Rick Moran "Who would have thought that a Kellog[g]'s Corn Pops box would contain a racist lesson for kids?
"Well, the answer to that question is a Marvel Comics writer who was outraged that Kellog[g]'s would be so blatantly racist in designing its cereal boxes.
. . .
"I don't know what's worse; an hysterical writer who sees racists under his bed or an old line American company like Kellog[s] groveling before this politically correct assault.
"Obviously, you can find "racism" in anything you look at - if you look hard enough. Here's DaVinci's "Last Supper." Can you spot the racist aspect to this image?"
"I claim that the pigmentation of Jesus is darker than the other images and the three apostles on the far right aren't paying any attention to him is deliberate racism. It is clearly racist to ignore a person of color."' . . .
"See how easy it is?" . . .
Well, I recall a Jewish speaker from Friends of Israel at my church once remarked how the old masters painted Bible personalities to look like western Europeans, that the only disciple looking Jewish was - wait for it - Judas. The Tunnel Dweller.