Friday, November 24, 2017

A Time for War

"First the universities.  Then Hollywood.  They took over the major media outlets such as the NY Times, the Washington Post, most journalism schools, all the major television networks, and most cable news outlets.  They took over our education system, down to kindergarten.  . . . These already leaned left; now they fully took them over and want to force their ideas on us.  And they hate us."
And how did your Thanksgiving conversations go?

David Prentice  “ 'To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.”  That’s the beginning of a famous bible verse.   It’s a litany of life’s times and wonders that are dropped in our laps; weeping, laughing, dancing, healing. 
"The last line purposely changes tone and says, “a time for war”.
"Like it or not, this is that time.
"Civil War.

"It’s here.  Now.  Thankfully this is not yet the blood in the streets kind of war, but war it is.  It’s a war for the soul of this country, it’s a war that will affect everyone; none will escape having to deal with it directly, or indirectly.
"How did we get here?  It’s complicated.  But one thing for sure: what’s not complicated is who started this war, why, and who it is with.  During our lives, it was started by the hard left, and it’s a war to achieve power for them, for them to change the entire workings of our country.  They want to remake every institution they can, with themselves in control of as much as possible.  Power to them, belongs in the hands of their brilliant ideas, and their overwhelming moral superiority.   They believe this war is necessary in order to root out the injustice inherent in our country’s institutions and its tawdry citizenry.  
"The war in its current form began in the sixties.  It was envisioned by the radicals in the SDS days, spurred by the luminaries of the Frankfurt School, furthered by the activities of Herbert Marcuse, Howard Zinn, Bill Ayers, and the leftist academic institutions we send our children to.  They have taken over institution after institution in a long, calculated preparation for this war.
"First the universities.  Then Hollywood. " . . .Full article

"The United States is torn in two. Forces on the Left are at extreme odds with forces on the Right. We see real manifestations of this each time Antifa shows up to trash a conservative rally. Under the failed leadership of the past administration, America grew more and more fragmented like never before."
I fear another form of civil war would be black vs. white, but that has also become left vs. right, thanks to the racemongers in the Democrat party. TD

America’s Second Civil War . Dennis Preger writes:
. . . "Liberalism — which was anti-left, pro-American and deeply committed to the Judeo-Christian foundations of America; and which regarded the melting pot as the American ideal, fought for free speech for its opponents, regarded Western civilization as the greatest moral and artistic human achievement and viewed the celebration of racial identity as racism — is now affirmed almost exclusively on the right and among a handful of people who don’t call themselves conservative.The left, however, is opposed to every one of those core principles of liberalism.
"Like the left in every other country, the left in America essentially sees America as a racist, xenophobic, colonialist, imperialist, warmongering, money-worshipping, moronically religious nation.
"Just as in Western Europe, the left in America seeks to erase America’s Judeo-Christian foundations. The melting pot is regarded as nothing more than an anti-black, anti-Muslim, anti-Hispanic meme. The left suppresses free speech wherever possible for those who oppose it, labeling all non-left speech “hate speech.” To cite only one example, if you think Shakespeare is the greatest playwright or Bach is the greatest composer, you are a proponent of dead white European males and therefore racist." . . .

The People's Cube reports, "Planned Parenthood mourns death of abortion icon" Updated.

Satire from The People's Cube   "Planned Parenthood issued a statement this afternoon regarding the tragic loss of late term abortion icon Charles Milles Manson.

"In a prepared statement, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said...

"It is with great sadness that we join progressives around the world to mourn the passing of one of mankind's great visionary leaders , Mr. Charles M. Manson. "Charlie" was decades ahead of his time in regards to empowering young women within his family, giving them great responsibilities to carry out their progressive utopian dreams and exercising their late term abortion philosophy and practice.

Charlie's progressiveness made him a target of right-wing extremism. Charlie served out the last four decades of his life a political prisoner for ordering a procedure that today we at Planned Parenthood proudly perform daily. His social justice campaign against rich wealthy white "PIGS" is an inspiration to us all.

"President Richards said a college endowment will be made in Charlie's name and that The Charlie Manson Male Feminist Award will be given out annually to remember Charlie's empowerment of young women, social justice and late term abortion.
. . . 

"And the New York Times is right behind, taking a Great Orwellian Leap to link Charles Manson to alt-right and ultimately to Trump. 

"As in: Charles Manson has always been a right-winger. 

"If that's true, then a right-winger was also Manson's admirer Bernardine Dohrn and her husband, Bill Ayers. And, by extension, Barack Obama. But let's not the facts get in the way of the narrative.

" 'Trump is literally Hitler" is out; "Trump is literally Manson" is in.

"Charles Manson Was Not a Product of the Counterculture

Apart from the long hair and the casual sex, however, Mr. Manson, who spent much of his life in prison with a swastika carved into his head, had more in common ideologically with far-right groups like the John Birch Society than he did with the anarchic leftism of, say, the Yippies.

By El Presidente 

Update and NOT satire: Where Will Charles Manson Be Buried? GoFundMe Pulls Plug On Funeral Fundraising

Viral Feels

Judge Roy Moore Weighs Legal Action Against Accusers As Allegations Fall Apart

The Gateway Pundit  "It looks like the flimsy 38-year-old allegations against Judge Roy Moore are falling apart.
"In fact it looks like EVERY SINGLE DETAIL in Gloria Allred’s accuser allegations against Roy Moore have been debunked.
"Beverly Nelson was not telling the truth."
"And Alabama voters are paying attention.
"Roy Moore now leads ultra-liberal Doug Jones by at least 6 points in several polls this week.
"And President Trump gave him the nod on Tuesday on the way to Mar-a-Lago.
"And now this…

"Judge Roy Moore told reporters this week he is considering pressing charges against one or more of the women who accused him of sexual misconduct 38 years ago.

"NBC News reported: . . ."
But if Moore has done these things, we would be much like the contemptible James Carville and his revolting responses to Paula Jones and Ken Starr . But yet I fear being owned by a possible Democrat scam, a party that seems to be capable of  unconscionable evil.TD

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Alabama Women, Say No to Roy Moore

Peggy Noonan

"This tribune of the common folk and their earnest ways allegedly preyed on the unprotected."

. . . "People from the Deep South feel culturally patronized. This is because they are. Reporters from outside don’t admire or relate to them; when a Washington Post journalist presented as fact, in a 1993 news report, that evangelical Christians are “largely poor, uneducated and easy to command,” you know he was thinking of Southern evangelicals. Hollywood has long cast Southerners as witless and brutish in films from “Inherit the Wind” to “Deliverance” and “Mississippi Burning.”

"Politically, Southern conservatives have long decried a double standard. Ted Kennedy spent much of his life as a somewhat inebriated roué whose actions caused the death of a young woman, but now we’re instructed to call him the Lion of the Senate. Bill Clinton was worse than Roy Moore. Mr. Clinton was accused of rape, harassment and exposing himself, but his party backed him and he kept the presidency. Democratic Sen. Al Franken was credibly accused Thursday, by an anchor at KABC radio in Los Angeles, of groping and harassing her on a USO tour in 2006. When she resisted him, Leeann Tweeden wrote, “Franken repaid me with petty insults,” and took an obscene photo of her on the way home, as she slept. Will the liberal media dig into Mr. Franken as they have dug into Mr. Moore? Or is he too good a source and friend?" 
. . . 
"If you care about late-term abortion, that is enough reason to oppose Mr. Jones. It is not surprising that Mr. Moore’s supporters would stick with him when seen through that light.

"But still: It won’t do. All the above having been said, Alabamans who continue to back Mr. Moore are making a terrible mistake.

"Just because something is understandable doesn’t mean it’s right. The charges against Mr. Moore are not only serious; they are completely credible." . . .

Newsgate 2016, Updated November 12, 2017

Sharyl Attkisson

"The following is a news media analysis and commentary"
"Regardless of who is your chosen – or least favorite – presidential candidate, independent minds should be concerned about the latest revelations in the news media’s unseemly relationships with government and political actors. While there are many responsible journalists working today, inside documents and leaks have exposed serious lapses constituting the most far-reaching scandal our industry has known. It’s our very own Newsgate.
Compromised reporting has always existed as a result of covert collaborations between reporters and political officials—Democrats and Republicans alike. For example, in my new book out next year, The Smear, I’ll report on instances of improper collusion that surfaced during the Bush administration. The most recent available evidence is heavy on Democrat-ties due to the nature of the available documents and leaks.  
"It can be argued that some individual accounts can be rationalized and are not serious breaches of ethics. But taken as a whole, it’s easy to see how we as journalists have done a poor job protecting ourselves from being co-opted by organized interests, often ones that are paid and politically-motivated. Whether we realize it or not, they’ve figured out how to exploit the media and use us to publish their propaganda. It implies a broad and growing trend that has seriously undermined the credibility of the news industry.
"Opinion reporters and those who work for obviously ideological news groups are entitled to publish party propaganda. It’s one matter to provide viewpoint journalism. But it’s quite another for us to act as a tool of any interest, publishing narratives or talking points upon suggestion or demand, without disclosing we’ve done just that." . . .
Full Article

Three little Fausts went to market

See the source image
Richard Rail  "Kathy Griffin, Hillary Clinton, and Colin Kaepernick go around in despair about how mean the world is to them, how they're getting cheated out of something rightfully theirs, how things just shouldn't be like this.

"Hatred figures prominently in their respective worldviews.  Griffin hates Donald Trump.  Hillary hates deplorables and Jim Comey and the Russians and men and self-hating women.  Oh, and Bernie.  And Donna.  Kaep hates America, or anyway America's cops.
"All three did this to themselves, but none sees any connection between choices made and present predicament.  Now they make themselves pitiful, irritating, and disgusting by whining, crying, complaining, ranting, and blaming.
"Griffin was the real dumb one.  Kaep's a millionaire even if he did kick away another season's work, and Hillary's got a tidy nest egg up there in Chappaqua, but Kathy didn't look far enough down the road before taking this wrong turn.
Image result for eye rolling cartoons
"America responds to this trio with eye-rolling.  And deep sighs.  And looking away.  And channel-changing.  Professional victims are nobody's idea of achievers, heroes, models for kids, or fun company on a desert island.
"Look at it this way, guys: you coulda been in Hollywood getting it from Harv and Kev and that bunch.  Then you could have laid it on really thick.  True, it's hard to see how, but you would have thought of something.
"Truth is, you all had it pretty good.  You had it real good.  But you couldn't accept that.  You kept pushing for more.  Idolization or headlines or something.  You never figured out how to enjoy what you had and pocket your winnings.
"Three Fausts looking for the ultimate high.  My, my."

George Washington wishes us all a happy Thanksgiving

Hat tip to Leslie Vaughn Burckard, Tillamook, Oregon

The First Thanksgiving: A story always worth returning to  . . . "The months turned into years and saw the Pilgrims develop good relations with the local natives including Massasoit, a wise and welcoming chief of the local tribes, Samoset, and especially Tisquantum, or Squanto.
"In the middle of March 1621, just as the Pilgrims were coming out of the devastatingly harsh winter, a guard alerted his comrades with the cry of “Indian coming!” Wearing only a loincloth as he walked into the Pilgrims’ camp, Samoset astonished the English onlookers with a hearty “Welcome!” Then speaking surprisingly clear English, he followed his friendly greeting with a request, “Have you got any beer?' ” . . .

2017 NFL condition

The NFL ratings slump is getting worse  "The TV audience for NFL games steepened its slide in Week 11, losing 1 million viewers versus last year’s season-to-date average.
"The 6.3 percent slump — worsening from comparable declines of 5.6 to 5.7 percent during the previous three weeks — plagued a week whose off-the-field drama made gridiron tackling seem almost tame by comparison.
"Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones remained the major distraction by continuing to battle with fellow team owners and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.
"Jones brought even more tension to Week 11 when video footage surfaced late last week of the football tycoon making a racially charged remark at a 2013 wedding party.
"President Donald Trump added to the off-field antics with a tweet calling for the suspension of the Oakland Raiders’ Marshawn Lynch for not standing for the national anthem during a game played in Mexico City.
"Only two games had audience gains.
"The NBC “SNF” during which the Philadelphia Eagles whopped the Dallas Cowboys 37 to 9 managed to attract 12 percent more viewers than the comparable contest a year ago.
"Fox’s single header on Sunday, which saw the New Orleans Saints sneak past the Washington Redskins 34 to 31, drew 10 percent more viewers." . . .

NFL viewership down 11 percent in 2017   . . . "The NFL ratings are in focus because of President Donald Trump’s suggestion that viewers are turned off by a protest against police brutality that began with quarterback Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand for the national anthem. The protests spread rapidly this past weekend following the president’s criticism of people involved.

"Next week’s ratings will be even more closely watched, since conservative groups and Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity have called for people angered by the protests to boycott this weekend’s games."

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The History of Sex in America, Part 1

After years of this sex panic, with men being sued for telling their secretaries "you look great in that," feminists finally got themselves a genuine sexual predator with President Bill Clinton. Feminists defended the predator. 
Ann Coulter  " 'Spotlight on sexual harassment moves victims to break silence" 

"Women Drawing the Line"

"The Evolving Concept of Sexual Harassment"

"Thousands and thousands of headlines like these appeared in newspapers across the country -- back in 1991. Spare us the self-righteousness, millennials.

"Just as every new generation thinks it discovered sex, refusing to wonder how they came kicking and screaming into the world, apparently the new thing is for every generation to think it discovered sexual harassment.

"Historical note for my younger readers: George Washington didn't grab women's breasts or force them to watch him masturbate.

"There have been tectonic shifts in Americans' attitudes about sex, but the idea of thanking someone by sending him a prostitute with a note in her vagina is of relatively recent vintage. (Hat tip: Hollywood's Robert Evans!) (For Larry David fans, Evans' birth name was Robert Shapera.)

"These are the major epochs in American sexual history:

"1607-1968: Women in America were treated better than any place else on Earth, at any time in history.

"1968-1991: Manson Family values swept the nation, with the rise of the Worst Generation. Left-wing men, from senators to hippies, treated women as subjugated beings and sexual playthings.

"The Weathermen forced girls into group sex. The Supreme Court granted constitutional protection to the most vile forms of pornography. Hollywood dumped the Hays Code, and promptly went pedal-to-the-metal on movies showing the bright side of the sexual exploitation of women.

"Sen. Teddy Kennedy let a girl drown at Chappaquiddick, after driving with his lights off to avoid detection on the way to a late-night extramarital liaison, and then didn't report the accident for hours, passing houses with their lights on, while he tried to construct an alibi, ending with him asking his cousin to say he was driving." . . .  
Full article

Politicians and media people doing what comes naturally

Sebelius: The Clinton White House doubled down on 'abusive behavior' and it's fair to criticize Hillary Clinton   "As a wave of stories unfold about sexual harassment and assault by men in power, a senior Democratic leader says her party should reflect on how it handled such charges when they were leveled against former President Bill Clinton.

" 'Not only did people look the other way, but they went after the women who came forward and accused him," says Kathleen Sebelius, the former secretary of Health and Human Services and Kansas governor. "And so it doubled down on not only bad behavior but abusive behavior. And then people attacked the victims."
"Sebelius extended her criticism to Hillary Clinton, and the Clinton White House for what she called a strategy of dismissing and besmirching the women who stepped forward—a pattern she said is being repeated today by alleged perpetrators of sexual assault—saying that the criticism of the former first lady and Secretary of State was "absolutely" fair. Sebelius noted that the Clinton Administration's response was being imitated, adding that "you can watch that same pattern repeat, It needs to end. It needs to be over.' " . . .

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Ethics lawyer: Conyers summoned me to his office while wearing underwear  "Melanie Sloan, who formerly headed Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and worked for Conyers from 1995 to 1998, told The Washington Post on Wednesday that Conyers asked her to come to his Rayburn Building office at one point, where she found him in his underwear.
“ 'I was pretty taken aback to see my boss half-dressed,” she said. “I turned on my heel and I left.' ” . . .
Political media engulfed by sexual harassment crisis  . . . "Glenn Thrush of The New York Times, Charlie Rose of CBS, author Mark Halperin, NBC’s Matthew Zimmerman, NPR’s Michael Oreskes, Vox’s Lockhart Steele, The New Republic’s Hamilton Fish and The Atlantic’s Leon Wieseltier have all been suspended or fired in the last month over varying degrees of alleged harassment or assault." . . .

Groping’s Just Cool If You’re ‘For The Common Good’

Three CBS employees accuse Charlie Rose of sexual harassment  . . . "The three CBS employees spoke on condition of anonymity, reports CBS News correspondent Bianna Golodryga. One says she's not ready for details of her allegations to become public. The other two described unwanted encounters with Rose at work-related events. One claims he groped her rear. The other says he grabbed her inappropriately and whispered a sexual innuendo in her ear. Our CBS News communication office issued a statement saying: "This is new information. Beyond that, we have no comment at this time.' " . . .

Former Charlie Rose intern says he made her watch sex scene from a movie
. . . "A former intern says Charlie Rose made her watch an explicit sex scene from a movie while dropping mail at his home." . . .

. . . "In one video, Rose tells King she looks tan as he looks her up and down, to which she laughs and jokingly tugs at her bra strap.
" 'Can I see that one more time?" Rose asks with a laugh.
"On another occasion, Rose says he wouldn't think less of a woman who slept with him on a first date, and that he likes a girl wearing Victoria's Secret." . . .

Kaepernick the freedom fighter

Hillary’s Version

By Conrad Black at National Review. . . "Previous narrowly defeated presidential candidates have been almost uniformly civilized. It never seems to have occurred to Hillary Clinton that Trump won because the previous 20 years of government had been utterly and bipartisanly incompetent, in the White House and the Congress. Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama produced the housing bubble and the Great Recession, endless and fruitless war in the Mideast and an immense humanitarian tragedy, mountainous budgetary, current-account, and trade deficits, and, under Obama, serious increases in poverty and violence, a shrinking work force, and a foreign policy of telling America’s allies and enemies to change roles and places. (Clinton proudly claims that the surrender to Iran’s nuclear military ambitions avoided an arms race in the Middle East, and fears what a mess Trump might make of North Korea, oblivious to her own and her husband’s bungling of the issue.) She somewhat grasps that tens of millions of voters don’t enjoy being called “deplorables” (though she thinks they are anyway), but doesn’t grasp that Trump was running as much against the Bushes and Obama as against the Clintons. She seems not to realize that he and his supporters concluded that the entire political class, including its national-media launderers, Wall Street paymasters, greasy lobbyists, and Hollywood cheerleaders, all had to go when the swamp is drained." . . .  Read more