By Kevin Jackson atThe Blacksphere (Emphases in the original)
"No matter what Obama did, the Left rejoiced.""Obama extolled the virtues of an organization that called blacks human weeds and kills black babies at almost 300 percent the black population. Next, he eulogized a Klansman.
Can you imagine how Donald Trump would be perceived if he spoke on behalf of an organization that showed abject disdain for blacks, and whose stated purpose was to eradicate “human weeds”? Or what if Trump eulogized a Klansman? Would the world look away so readily as they have with Obama?
"And what of Obama’s policies? Forget that white America suffered, as they could absorb the pain. But what of blacks? Rampant unemployment, crime, and the worst schools in the country. If President Trump had Obama’s record, the Left would swear that he was intentionally hurting blacks.
"Does anybody think President Trump would be allowed to brag about 16 million more people being on welfare? Or would the Left allow him the luxury of an unemployment figure that depended on people who quit looking for jobs?