Monday, April 4, 2016

Obama's Bizarre Iranian Love Affair Continues

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Roger L. Simon  "It's a shame the Republican candidates continue to waste time hectoring each other over the most trivial matters when over the last few days it has become increasingly clear how completely the president of the United States sold out the interests of our country and the West to the Islamic Republic of Iran -- by far (it isn't even close) the biggest state sponsor of terrorism. The candidates are missing an extraordinary teaching moment about something of monumental significance, assuming they are paying attention to it themselves.

"The media -- only a very few of whom (like Bloomberg's Eli Lake and our own Michael Ledeen) seem even faintly interested in what is going on with Iran -- is equally complicit and even more culpable in this fascination with the tangential.

"What the supposed journalists are missing is a chance to solve the greatest mystery of our times -- why Barack Obama decided to sell out those Western interests to Iran; and why, at least for the moment, he has taken the Shiite side in the thirteen hundred year plus Sunni-Shiite civil war and in so doing placed humanity in jeopardy, making the mullahs stronger and virtually assuring they will eventually have atomic weapons." . . .

A Nation of Laws—Sort Of

Victor Davis Hanson

. . . "And it is evident that Clinton went to such extraordinary lengths in order to mask her communications and shield them from the sort of Freedom of Information Act suits that now are plaguing her—and that she arbitrarily decided which of her private server emails were public and which private, and then simply destroyed thousands of them without audit.

"If she is not indicted by the Obama administration for violations of federal laws or conspiracy to obstruct justice, in the future it will be almost impossible to prosecute successfully any federal employee for violating government protocols about the handling of classified information. If Clinton avoids indictment, it will make a mockery of the Obama Justice Department that sought to prosecute Gen. David Petraeus for showing his personal journals, which contained classified information, to his biographer and mistress Paula Broadwell. The government leveraged Petraeus on the basis that he knew his notebooks contained classified information though they were not formally identified as such; Hillary Clinton knew the same about her own communications, but unlike Petraeus was sneaky enough not to admit to that fact on tape or to associates." . . .

Hillary's lack of Political Correctness is the only sin leftists will not tolerate

Hillary Clinton can freely fire workers on a whim, enrich herself by doing favors for other nations, grovel before adversaries of America, openly lie to victims of terrorism, get $600 haircuts, show contempt for national honor in general and still be adored by liberals. But to commit the sin of being un-PC in her use of words is something liberals will not tolerate.
Prepare today for her "hostage" video with the use of words such as "misspeak" and "tired" along with her expounding on the words of Donald Trump. Then all will be OK with the liberals she has offended. Nothing to see here, people; move on. 
When asked about it, she will at some point resort to her old standby, the cackle. 
The Tunnel Dweller

Hillary commits major abortion gaffe  "A gaffe, as Michael Kinsley famously explained it, is when a politician accidentally tells the truth.  And Hillary Clinton did exactly that on Meet the Press yesterday, violating the rulebook of Planned Parenthood to use language that obscures the nature of abortion, substituting words like “choice” and “fetal tissue mass” to mask the taking of a human a life.

"Hillary’s sin?  Stating her view that “an unborn person does not have constitutional rights.”  Acknowledging that an “unborn person” is what is being killed, or terminated, as the abortion industry prefers to euphemize it, creates legal conceptual difficulties.  Bradford Richardson explains in the Washington Times:. . . 
. . . "CLINTON: "Well, under our laws currently, that is not something that exists. The unborn person doesn't have constitutional rights. " . . .

"So, let’s get this straight.  Hillary Clinton admits that unborn children are, in fact, people.  She just draws the line at allowing them rights.
"But illegal immigrants?  Sure, they can have rights, no problem.  Any special interest group in society?  Yes, of course, make sure they all have rights.  She would tell you she wants “equal” rights for all." . . .Video

Yet Hillary still stokes excitement in her followers!  "Hillary Is So Exciting, Supporter Just Can’t Stop Yawning" 
Sound turned down; this video is more fun with the sound off. 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Former defense secretary Gates on the presidency of Barack Obama

Former defense secretary Gates says Obama 'double crossed' him
. . . "You have to wonder how widespread the following observation by General Flynn is among military leaders:
“I think he sees the military actually as something that is more dangerous to the world,” Flynn added. “I think that he looks at the United States military and sees it as a threatening application around the world, than actually as a useful tool.”
"You can apply that observation to Obama's entire view of the US role in international affairs. He is the first president in US history to not see the US as a force for good in the world. His constant, groveling and gladhanding with murderous thugs and dictators and his numerous, humiliating apologies may please his lefty base in the US and radicals around the world, but a president is supposed to stand up for American interests, not apologize for defending them." . . .

Gates: Obama White House was unable to understand Libya military strategy  The entire column is about the ineptness of the Rev. Wright / Bill Ayres - mentored president and their foreign policy.
. . . "Absolutely amazing. We have a $700 billion military and Obama would rather listen to the 25 cent advice coming from Samantha Power.
"The result of this ignorance is plain to see around the globe. Everybody is taking advantage of us and we are flailing about against our enemies with no real strategy to defeat them. Since Obama is even more clueless than his staff, nobody who knows much of anything at all about military policy has any input.
"But it's all good because we have "smart power.' "

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Sec. Gates is not the only one unimpressed by this president:
Camera Just Caught The Moment Obama Embarrassed America At Global Nuclear Summit  . . . “ 'The President has come under fire for his relaxed attitude in recent weeks. On a state visit to Argentina, he was seen dancing the tango with an attractive female dancer. On a historic visit to Cuba, he went to a baseball game instead of returning to the United States to respond to the horrific terrorist attacks in Brussels,” it wrote.
“ 'Before that, Obama chose not to attend the funeral of former first lady Nancy Reagan, electing to go to a music festival and eat tacos instead,” it added."

Rumor checks

Snopes  "Welcome to, the definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation."
Rumors such as these:

Disney Bans Tattoos in Theme Parks

"A report that Disney had banned customers bearing tattoos from their theme parks was an April Fool's Day joke." Read More

Hillary Clinton Arrested by FBI

"Several "too good to be true" fake news articles published on April Fools' Day reported that Hillary Clinton had been arrested by the feds." Read More

Donald Trump Blames Muslims for Death of Jesus

"A news article that reported that Donald Trump said he didn't like Muslims because they killed Jesus originated from a site that specializes in satire stories." Read More
Snopes tells us about sites such as "PunkShare (a prank generator similar to FeedNewz), which enabled social media users to generate shocking false headlines for sharing on social media. The user-generated pranks tended to get away from their intended audiences and into the wilds of social media rather quickly, and often involved rumors claiming popular chain stores or restaurants were closing nationwide. In March 2016, a spate of similar sites created constellations of false rumors about celebrities moving to small towns."

Mob Studies: Coming to a University Near You

Mike Adams

"Our nation is turning slowly into Greece. If you are not frightened by the idea of violent mobs negating free speech then you probably haven’t been watching the news. If you are all surprised that this is happening in America then you probably haven’t been reading my columns. I’ve been warning about it for years. Mob rule has been the norm on campus for years. Now, it is finally spilling over into the larger culture.
"You may have already heard about the most recent episode of campus mob violence in response to the Republican takeover of the University of North Carolina (UNC) higher administration. The Board of Governors (BOG) is now solidly Republican and so is the new UNC system president. Consequently, we are now getting down to business and making some long overdue program cuts. Naturally, not everyone is happy about the proposed budget cuts." . . .

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Student Started Texting During Driving Test. Now Watch What The Instructor Does…

Daily Insider  "With all the PSAs and horrible statistics about texting and driving there are still young people around the world who die behind the wheel with their phones in their hands. This driving school opted for a different approach though… they forced their students to text and drive.
"You can watch the statistics all day long but you won’t understand how dangerous it is until you do it yourself. Watch if these drivers managed to pass the test and consider that the driving course is a walk in the park compared to the real life driving conditions.". . . 

Michael Horton on the Attraction of Trump

The Theology of Donald Trump

The Theology of Donald Trump  "Four words that reveal what his followers really believe."

. . . "While a theological analysis of other candidates would suggest many equally troubling assumptions of their evangelical followers, no candidate is more identified with the word evangelical as is Trump. The loyalty of his self-identified evangelical followers is especially startling to many.
"Let me suggest that the slender thread connecting Trump to the church is his occasional holiday appearances at Marble Collegiate Church, made famous by its pastor for 52 years, Norman Vincent Peale. Blending pop-psychology and spirituality, Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking (1952) remained on TheNew York Times bestsellers list for 186 weeks. Nicknamed “God’s Salesman,” Peale was criticized for trivializing Christianity. Reinhold Niebuhr said that he “corrupts the gospel,” and that he helps people “feel good, while they are evading the real issues of life.' 
 . . . "A more recent exponent of a feel-good gospel, Joel Osteen, has called Donald Trump “a friend of our ministry” and “a good man.” Trump has previouslytweeted, “Being associated with Joel is my great honor—he’s a fantastic man!”
. . .  "It is not that Trump has caused this transformation in portions of the so-called “evangelical electorate.” Rather, his candidacy has revealed the inner secularization of significant portions of the movement, which surveys have documented for some time now. Four theological words highlight the problem." . . .

Michael Horton is J. G. Machen Professor of Theology at Westminster Seminary California, host of the White Horse Inn, and the author of Core Christianity: Finding Yourself in God’s Story.

Muslims March in Germany Chanting “With Allah’s Help, We Shall Conquer You”

Unless God intervenes, the result of all this will be destruction of majestic cathedrals, to be replaced by mosques; the loss of all great works of art and music and a great darkness descending on the continent that the Nazis themselves could not have imagined. TD

Jim Hoft   "They seem to be assimilating quite well, no?
"Muslims march down a German street chanting, “With Allah’s help, we shall conquer you!' ”

. . . "While these things are nothing new, they should give us to ponder -when historians look back at these events, what will they think? If anything, we are witnessing the real-time death of one society in the same way that many previous civilization have perished- that is, unless the Europeans stand up for their Faith and lives in the same way their ancestors did in ages past…" . . .

Does none of this matter to those who adore this President?

Departed  "Pirro found herself the source of controversy once again when she discussed the attacks on the Western world at the hands of radical Islamists. She cited specifically the Philadelphia police attack and the terrorist attack in San Bernardino.
"Pirro commented that the Obama administration and Islamic radicals might as well be on the same side, because it is clear our ‘leader’ is not going to do anything to prevent these acts in the future.
Watch her comments below and tell us what you think. Do you agree with Pirro?"

Friday, April 1, 2016

American Silliness April 2/ 2016

Can we not call all this the the intellectual and spiritual decline of Western civilization and the rise of 6th-century barbarianism?

The Left Seeks End of Sex-Segregation Everywhere   
"Gender dysphoria*"  Really? Do these terms get made up by some activist speaker so he, or she, or you-name-it can enjoy the ego trip of seeing campus "intellectuals" using their term to fake intelligent thought?

. . . "If objectively male persons who are uncomfortable with their male bodies are permitted in women’s private areas, why shouldn’t all men be permitted in there? What difference does it make to women if the man in the stall next to them likes his anatomy or not?"
. . . 
"While progressives are exalting subjective feelings, they should bear in mind that many men and women content with their respective maleness and femaleness have feelings too -- feelings of modesty -- which do not make them heartless, ignorant bigots no matter how many times those epithets are hurled at them." *Ill at ease; uncomfortable

Related: Bathroom Boycotts Flush Safety of Women and Girls
. . . "Finally, let’s ask the presidential candidates if they support the 10th Amendment right of states to protect the privacy and safety of women and girls from cross-dressing sexual predators in public restrooms."
Watch: Men say we have nothing to fear from them in our locker rooms, bathrooms, and sleeping spaces.

Wanting to move on, but the silliness just keeps coming:
Further, making such conditions “normal” then results in the amputation of health body parts. . .  

Now we move on:

Obama Family 2015 Honolulu Christmas Vacation Cost Taxpayers $3,590,313 In Flight Expenses Alone…

. . . "Which reminds me of what the late, great Dr. Bob once told me, presciently predicting the rise of Hillary Clinton, I guess. 
He said, “Beauty is only skin-deep, but ugly goes down to the bone.”
The Solar Industry Is Dying. Good Riddance.  "If you still own shares in solar energy it’s probably a sign that you’ve been in the sun too long: the sector is tanking – and deservedly so – as reality dawns that this is a Potemkin industry, an Enron of a con-trick, whose survival depends not on the energy it generates but on the subsidies it squeezes from the taxpayer."

Muslims Team Up With Black Lives Matter

Fix This Nation   "Two of the most virulently anti-American groups in the country – the Black Lives Matter movement and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) have joined forces in Sacramento, creating an ugly hybrid that makes one wish the Big One would go ahead and hit the San Andreas Fault.

"The two groups are teaming up to march on the California Capitol, hoping to persuade Governor Jerry Brown to sign a bill requiring police officers to report the “perceived race or ethnicity, gender, and approximate age of the person” they stop in traffic. The bill also expands the ban on racial profiling to include “racial and identity” profiling.

Some of the luminaries of CAIR are: 
Randall Todd Royer – 20 years in prison for helping jihadists get to Pakistan for terrorist training.Bassem Khafagi – Deported due to ties to terrorism financiers, visa fraud, and bank fraud.Imam Siraj Wahaj – Co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
It’s pretty sad that we’re at a point in American history where these two groups are considered champions of civil rights. In fact, it’s more than sad. It’s downright frightening.
To see the sheer hypocrisy of Islamists, consider this "#BlackLivesMatter Toolkit for Muslims

And this video shows what anti-American political pressure looks like. Think of the price that will be paid by those who have the courage to stand up to this:

Sharia Black Lives Matter Revolution EXPOSED!