Saturday, November 25, 2017

Denzel Washington says upbringing and lack of father figures not the justice system are to blame for many young men ending up in jail . . .

". . . as he promotes new movie about legal savant."

UK Daily Mail   "Denzel Washington says upbringing and a lack of father figures are to blame for many young men ending up in jail.
"The Oscar winner, 62, was speaking at the premiere of his latest film, Roman J. Israel, Esq., in which he stars as an idealistic defense attorney whose life is upended when his partner, the firm's front man, dies.
"Asked if the film made him feel more cynical about the justice system, the star replied: 'It starts at home.'

The Oscar winner, 62, was speaking at the premiere of his latest film, Roman J. Israel, Esq., in which he stars as an idealistic defense attorney whose life is upended when his partner, the firm's front man, dies. Pictured: Washington as Roman J. IsraelĀ 

"In an earlier interview, the actor touched upon some of his own experiences growing up.

" 'I grew up with guys who did decades (in prison) and it had as much to do with their fathers not being in their lives as it did to do with any system,' he told Reuters."

Gov. Jerry Brown: California should be able to reduce public employees’ pension benefits

Leslie Eastman
Potentially a more meaningful legacy than the one that earned him the “Moonbeam” moniker.

"As Professor Jacobson recently noted, California Governor Jerry Brown occasionally has moments of sanity and clarity.
"In what can only be described as a Thanksgiving miracle, it is being reported that Brown is endeavoring to tackle the looming employee pension crisis by reforming the pension benefits for current government employees.
Gov. Jerry Brown got most of what he wanted when he carried a proposal to shore up the state’s underfunded public employee pension plans by trimming benefits for new workers.
Five years later, he’s in court making an expansive case that government agencies should be able to adjust pension benefits for current workers, too.
A new brief his office filed in a union-backed challenge to Brown’s 2012 pension reform law argues that faith in government hinges in part on responsible management of retirement plans for public workers.
“At stake was the public’s trust in the government’s prudent use of limited taxpayer funds,” the brief reads, referring to the period when he advocated for pension changes during the recession.
"Brown has been battling the public employee unions in California over the 2012 pension reform measures, and his office this month supplanted the attorney general in defending Brown’s pension reform law court. Legal Insurrection readers will recall that the state attorney general is Xavier Becerra, who has spent much of his time in office overseeing the states War Against President Trump.
"The numbers behind California’s current pension woes are staggering." . . .

SICK! April Ryan Hurls Racist Insults at Diamond and Silk Over #PieGate

The Gateway Pundit  "Diamond and Silk were racially attacked by April Ryan following an appearance on Fox and Friends Weekend on Saturday morning in which the Trump supporting black female duo talked about several topics, including the ginned up by liberals controversy over White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ Thanksgiving Day chocolate pecan pie. Diamond and Silk, while harshly critical of Ryan, did not attack their fellow black female in racial terms, making the responding racist attacks on them by Ryan more disturbing.
"Sanders was accused on Friday by April Ryan, a CNN analyst and White House reporter for American Urban Radio Network, of faking a photo of the pie and demanded that Sanders bake her a pie to prove herself. However, Ryan said she would not eat the pie, accusing Sanders of wanting to poison her because she is a reporter.
"The photo of the pie posted by Sanders has been proven by Gizmodo to not have been previously posted to the Internet." . . .

“As I watched Man Tan, Sleep and Eat, Aunt Jemima, Li’l Nigger Jim, Sambo and Rastus, along with a band called the Alabama Porch Monkeys (played by the Roots) cavorting and lazing about in their watermelon patch…”
"Liberal White House reporters like April Ryan are allowed to use racism to attack Trump supporting black women because why, CNN?"

Linda Tripp: 'It's a Day Late, and It's a Dollar Short'

The Weekly Standard
"Monica Lewinsky's confidante has a lot to say to the women who have finally acknowledged that Bill Clinton is a sexual predator."

. . . "Tripp has a quiet life in Northern Virginia horse country, avoiding the public attention that was so unwelcome in the late 1990s. But the unending flow of headlines about the bad behavior of powerful men, she says, “is forcing me to relive a lot of it.” She’s unconvinced by recent calls in the press for Clinton’s deeds to be reconsidered in a more critical light. “They have nothing to lose, and this is now permissible,” she says. “The fact that the Clintons are dead in the water gives [the media] tacit approval to act like human beings. . . . It’s disingenuous.”
"She finds it particularly galling to hear former Clinton defenders attributing their latter-day awakening to evolving social mores. In a November 16 interview with the New York Times, New York senator Kirsten Gillibrand said that she now believes that Bill Clinton should have resigned because of his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. “Things have changed,” she said.
“ 'What information do they have at their fingertips today that they didn’t have 20 years ago?” Tripp asks. “What information has changed?' ” . . .

Following the Trump-Russia Dossier Money


"Proof solidifies that Fusion GPS took money from Democrat law firms."

"Unsealed bank records appear to reinforce the claim that Democrat Hillary Clinton’s campaign bought and paid for the sensational “piss-gate” dossier that used anonymous sources to smear President Trump by falsely linking him to Russia.
"The dossier is the salacious, 35-page report commissioned by Democrat-aligned opposition research firm Fusion GPS. The statements in the partisan hit job were compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele and published by BuzzFeed. One claim was that Donald Trump hired prostitutes to urinate on a bed.
"The dossier was just one of many particularly outrageous dirty tricks Clinton’s campaign to undercut her opponent’s campaign during the 2016 election cycle. Clinton also personally authorized the illicit efforts of socialist felon Bob Creamer and organizer Scott Foval who fomented violence at Trump campaign rallies, as James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas group revealed in undercover videos.
"President Trump and his defenders have repeatedly suggested Democrats, Russia, or the FBI – or all three – may have helped fund the infamous document dump.
"What’s new here are bank records from two Democrat-aligned law firms listing 112 transactions involving Fusion GPS. Clinton campaign and DNC lawyer Marc Elias reportedly hired Fusion GPS in April 2016 to conduct opposition research against Trump." . . .

One wonders how Charlie Rose covered these guys.

. . . “The therapist claimed that when they were alone, Gore shrugged off a towel and stood naked in front of her. The Enquirer also alleges Gore’s fruit came out of the loom a third time, a year later at a hotel in Tokyo."
Bill Clinton and the 'Lolita Express'  . . . "The “right on the issues” defense does not apply to Republicans like Judge Roy Moore, nor does presumption of innocence. Democratic hypocrites rushed to condemn Moore faster than you can say “Anthony Weiner.” Franken, Menendez, and Conyers are right on the issues, which may be why the chorus for their unseating is, to say the least, somewhat muted. Judge Moore has been accused of dallying with underage girls, which is a charge his accusers are mysteriously not bringing up against Bill Clinton, a frequent passenger on the jet of accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. As noted by the Daily Caller: "
. . . "Bill Clinton had a habit of ditching his Secret Service protection when flying with child predator Epstein on his “Lolita Express”:
Fox News reported Friday that records show Mr. Clinton declined Secret Service protection on at least five flights.
The network’s investigation reveals Mr. Clinton flew on the Boeing 727 “Lolita Express” 26 times, more than doubling the previously reported 11 trips.
“Bill Clinton… associated with a man like Jeffrey Epstein, who everyone in New York, certainly within his inner circles, knew was a pedophile. Why would a former president associate with a man like that?” said Conchita . . .
No such thing as "old news" anymore: 
Thanksgiving allowed Americans to sit in front of the TV and enjoy their favorite contact sport all day long. It’s called the news. As the day began, the number of Democratic perverts was leading the number of Republican perverts by a score of twelve-to-ten, with plenty of time left in the ballgame. Comedian Argus Hamilton
Al Gore’s dark past is an inconvenient truth  . . . "While speaking to detectives in January of 2009 the woman said she had been doing requested abdominal work on Mr. Gore when he demanded she go lower.

"The New York Times reported that she told police, “I was shocked and I did not massage beyond what is considered a safe, nonsexual area of the abdomen,” she said. “He further insisted and acted angry, becoming verbally sharp and loud.' ” . . .

Can we get rid of Al Gore as a spokesman for global warming now?  . . . "Gore for years has portrayed himself as a figure of noble righteousness, first narrowly losing the 2000 election to George W. Bush and claiming he'd won, and then making a supposed truth-teller's movie about the badness of global warming, called 'An Inconvenient Truth,' enabling him to walk off with the Nobel Peace Prize.

"But then there was this other side to him, the pervert side, the guy who harassed the masseuses and roared with volcanic anger when they didn't rub his private parts as he had ordered them to do during his massages at assorted mansions and spas." . . .
:Because like Michael Moore, whose Sicko movie extolled the glories of Cuba's Castrocare, it  was the film's false claims that led to the Nightmare of Obamacare in the U.S., Al Gore's movie 'An Inconvenient Truth' led to global warming becoming an article of faith among the left and standard fare taught in schools. Europe was particularly smitten."

Al's chakra needed releasing. But then there's Joe:

Well, if Charlie Rose walking around visitors naked is perverted, what about this, if true?  . . . "The naked swimming and the last-minute changes of schedule mean that being assigned to Mr Biden is seen as 'the second worst assignment in the Secret Service,' Mr Kessler writes." . . .And if you're a Delaware neighbor of Biden's, it's a good reminder not to just drop by for a swim.

DEMOCRAT NEWS NETWORK: CNN Fails To Report These 24 Democrat Sex Scandals   "All of the Democrat sex scandals that CNN has failed to report on have made news in 2017, with 19 of the 24 making news within the last month." 
. . .


No country for the squeamish of any age . . . "Bill Clinton gave everyone, young and old, a primer on oral sex, whether they wanted it or not, and Roy Moore and a procession of celebrities, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken and Charlie Rose leading the way, have followed up with advanced studies in pederasty, rape, nudity, exhibitionism and onanism. We’re all reluctant scholars, like it or not (and who does?)." . . .

Washington Post reporter caught plotting liberal agenda with billionaire George Soros

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Bran Flood  
"Allegedly unbiased Washington Post reporter Janell Ross spoke at a top-secret meeting of liberal movers and shakers last week, where Democratic donors including billionaire George Soros outlined the future of their progressive agenda.
"A Post spokesperson told the Washington Free Beacon that Ross took part of the California event “without notifying her superiors that she would be attending.”
"The Democracy Alliance, which hosted the event, bills itself as “the largest network of donors dedicated to building the progressive movement in the United States” on the group’s official website. The liberal group also claims to “play a leading role in fostering the infrastructure necessary to advance a progressive agenda” in the United States." . . . .

. . . "Members of the secretive liberal group who attended the shady presentation each promised to donate at least $20,000 to advance its left-wing agenda. The session was part of a three-day conference at the luxurious La Costa Resort located in Carlsbad, Calif., last week, where the group plotted their 2018 "resistance" and game plan, according to the Beacon. Soros was introduced by a video message from Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) and House Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, according to the paper." . . .

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Thomas Lifson:  The Washington Post's pretentions just died in the darkness

. . . "I am absolutely fine with newspapers, websites, TV networks, and other media having a political viewpoint.  After all, American Thinker proudly does.  But the WaPo, like most of the MSM, continues to pretend it is a disinterested seeker of the truth and (lately) the guardian of democracy.  Spare me!  Conspiring in secret with plutocrats committed to using their wealth to amplify their political power, bending the state to their own interests and preferences, is the antithesis of guarding democracy.
"The WaPo officially is a laughingstock."
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The Federalist Papers

Friday, November 24, 2017

Now Hillary is Blaming Obama for Loss to Trump

"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has a long list of things and and people she has blamed for her loss in the 2016 presidential election. Now, she she is also blaming former President Barack Obama.
"In an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt released on Tuesday, Clinton said Obama’s eight years made it difficult for her to “put forth an agenda for change.”
“ 'It is true that when you run to succeed a two-term president of your own party, you have a historical headwind blowing against you,” Clinton said.
“ 'It’s not just this campaign can be set apart from everything that’s ever happened in our politics. It is a challenge,” she added.
"Obama endorsed Clinton for president after she effectively clinched the Democrat nomination, and went on to campaign for her across the country.
"Clinton’s comments were even more notable when considering she appeared on a conservative radio show to blame Obama for making it more difficult for her to win the election.
"Nevertheless, she maintained that she had a hard time projecting authenticity and differentiating herself from Obama to voters across the country." . . .

Is Trump Restoring Separation of Powers?

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National Review

Several of his officials are working to contain the administrative state.

. . . "In a series of significant speeches at the Federalist Society’s national convention, the president’s lawyers have begun to articulate a framework for restoring the separation of powers: First, Congress should cease delegating its legislative power to the executive branch; second, the executive branch will stop using informal “guidance documents” that deprive people of the due process of law without fair notice; and third, courts should stop rubber-stamping diktats that lack the force of law. 

"Executive power is often described as a one-way ratchet: Each president, Democrat or Republican, augments the authority his predecessor aggrandized. These three planks of the Trumpian Constitution — delegation, due process, and deference — are remarkable, because they do the exact opposite by ratcheting down the president’s authority. If Congress passes more precise statues, the president has less discretion. If federal agencies comply with the cumbersome regulatory process, the president has less latitude. If judges become more engaged and scrutinize federal regulations, the president receives less deference. Each of these actions would weaken the White House but strengthen the rule of law. To the extent that President Trump follows through with this platform, he can accomplish what few (myself included) thought possible: The inexorable creep of the administrative leviathan can be slowed down, if not forced into retreat." . . .

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Portland man found guilty of damaging Montana oil pipeline

Great Falls Tribune:

Leonard Higgins

 Leonard Higgins, charged with tampering with an oil pipeline in Montana last year following a four-state climate change demonstration, was found guilty Wednesday by a Chouteau County jury of trespassing and criminal mischief.
The jury, which got the case at 11:15 a.m., returned an hour later with the verdict, which also included the conclusion that Higgins caused more than $1,500 in damage.
District Judge Daniel Boucher set sentencing for Jan. 2.
Following the verdict, Higgins, of Portland, said he was disappointed Boucher did not allow his defense team to present a so-called “necessity” defense in which he would have argued he committed a lesser harm because of an imminent greater harm, in this case climate change.
Had that climate change defense been allowed, Higgins said, the outcome may have been different.
“It was really frustrating not to be able to talk about climate in the courthouse,” Higgins said.
The charges stemmed from Higgins turning off an oil pipeline valve in 2016 located north of the Missouri River in Chouteau County 75 miles northeast of Great Falls as part of a coordinated, four-state effort to raise awareness about climate change.
His trial began Tuesday and the case was given to jurors for deliberation late Wednesday morning.
“This is not about climate change,” Chouteau County Attorney Steven Gannon told jurors during closing arguments. . .

Progressives have a new nightmare

Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit has long argued that wealthy conservative donors should send their money buying women's magazines rather than futilely buying advertising.  Those women-oriented magazines are uniformly hostile to conservative causes and could easily be turned around.
Media Bias

Thomas Lifson  "Realistic political analysts have always believed that their dominance of mainstream media has always added to the vote totals of Democrats and progressives.  President Trump's excoriation of fake news is an attempt to lessen that advantage by helping credibility erode faster than ever from the major media outlets.
"But now a different kind of threat is emerging, and we can expect screams of outrage if a couple of billionaires "follow through on moves being hinted at.  "Following the example of Jeff Bezos's bargain-basement purchase of the Washington Post, a couple of major media properties may fall into conservative hands and be repurposed as conservative outlets.
"Peter Kafka reports in Recode:
Do the Koch Brothers want their own media empire?
They're putting more than $500 million into a bid for Time Inc. Why?
The fact that Meredith is trying to buy Time Inc. is news, but it's not shocking: The magazine publisher that owns Family Circle and Parents has been trying to combine with the publisher that owns People, Time and Sports Illustrated for years.
The big surprise: Charles and David Koch, the billionaires who are a powerful force in conservative politics, are backing the bid.
The New York Times reports that the Kochs are putting more than $500 million into a deal that hasn't closed but seems pretty far along, and could be finalized in the coming weeks. I'm told the investor group backed by billionaire Len Blavatnik, which floated an offer for Time Inc. last year, doesn't plan to compete for the company now.
We'll learn more about the proposed deal soon, but here's the first, obvious question: Do the Kochs want to be investors in a media business because they like the economics? Or because they want influence? . . .
. . . "The big picture is really scary if you are a prog who depends on media support.  The MSM have been committing suicide by driving away half the public and being so obviously biased that even the remaining audience loses trust.  That opens the door to pick up properties on the cheap.  They are already politicized, so reversing the poles is not a huge obstacle.  There are plenty of unemployed journalists out there, so staffing up shouldn't be a problem.  Moreover, the conservative blogosphere has operated as a sort of farm team system for newly conservative magazines, newspapers, and websites to draw talent from."

This is worrisome aplenty knowing of George Soros' influence on American culture and politics. I fear influence from the right while at the same time see the need for an antibiotic against the disease of leftism. 
But it will take more than conservative media to overcome the leftism in academia and entertainment. TD

Media disdain for Sarah Sanders gets personal

Washington Examiner

"The national media’s relationship with White House press secretary Sarah Sanders has taken on a new tension over the last month, as journalists and news commentators have grown more and more personal in their hostility toward the Trump administration’s top spokeswoman. 

"Several high-prole columnists and writers have torn into Sanders over the last few weeks to mock her appearance, the way she talks, and most recently, an alleged disdain she showed the press by asking them at a brieng this week to say why they are thankful this holiday season. 

“ 'Sanders’s sudden shift from press secretary to minister’s daughter a few days before Thanksgiving coincides with her apparent image evolution from a woman unconcerned with vanity to a more polished version,” Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker wrote Tuesday. “One can almost hear the hive of consultants discussing how to imperceptibly adapt this no-frills yeoman to the shallower requirements of a visual medium.' ” . . .