Thomas Lifson "I think that it is time that we had a national conversation on political violence and its advocacy, and I thank the Democrats of Missouri for giving us that opportunity.
"You may already know about Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, who tweeted, “I hope Trump is assassinated.”
"She quickly deleted it, but there were already screen grabs:
In another exchange of venom, she tweets this to the state governor, but language advisory!
@GovJayNixon @DKSheets You don't know shit bc you never communicate. FUCK you, Governor!
The silliness of our culture is made manifest in the leaders we choose, TD
"She even has an online group of supporters, “I stand with Maria,” complete with logo and charming picture."
. . . "We have a procedure for handling accused miscreant lawmakers, and it is called impeachment. If Senator Chappelle-Nadal stands firm, the constitutional process of the Great State of Missouri can unfold beforem our eyes in all its majesty and gravity. She will stand trial and have a chance to defend herself, as her suppoprters surely would prefer. The Missouri State Senate can justify the title of “deliberative body” if it openly considers the legitimacy of her expression and goes on the record as to what it will tolerate. It could be quite illuminating for the nation for Democrats and Republicans to take a position on their standards for impeachment."