Illinois Family Action
. . . “Probably not,” Gov. Kasich responded. “I wouldn’t have signed that law from everything I know,” Gov. Kasich said. “I haven’t studied it. But Nathan Deal, the governor of Georgia, vetoed another one.”
"He said, “We are not having this issue in our state about this whole religious liberty.”
"That echoed comments made by Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina, as she said she would oppose a similar piece of legislation pending in her state. She also equated that act, which would bar biological males from using women’s accommodations, with religious liberty concerns.
"However, the bill’s author said his legislation has nothing to do with conscience concerns but is instead intended as a public safety measure.
"Gov. McCrory sounded a similar note after signing the bill, telling local media, “There’s absolutely no connection whatsoever” between this bill and a religious liberty bill like the one Gov. Deal vetoed. “They’re two different issues.”
"Both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders oppose the bill, with Sanders saying last week, “I would do everything I can to overturn these outrageous decisions.” . . .