Tuesday, November 28, 2017

More turning to the stars instead of stars' Creator ...

    Jerry Newcombe calls Bible much better source of answers than Zodiac

Jerry Newcombe "Many Americans, declares an article in the New York Times (Nov. 24, 2017), are “Leaning on the Stars to Make Sense of the World.” Personally, I’d rather “lean” on the One Who made the stars to make sense of the world. He has revealed Himself not only in the stars, but much more clearly in His Word.
See the source image"The NYT.com article states: “‘One appeal is that [the stars] offer some order in an otherwise chaotic city and volatile world,’ said Galit Atlas, a clinical assistant professor in New York University’s postdoctoral program in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. … ‘Especially in a time when the world doesn’t feel safe, we tend to search for an order that makes sense.'”
"In short, people are turning to horoscopes and astrology to help cope in these troublesome times.
"My long-time pastor, Dr. D. James Kennedy, once preached a series on “the Gospel in the Stars.” The idea was that God had revealed the Gospel in the heavens – before the corruption of the Zodiac. The 12 signs are found in ancient cultures and countries.
"As D. James Kennedy Ministries puts it, “All nations had the same 12 signs, representing the same 12 things, placed in the same order. Archaeologists, historians and antiquarians have searched the dustiest libraries, uncovered the oldest tablets, ciphered the most difficult hieroglyphics, and have failed to discover how it is that in nations all over the world the same signs exist. Dr. Kennedy explains that the real meaning of the Zodiac was to reveal God’s plan of salvation in Christ. Meanwhile, he also denounces using horoscopes. The stars point to the Creator.' ” . . .
See the source image

Jerry Newcombe, D.Min., is a TV producer and the co-host of "Kennedy Classics." He has also written or co-written 24 books, including "The Book That Made America" (on the Bible) and (with D. James Kennedy) "What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?" and (with Peter Lillback) "George Washington’s Sacred Fire." Jerry hosts gracenetradio.com Thursdays at noon Eastern.

Is calling Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' an insult?

WND  "A number of Democrats and members of the media (but I repeat myself) have suggested it is an insult to refer to Sen. Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas.”
"The controversy arose when President Trump, speaking to Navajo veterans Monday, made this comment – an obvious allusion to Warren: “I just want to thank you because you are very, very special people. You were here long before any of us were here. Although, we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago … longer than you – they call her Pocahontas!”
"Some, including Warren, called it a “racial slur.”
"The question is how so?
"If what Trump said was an insult, to whom?
"As someone with far more native American ancestry than Warren, I would have to say that posing as a native American impostor for advantage in academia and in one’s career, as she did, is the most insulting, most offensive and most exploitive form of cultural and ethnic appropriation I’ve seen in public life.
"Clearly, without articulating his view, I would suggest President Trump saw it the same way I did.
"I’ve noticed Rush Limbaugh, too, employs the Pocahontas sobriquet for Warren. I’ve used it myself. It’s a joke, of course. It is indeed intentionally demeaning, offensive and insulting – but to Warren, not to Pocahontas or to native Americans generally.
"Pocahontas is an American heroine. Elizabeth Warren is an American punchline.
Remember, Warren’s not "really a native American. She’s a shameless impostor, a fraudster, a joke – someone who claimed to be a native American to elevate her otherwise boring and undistinguished background and personality and to exploit for her own personal advantage a heritage that did not belong to her. In a way, she could be accurately described as a kind of thief – one who steals the identity of others." . . .



Accusing Moore's Accusers

Hugh McInnish  . . . By way of full disclosure, I will tell you that I support Roy Moore, I have known him a long time, and have contributed to his campaign. I recommended to then-Governor Robert Bentley that he appoint him to fill the unexpired term of Senator Jeff Sessions when the latter was appointed attorney general. I was in the company of Moore within the last week. With all that said, I will proceed to offer you my opinion on the accusations against him presently jamming the American electromagnetic spectrum.
First of all, I think it important to make clear exactly what, true or false, the accusations are. The accusations first came from four middle-age women who claim that Moore dated them when they were at a tender age.
"Three of the four can be dealt with summarily. Yes, they were young, in their teens, but they only allege that Moore hugged and kissed them, nothing more. Further, these girls, or some of them, had the consent of their parents to date Moore. These three in no way should even be called “accusers.” They are just telling some innocent reminiscences.
"The fourth lady, Leigh Corfman, says that Moore took off some of their clothes, but did not engage in sex. She asked him to take her home, and he did. None of this is a crime, even if it happened. But did it?
"According to the records, the accuser has been divorced three times, has declared bankruptcy more than once, and has accused three ministers of sexual abuse." . . .

Why is Trump the bad guy in the case of Elizabeth Warren's affirmative action fraud?

Monica Showalter   "Elizabeth Warren is mad.  Steaming mad.  Or so she would have you think on MSNBC.
"President Trump made an offhand reference to her, using a nickname for her that she recognized, Pocahontas, at an event honoring America's Navajo code talkers, who played a pivotal role in winning World War II.  And Warren went bonkers.
. . . 
"Trump's reference to Pocahontas was inelegant, to be sure, and some representatives of the Native American community disputed that it was even a slur.  The National Congress of American Indians rightly said the problem with the statement was that it drew attention away from the code talkers to an unrelated political issue.
"But Trump's use of the word "Pocahontas" to mock Warren does stem from some sleazy behavior by Warren.
"Warren has no American Indian heritage.  She's a pink and gold blonde, as white-bread as they come, and doesn't even remotely resemble an Indian, despite her claims of some ancestors having high cheekbones.  In reality, the Oklahoma stock she comes from were the harsh men who drove Indians from their lands.  
"But that didn't stop her from trying to first claim to be an Indian and then profit from it, checking off an affirmative action box as "Native American" and then taking a job slot intended for an American Indian hire.  It was the only way she could get a job at Harvard and then propel herself to greater political heights from that perch.  There was too much competition otherwise.  But she figured out a way to wrangle her way in, given the paucity of Native Americans with college qualifications to hire.  Can she give back what she stole from the Indians, just as her ancestors stole from the Indians?  Unfortunately not, even though she owes them.
"This hasn't stopped her from shameless grandstanding and projected rage on Twitter in an attempt to deflect her disgusting theft.
"Warren is the one who ought to be ashamed of herself, not Trump, and the media's attempt to cover up Warren's misdeeds, failing to note the reason why Trump gave her the "Pocahontas" nickname, is just as reprehensible.  At least Trump's spokeswoman, Sarah Sanders, knew that:" . . .

Monica Lewinsky hits out at CNN's HLN TV for promoting documentary about 'Lewinsky scandal' - prompting ex-White House intern to rename it 'The Clinton Impeachment'

UK Daily Mail   "The former White House intern whose affair with then-President Bill Clinton led to his impeachment has a message for the world – don’t call it the ‘Monica Lewinsky scandal.’

"Lewinsky on Tuesday took to Twitter and hit out at CNN’s HLN network for promoting a new two-hour documentary looking back at the saga.
‘HLN to revisit “The Monica Lewinsky Scandal” with two-hour special,’ read the announcement on Twitter.

"Lewinsky re-tweeted the post – but with the words ‘The Monica Lewinsky Scandal’ crossed out.

"Instead, she drew two arrows and wrote new titles, including ‘The Starr Investigation’ and ‘The Clinton Impeachment.’

" ‘Fixed it for you,’ Lewinsky wrote. ‘You’re welcome.’ " . . .

President Hillary Weinstein   "Hillary Clinton has a long history of protecting men who are Democrats and who harass and assault women.  Hillary was one of the leaders of those who protected Bill Clinton against "bimbo eruptions."  For Hillary, the War on Women is just about abortion, and not about rape or sexual assault.  President Hillary Clinton would have interceded with The New York Times and The New Yorker to prevent the publishing of their pieces on Harvey Weinstein's activities.
"Harvey Weinstein was a longtime Democratic Party donor and bundler.  Within Hollywood, he was also well known for being a bully and engaging in sexual assault.  But no one would go public about it due to his power in the industry and his powerful political friends.  His ability to produce movies and TV shows made him powerful in Hollywood, and his monetary contributions to the Clintons, the Obamas, and other Democrats bought him political friends in powerful places – until Hillary lost the election.  His career in producing entertainment was already on the wane, and then his political cover lost power.
Political Cartoons by Tom Stiglich
Cartoon added by TD
"President Hillary Clinton would not have wanted her large contributor to be the victim of a "bimbo eruption," since it would have led more scrutiny of Bill Clinton's sex activities.  Someone in the Clinton administration would have leaned on both The New York Times and The New Yorker to spike their stories about Harvey Weinstein.  Without those stories, Weinstein would have continued, and there would have been no #MeToo.
"Most older female voters realized that Hillary Clinton is no friend of women assaulted by Democrats.  Hillary's activities during her husband's rise to the presidency are well known.  Trump is no angel, but Hillary had no credibility with voters on "War on Women" issues.  Part of the reason why voters rejected Hillary was her lack of credibility on sexual assault.
"President Hillary Clinton would have allowed Harvey Weinstein and other Democrats like Charlie Rose, John Conyers, and Al Franken to continue their assaults.  President Hillary Clinton would have squashed the #MeToo movement." . . .

Melania Trump unveils White House Christmas decorations

CBS  "First lady Melania Trump on Monday unveiled the White House Christmas decorations whose theme reflects 200 years of holiday traditions at the White House.
" 'The President, Barron, and I are very excited for our first Christmas in the White House," she said in a statement. "As with many families across the country, holiday traditions are very important to us. I hope when visiting the People's House this year, visitors will get a sense of being home for the holidays. On behalf of my husband and Barron, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and joyous holiday season."
"The East Wing will pay tribute to servicemembers with a Gold Star Family Tree, which is decorated in patriotic ribbon and gold stars. The Blue Room on the state floor of the White House holds the official White House Christmas tree, which is decorated with glass ornaments depicting the seal of each state and territory." . . .

Compare Melania Trump to Michelle Obama's White House Christmas decor

Obama’s Christmas Tree Decked With Mao Balls, Arrogance and a Drag Queen? From Christmas, 2009. 

 . . . "According to Andrew Breitbart, the ornaments are proof that Obama is a commie, arrogant and not sure what the drag queen is supposed to say about President Obama, except that the right just hates gays:

“ 'Of course, Mao has his place in the White House. And, of course, it wouldn’t be Christmas without an ornament of legendary transvestite Hedda Lettuce”….”And, so soon after collecting the Nobel Peace Prize, why wouldn’t the White House have an ornament super-imposing President Obama onto Mt. Rushmore,” said BigGovernment.
"Since BigGovernment’s big scoop was published on Wednesday, the right-wing blogosphere and even Fox News have run with the non-story. Bret Baier of the fair and balanced network, Fox News, reported on the controversial Christmas ornaments, straight from the BigGovernment website, as straight news.
"As pointed out by Media Matters, there’s no evidence to suggest that Obama had personal knowledge about individual ornaments on the tree:
“ 'Unfortunately for Baier, his gotcha story seems to be missing the gotcha. Here were the very next words out of his mouth: BAIER: The First Lady’s office says local community groups were asked to decorate hundreds of ornaments but that they are unaware of these specific decorations.”
"Meanwhile, Hedda Lettuce, a member of Ru Paul’s reality show on the Logo channel, called Drag Race, is thrilled her ornament is on the White House Christmas tree. A box of the plain White House bulbs showed up at a gay community center where Hedda volunteers and teaches decoupaging. When the ornaments arrived for decorating, Hedda apparently decoupaged an image of her drag queen character on the bulb."

Monday, November 27, 2017

Ultimate DC insider: They all knew about Conyers

Thomas Lifson  "Nobody better represents the Washington, D.C. political-media establishment than Cokie Roberts.  For those who don't know, the NPR correspondent and ABC News commentator is the daughter of two former Democrat members of the House of Representatives, her mother replacing her father after his death.  Her father was the majority leader of the Democrat Caucus during the long period where the Democrats ran everything in the House.  Had he not perished in a plane crash in 1972, he might well have become speaker.  And her husband, Steve Roberts, is another member of the D.C. media establishment.

"In a moment of casual honesty yesterday, Cokie Roberts admitted on This Week that everyone knew about the dangers of being groped by John Conyers, who "icon" Nancy Pelosi seems to believe should be allowed his perversions and even crimes, on the model of other progressive "icons" like Ted Kennedy." . . .
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

All Of Al Franken’s Apologies To Women He Groped Have One Disturbing Thing In Common [VIDEO]

Daily Caller

"A humiliated Al Franken returned to Washington DC this week after a series of bombshell sexual harassment allegations.  
"Franken has been accused of being a serial-groper by multiple women. The Minnesota Democrat has faced more and more outcry, even from within his own party, as the allegations continue to stack.  In total, four womenhave now accused Franken of inappropriately touching or groping them without consent.  Many in progressive circles are now calling for Franken’s resignation. To date, Franken’s office has said he will not resign and instead has issued controversial apologies to the women. The apologies issued by Franken range in length and content, however there is one very disturbing trend that each of them has in common.
"Read them carefully and it’s easy to see that Franken is not aware that he is sexually assaulting women. Franken regularly states in his apologies that he is unaware that his groping was offensive and often does not remember if it even happened." . . . 
I do not remember...

McCain Recommends Hillary ‘Shut Up’ And ‘Move On’

Daily Caller "Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain called out former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for trying to rewrite the history of the 2016 election shortly after she lost, and recommended she “just shut up.”

“ 'You’ve got to understand that you can’t rewrite history,” McCain told Esquire magazine for a long profile released Monday.

“ 'One of the almost irresistible impulses you have when you lose is to somehow justify why you lost and how you were mistreated: ‘I did the right thing! I did!’ The hardest thing to do is to just shut up,” McCain said." . . .

John McCain To Hillary Clinton: Find Something To Do  . . .  "Personally, I like the idea of Bill and Hillary not having much to do these days. It means they’re not engaging in their previous decades of machinations. Even the fluff pieces on daughter Chelsea seem to have subsided in recent months." . . .

'Blowback': Clinton campaign planned to fire me over email probe, Obama intel watchdog says   "A government watchdog who played a central role in the Hillary Clinton email investigation during the Obama administration told Fox News that he, his family and his staffers faced an intense backlash at the time from Clinton allies – and that the campaign even put out word that it planned to fire him if the Democratic presidential nominee won the 2016 election.
. . . 
"The Obama appointee discussed his role in the Clinton email probe for the first time on television, during an exclusive interview with Fox News. McCullough – who came to the inspector general position with more than two decades of experience at the FBI, Treasury and intelligence community – shed light on how quickly the probe was politicized and his office was marginalized by Democrats." .

 . . .

Sunday, November 26, 2017

For Christmas: Feminist Baby!

  • "If you have always thought that at bottom, to be feminist is to be obnoxious, this book supports your view. A feminist child apparently is one that would normally be described as ill-behaved."
Power Line  "Included in Target’s selection of books for young children is one titled Feminist Baby, by Loryn Brantz, a writer on feminism and body image for Buzzfeed."

"If you have always thought that at bottom, to be feminist is to be obnoxious, this book supports your view. A feminist child apparently is one that would normally be described as ill-behaved.
"This one, I don’t even understand. How is it feminist to say “no” to pants–apparently meaning, in this context, diapers?"

. . . 
"Amazon tells us that customers who bought Feminist Baby also bought She Persisted and A Is For Activist, which includes such lessons as “C is for Co-op. Cooperating Cultures. Creative Counter to Corporate vultures.” And “T is for Trans.”
"Board books are normally intended to be read to very young children, but it is impossible to imagine any sane parent reading books like these to children. I suppose they can be thought of as coffee table board books, bought for the self-gratification of liberal parents and for display to liberal friends. In which case, they typify many aspects of contemporary liberalism."

See the source image

In Charts, How These 7 Taxpayers’ Bills Would Change If Tax Reform Was Enacted


. . . "This analysis does not, however, show how those tax cuts would vary based on factors such as total income, type of income, number of children, and itemized deductions.
"While the plans lack a pro-growth cut to the top marginal tax rate (the Senate plan slightly lowers the top rate, but the House keeps the top rate and adds a higher bubble rate), both bills achieve significant reductions in business tax rates. This will help make America more competitive with the rest of the world, and will result in more and better jobs as well as higher incomes for all Americans.
"To get a better idea of how some workers, families, and small businesses would fare under the proposed tax reform, The Heritage Foundation has estimated the tax bills of a range of taxpayers under current tax law, the House’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and the Senate’s modified mark of that bill." . . .  Full article.
Rachel Greszler is a senior policy analyst in economics and entitlements at The Heritage Foundation's Center for Data Analysis. Read her research.
Plus this: On taxes