Sunday, November 5, 2017

Vin Scully says he'll 'never watch another NFL game again' due to anthem protests

CBS Sports  "Saturday night, former Dodgers announcer and Hall of Famer Vin Scully was at the Pasadena Civic Center for an event called "An Evening With Vin Scully."
"At some point during the event, Scully was asked about the NFL's national anthem protests, in which players have taken a knee during the anthem to protest police brutality and racism. Scully said he "will never watch another NFL game" because of the protests.. . . 

"Here is a full transcript of Scully's comments, via Deadspin:
"I have only one personal thought, really. And I am so disappointed. And I used to love, during the fall and winter, to watch the NFL on Sunday. And it's not that I'm some great patriot. I was in the Navy for a year -- didn't go anywhere, didn't do anything. But I have overwhelming respect and admiration for anyone who puts on a uniform and goes to war. So the only thing I can do in my little way is not to preach. I will never watch another NFL game."
"Scully, who will turn 90 later this month, briefly served in the navy before beginning his broadcasting career. So far only one player, Athletics catcher Bruce Maxwell, has knelt during the national anthem." . . .

Rand Paul assaulted by Trump hater, Bernie Sanders supporter

Rick Moran  "Senator Rand Paul was tackled to the ground by a neighbor while he was mowing his lawn in Bowling Green, KY on Friday, causing minor injuries according to a police report. The neighbor, Rene Boucher, and Paul were embroiled in some kind of feud, according to another neighbor.

"But Boucher's Facebook postings reveal a virulent Trump hater and a supporter of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

"According to the warrant against Boucher, the attack was "intentional":
The warrant, which was obtained by CNN affiliate WBKO in Bowling Green, said Paul had injuries to his face, including small cuts to the nose and mouth area, and had trouble breathing due to a potential rib injury. Paul was seen by a doctor Friday, the warrant said.
Police allege Boucher, 59, "admitted going onto Paul's property and tackling him," the warrant said.
"Tyler O'Neil of PJ Media, found a Facebook account belonging to a "Rene Boucher" from Bowling Green who listed his occupation as anesthesiologist." . . .

Devin Patrick Kelley Has Been Identified As Texas Church Shooter…UPDATE: Was Dishonorably Discharged, Court Martialed In 2014…UPDATE: Stopped By Local With Rifle

Weasel Zippers   "Via Daily Beast:

Devin Patrick Kelley has been identified as the gunman who killed at least 24 people at a church in Texas, a U.S. official tells The Daily Beast. Kelley, 26, was a resident of New Braunfels, a suburb of San Antonio, according to public records. Kelley was married and Kelley’s mother-in-law listed a P.O. box in Sutherland Springs as a mailing address. San Antonio police reportedly raided Kelley’s home on Sunday evening.
A LinkedIn account appearing to belong to Kelley describes him as serving in the U.S. Air Force from his 2009 high-school graduation until 2013, after which he briefly taught at a summer Bible school. On a now-deleted Facebook account, Kelley recently displayed an AR-15 style gun, ABC News reports.

Interview with neighbor who helped chase down the shooter.

Seeking facts on the Sutherland Springs murderer Updating

With so little information as yet, the best we can say is to keep the links used here. The shooter's Facebook site was deleted. TD

Snopes: Multiple Victims Shot, Killed at South Texas Church

StillCallsMeSon /

. . . "At least six helicopters took victims to nearby hospitals. The gunman was reportedly “taken down” by law enforcement and is now dead.
"Sutherland Springs is about 30 miles southeast of San Antonio, Texas."   Nothing yet as of Sunday evening.

Sutherland Baptist Church pastor: Pastor Frank Pomeroy: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

. . . "After the shooting, Kelley fled the area in his vehicle, and residents pursued him on a chase through Guadalupe County. He was found deceased inside the vehicle after he crashed. It’s not yet known if he shot himself, or if he was shot by those chasing him.
"You can follow updates on the shooting by going here. The shooting is the deadliest mass killing at a house of worship in modern U.S. history." . . .

The death toll of the Texas church shooting is about 7 percent of the town's population

Forget gun control now; with an estimated 500 million firearms in the country already, if not one more gun was sold, they would all be out there and ready to be used. As one person interviewed by Fox News Rick Leventhal stated, our population is wedded to these weapons, not to be parted. 

The Week "Local law enforcement have yet to release a firm count of victims of Sunday's deadly mass shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, but most reports indicate about 27 people were killed and nearly as many injured.

"Those numbers would be gutting under any circumstances, but the impact of the tragedy will be more sharply felt given the town's tiny size: Sutherland Springs was home to just 362 people as of the 2000 census, The New York Timesreports, which means about the death toll amounts to about 7 percent of the population.

" 'There is a gas station and a post office. That's about all there really is," saidJoseph Silva, who lives near Sutherland Springs, of the small town. 
""Everybody is pretty grief-stricken" after the attack, he added. "Everyone's worried." Bonnie Kristian

Saturday, November 4, 2017

DNC chair Brazile almost replaced Hillary Clinton with Joe Biden as candidate after her collapse at 9/11 memorial

Image result for hillary clinton collapses pictures

NY Daily News "Hillary Clinton’s lifeless campaign and 9/11 swoon nearly led Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile to replace her with Joe Biden as their presidential candidate.

"Brazile, in her tell-all memoir of the contentious 2016 presidential race, reveals she pondered yanking Clinton off the ballot after she collapsed while leaving a Ground Zero memorial service.

"By then, the Clinton campaign was permeated by the “odor of failure” and Brazile thought the sitting vice president might energize the troops, according to The Washington Post.
“ 'Again and again I thought about Joe Biden,” Brazile writes in the book. “(But) no matter my doubts and my fears about the election and Hillary as a candidate, I could not make good on my threat to replace her.”
"Brazile, before scrapping the plan, envisioned New Jersey Sen. Cory
Booker as Biden’s running mate on the revamped ticket.
"The Post obtained an advance copy of the 288-page “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-Ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House.' ” . . .
Image result for crazy joe biden pictures

Rand Paul assaulted at Kentucky home by neighbor, Dr. Rene Boucher

Which is most surprising: that Sen. Paul was assaulted by his neighbor, or that the Senator was mowing his own lawn?
The Hill  "Kentucky State Police have arrested a man accused of assaulting Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) at his home in Bowling Green, the senator's office confirmed on Saturday. 
Boucher from his Facebook page

" 'Senator Paul was blindsided and the victim of an assault," Kelsey Cooper, a spokeswoman for Paul, said in a statement. "The assailant was arrested and it is now a matter for the police. Senator Paul is fine.”

"The suspect was identified as 59-year-old Rene Boucher of Bowling Green, according to a statement from police. The Warren County Attorney's Office issued a warrant for Boucher's arrest shortly after the assault on Friday.

"Police are investigating the assault, according to the statement. Boucher has been charged with 4th degree assault, causing a minor injury. ' "

Rene Boucher: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Boucher’s daughter, Danielle, is Facebook friends with Paul’s son, William. WAVEreports that Boucher and Paul are neighbors. The station adds in their report that the FBI is investigating to see if the attack was politically motivated. Although WAVE’s Jobina Fortson tweeted that neighbors are saying that Paul and Boucher “had an ongoing feud.” Online records show that Paul lives along Lakeside Way in Bowling Green.
Details about Rene Boucher, the man who assaulted Rand Paul, reveal possible motive  . . . "According to the Daily Caller, records with Kentucky State Board of Election show the alleged assailant, Rene Boucher, is a registered Democrat. Fox News also noted that “a person with his name also works as an anesthesiologist in Bowling Green.”
In addition to being a registered Democrat, the Daily Caller revealed:
  • A Facebook account that appears to Boucher’s contains multiple anti-President Donald Trump postings
  • Boucher shared posts from Occupy Democrats, a popular Facebook page for liberals and progressives
  • Though there were no negative comments about Paul on Boucher’s Facebook page, Boucher did write negatively about many other Republicans and the GOP in general
As of Saturday afternoon, the Facebook page was quickly being inundated with comments slamming Boucher.

Antifa Rallies Planned in at Least 20 U.S. Cities — Won’t ‘Stop Until This Regime Driven from Power’

Big Government

. . . "The Refuse Fascism website states:
No! In the name of humanity we refuse to accept a fascist America! Take to the streets and public squares in cities and towns across the country continuing day after day and night after night — not stopping until our DEMAND is met: This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
"A list follows naming what those nightmares are, including discrimination against Muslims and gays, objectivism and harassment of women, and the danger posed by climate change.
"The “about” portion of the Refuse Fascism states:
We launched at an emergency meeting at the Great Hall of Cooper Union in NYC on December 19th, 2016.  Watched by some 200,000 people on HuffPo’s FaceBookLive, Andy Zee, PZ Myers, Carl Dix, Jeremy Scahill, Imam Ayub Abdul-Baki, Rev. Doris Johnson, Sunsara Taylor, Immortal Technique, and Fran Luck spoke along with messages from Gloria Steinem, Chase Iron Eyes, Isabel Cardenas, and others on the fascist character of the Trump/Pence Regime and called on people to get organized to stop it before it came to power.
"But some are saying that the reaction to the planned rallies is overplayed and is being characterized by some conservative websites as the start of a civil war." . . .

North Korea Pitches A Fit As Sanctions Start To Take Their Toll

I'm sure Kim and his regime sorely miss the pliant Obama

Image result for Starvation North Korea Camps

Daily Caller
"The North, however, refuses to abandon its ballistic missile and nuclear weapons development programs. While it’s people starve, North Korea invests around one-fourth of its GDP in its defense programs."
"North Korea appears to be panicking as the international community tightens the noose with tough, crippling sanctions.

“ 'The U.S.-led racket of brutal sanctions and pressure against the DPRK constitutes contemporary human rights violation and genocide,” the North Korean mission to the United Nations in Geneva said in a statement, according to Reuters.

"Sanctions “threaten and impede the enjoyment by the people of the DPRK of their human rights in all sectors,” the North Korean mission argued. “All types of anti-human rights and inhumane sanctions against the DPRK should be terminated immediately and thoroughly.”

"In response to North Korea’s tests of an intercontinental ballistic missile, the firing of missiles over Japan into the Pacific, and a test of a suspected staged thermonuclear device, the United Nations has imposed the toughest sanctions ever on the North, crippling both exports and imports. The U.S. has also imposed unilateral sanctions on the regime, increasing the pressure." . . .

The left fat-shames and Southern-shames Sarah Huckabee Sanders

I'm thankful this site stayed away from cartoons mocking Michelle Obama's appearance, but stuck with her racially divisive speeches and statements, especially to college speeches. TD

H/T Joanne Parks @ Libnorants
Monica Showalter  "Most people, when they run out of arguments, just shut up.
Much of the left, however, moves on to attacking the person.  For being the person.  Getting personal.  Bullying.
"So now we have a couple of left-wing male columnists from big self-important newspapers – the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times – attacking Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a White House employee, for things she can't do anything about.
"The New York Times' Frank Bruni shames Sanders for her Southern accent:
Besides, she's serving a function other than communication, which turns out not to be her forte. (To listen to her pronounce "priorities" is akin to hearing the air seep out of a flat tire, and she leaves half of the consonants on the curb.)
"The Los Angeles Times' David Horsey shames Sanders for her weight and her class, and throws in a shot at the other Trump women, too.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders does not look like the kind of woman Donald Trump would choose as his chief spokesperson. Much like Roger Ailes when he was stocking the Fox News lineup with blond Barbie dolls in short, tight skirts, the president has generally exhibited a preference for sleek beauties with long legs and stiletto heels to represent his interests and act as his arm candy.
. . .  
"Doesn't matter, because this isn't really about extracting an apology.  It's about what it reveals.  Horsey and Bruni can apologize or not apologize, but we all know what they are thinking about all of us.
"Want more Trump?  That's how you get more Trump."

In one of those "as I wrote in my book" moments, The Tunnel Wall addressed this Nov 3rd:
LA Times ‘Fat Shames’ Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Makes Her Look Like A Nazi And Puts Down Moms
. . . "I'm sure cartoonist Horsey, a gifted artist and occasional honest critic of Obama policies, must enjoy the social scene among the LA elite and his cartoons could certainly place him high on the Hollywood social register. I do not know the man and have not chosen to read his thoughts other than those in this post, but figure he likely would enjoy the thought of his work hanging on walls in leftist gathering places.
"This cartoon [praising Obama] surely ingratiated him to the Obamas and their sychophants. The Tunnel Dweller."

The Big Reveal: The Story of How 470,000 Documents from Osama Bin Laden's Compound Finally Got Into the Open

Obama’s theme to win re-election was Al Qaeda was alternately “on the run” or “decimated” or “on the path to defeat.” It was a lie he created and his minions promulgated. He corrupted agencies and people in his cause.

S. Noble    "The administration has released 470,000 files from the Bin Laden raid kept hidden by the Obama administration. Stephen Hayes, in an article at The Weekly Standard, explains why he hid them.

"Barack Obama and his minions literally ignored the best interests of the United States in defense and nationals security without hesitation for the cause.The Abbottabad Documents as they were known were kept from the public and even left untranslated because they didn’t fit the political narrative and that is all that mattered. It mattered beyond truth, beyond fighting terrorism and only winning office and furthering the agenda mattered.

"National Security Advisor at the time Tom Donilon described the haul as enough to fill a “small college library” It was “the single largest collection of senior terrorist materials ever,” he said. While making these comments, they only released 571 documents.

"Why did this happen?
The self-proclaimed “most transparent administration in history” had spent more than five years misleading the American people about the threat from al Qaeda and its offshoots and had paid very little price for having done so. Republicans volubly disputed the president’s more laughable claims—the attack on the Benghazi compound was just a protest gone bad, al Qaeda was on the run, ISIS was the terrorist junior varsity—but the establishment media, certain that Obama’s predecessor had consistently exaggerated the threat, showed little interest in challenging Obama or the intelligence agencies that often supported his spurious case.
Daily Wire  . . . "[Stephen] Hayes delineates how the documents show a much closer relationship between al Qaeda and Iran than had been heretofore assumed. He points out that Obama in his first term centered on how George W. Bush had allegedly ruined the war on terror but the second term was focused on making a deal with the Iranian government. He adds:
In a manner of speaking, Barack Obama wanted what al Qaeda already had: a mutually beneficial partnership with Tehran. Revealing to the American people the truth about Osama bin Laden’s cozy working relationship with the Iranian government might have fatally undermined that diplomatic quest, just as the ongoing vitality of al Qaeda, amply testified to in the bin Laden documents, would have contradicted Obama’s proud claims in 2012 that al Qaeda was “on the run.” So Obama, with the eager cooperation of some in the intelligence community, bottled up the bin Laden documents and ran out the clock.