National Security, Politics
"The US Navy has been in the news lately for crashes and corruption. Is this the reasonable follow-up to 8 years of Obama’s approach to the military?"
"The US Navy has been in the news lately for crashes and corruption. Is this the reasonable follow-up to 8 years of Obama’s approach to the military?"
. . . "Superficially, it appears that the Navy is having a competence problem. It’s equally likely, though, that we’re seeing a reflection of a very serious morale problem. Eight years of Obama attacks on the military may be taking their toll. Here are two things to keep in mind as you think about that theory. First, during the Obama years, the Pentagon engaged in a massive purge of officer ranks across the services. A list compiled in 2014, while the purges were still ongoing, gives an idea of the purge’s scope.
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"Once president and Commander-in-Chief, Obama . . . also made it plain that he believed the military’s best and highest purpose is to serve as a petri dish for social justice and climate change experimentation. There was one other thing he did that had to have been a real morale buster — he kicked religion out of the military. For men and women who must daily contemplate the possibility that they will be plunged into dangerous situations in the service of their country, that was cruel and unnecessary.
"In addition to reconfiguring the military He also threw away the military’s victory in Iraq, which pretty much amounted to spitting on the graves of those who died to make the victory possible and spitting in the eyes of those who, though terribly wounded, survived. In Afghanistan, he announced a pre-determined defeat date, even while keeping troops on the ground to fight an enemy emboldened by its pending victory." . . . Hat tip to WOW! Magazine