higher taxes for the rich, campaign finance reform and a single-payer health-care system rivaling those found in Scandinavia.
"When Garry Kasparov, the legendary chess grandmaster from Russia, hears the same word, a very different thought comes to his mind.
" 'Socialism sounds great in speech soundbites and on Facebook, but please keep it there," he wrote in a Facebook post that went viral. "In practice, it corrodes not only the economy but the human spirit itself, and the ambition and achievement that made modern capitalism possible and brought billions of people out of poverty. Talking about Socialism is a huge luxury, a luxury that was paid for by the successes of capitalism.' " . . .
An environmental activist, Thomas DeSoto reacted strongly to this knowledgeable challenge to his presuppositions with this blast at the former Soviet native:  
"Gary Kasparov proves mindless and blind to the social issues of our times, like most conservative narcissistic self-serving fools who regress to a neanderthal thinking monster as they get older. "
Mr. Desoto brands Kasparov "conservative" to cancel out his credibility, rather than see him as a product of the communist, socialistic society that the former Soviet chess hero has rejected. 
Whom do we believe: Desoto, who is raised by liberal liberal academia, or Kasparov, who has lived in socialism his entire life? 
As with many, many urban American kids who see sports as their only way out of the ghetto, so Russian youth knew their economy offered no way up. Chess was one of the few ways to get ahead. TD

There’s an air of menace about this campaign

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Charles Krauthammer  . . . "The political thuggery that shut down a Donald Trump rally in Chicago last week may just be a harbinger. It would be nice, therefore, if we could think straight about cause and effect.

Berta Sandes, 38, of Miami, an undocumented immigrant from Nicaragua, holds a sign which translates to “Trump Equals Hate” during a protest against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump outside of the Trump National Doral golf resort March 14 in Doral, Fla.The immediate conventional wisdom was to blame the disturbance on the “toxic climate” created by Trump. Nonsense. This was an act of deliberate sabotage created by a totalitarian left that specializes in the intimidation and silencing of political opponents.

"Its pedigree goes back to early 20th-century fascism and communism. Its more recent incarnation has been developed on college campuses, where for years leftists have been taunting, disrupting and ultimately shutting down and shutting out conservative speakers of every stripe — long before Donald Trump." . . .

Mr. Krauthammer, however, fears more that the Soros- funded violence:
"But there’s a second, quite separate form of thuggery threatening the 2016 campaign — a leading candidate who, with a wink and a nod (and sometimes less subtlety), is stoking anger and encouraging violence."
. . .  "What is so disturbing today is that suffusing our politics is not just an air of division but an air of menace. It’s being fueled on both sides: one side through organized anti-free-speech agitation using Bolshevik tactics; the other side by verbal encouragement and threats of varying degrees of subtlety.
"They may feed off each other but they are of independent origin. And both are repugnant, both dangerous and both deserving of the most unreserved condemnation." 