Debbie Schlussel
"Tonight’s episode of ABC’s “Designated Survivor” portrays police as violent attackers and killers of Muslims after a terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol. This false portrayal is despite the fact that neither police nor other Americans have attacked Muslims during 15 years of massive Muslim terrorist attacks and mass murders of Americans.
"Last week, I watched the premiere of the highly-hyped new show, starring Kiefer Sutherland as a lowly cabinet secretary who becomes President when the President, the rest of his cabinet, and the entire Congress are killed in a terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol during the State of the Union address. While the show got off to a great start, it became clear that Sutherland, as President Kirkman, is a weak, standard-issue liberal. And the generals are second-guessed as “war-mongers” who want to attack Iran in the Straits of Hormuz. Last week, I predicted on Twitter that there is NO WAY that the terrorists who attacked the Capitol will turn out to be Muslims, as Hollywood continues its endless pretzel-like contortions away from reality. (After all, Muslims would NEVER EVER attack America or the U.S. Capitol, right? See 9/11 and Flight 93 for fact-checking.)"