Monday, December 4, 2017

Kellyanne Conway: Americans Are Fed Up With the Clinton Double Standard

Katie Pavlich President Trump said. . . " 'I feel badly for General Flynn.  I feel very badly.  He's led a very strong life, and I feel very badly," he said to a gaggle of reporters. "I will say this:  Hillary Clinton lied many times to the FBI and nothing happened to her.  Flynn lied and they destroyed his life.  I think it's a shame."
" 'Hillary Clinton, on the Fourth of July weekend, went to the FBI, not under oath -- it was the most incredible thing anyone has ever seen.  She lied many times.  Nothing happened to her.  Flynn lied, and it's like they ruined his life.  It's very unfair," he continued. 
"White House counselor Kellyanne Conway echoed that sentiment during an interview with Fox and Friends, arguing Americans are tired of the double standard between the Clintons and everybody else.
" 'It's very frustrating to many law abiding Americans who look up and always see a double standard, always see a special exception for Hillary Clinton," she said. "It's very disturbing."
"The comments from Trump and Conway come after news broke over the weekend an FBI agent working on the Special Counsel investigation was removed after he sent pro-Hillary and anti-Trump text messages to his girlfriend. That same agent worked on the FBI's criminal investigation of Clinton for her use of a personal email server to host and send classified information. Clinton of course was given a pass, despite FBI Director James Comey saying she had been extremely careless."

Bill Ayers and gang rape

M. Catharine Evans  "The current sex crimes dragnet sweeping across the country, pulling in celebrities, media millionaires, and politicians, has yet to reel in a high-profile professor from the hallowed halls of academia  
"Will Bill Ayers be the first? 
"In a 2006 Frontpagemag article entitled "Remembering a Sixties Terrorist," a woman named Donna Ron recounted what she described as "the defining event of my life."   
As a sophomore at the University of Michigan in 1965, Ron was caught up in the antiwar movement when she met and dated Ayers.  Two months after meeting Ayers, Ron alleges that he locked her in his apartment and told her she couldn't leave until she had sex with his roommate and his brother. 
From FrontPageMag (warning graphic language):
Bill Ayers' apartment was around the corner and a half a block away from the sorority house… Sometimes I would stop by...  What I do recall is that when I was getting ready to leave Ayers told me I couldn't go until I slept with his roommate and his brother.
. . .

The Vetting - Senator Barack Obama Attended Bill Ayers Barbecue, July 4, 2005

"Connections between Obama and Ayers vary depending on the news source but typically range from sporadic contact to a significant political and professional relationship between the two — either way there is without a question some level of connection between the two men." . . .

The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Deserve Our Respect or Our Trust

Kurt Schlichter

The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Deserve Our Respect or Our Trust

. . . "You mainstream media hacks want trust and respect? Maybe you shouldn’t Tweet out instructions to contact Senators to defeat the tax bill like the New York Times just did. Maybe you should stop covering for the off-camera leering and grabbing and pinching of the talking heads who excoriate Trump for misogyny. Maybe you should stop hiring journalists who are ex-Obama flunkies. Maybe you shouldn’t email offers of assistance to Democrat campaigns. Maybe you should stop lying to us. Then maybe voters might trust you. Maybe people might respect you. And maybe you wouldn’t deserve the contempt we normals hold you in."

ABC News has announced that Brian Ross would be suspended for four weeks without pay “effective immediately.”
. . . "Ross came under considerable fire on Friday after he erroneously reported on live television that then-candidate Donald Trump had instructed Michael Flynn to make contact with the Russians. In a correction seven hours later, the channel admitted that it was “President-elect” Trump who had made the request of Flynn — a pretty significant difference." . . .

Recall that the MSM desperately wanted shooters to be TEA Party people.
. . . "Though Sherwood acknowledged Ross' error, he defended another controversial piece of ABC News reporting. The network had reported that Holmes' mother said "you have the right person" when it contacted her to ask if her son was the shooter. She has since said she was referring to herself to let the reporter know she was Holmes' mother." . . .

Dershowitz Slams Feinstein Over Obstruction Argument: 'Doesn't Know What She's Talking About'

Leah Barkoukis

Dershowitz Slams Feinstein Over Obstruction Argument: 'Doesn't Know What She's Talking About'

. . . "Dershowitz, a lifelong Democrat, said Trump has the constitutional right as president to fire his FBI director. 
“ 'You cannot charge a president with obstruction of justice for exercising his constitutional power to fire Comey and his constitutional authority to tell the Justice Department who to investigate, who not to investigate,” Dershowitz said during an interview with Fox News.
“ 'We have precedents that clearly establish that.”
"Talk of the president obstructing justice resurfaced after his former national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI last week about his conversation with the Russian ambassador.
"Trump didn’t help matters by tweeting over the weekend that he knew Flynn lied to the FBI." . . .

But Gorsuch ... and Other Excellent Judicial Picks ... and a Tax Cut ... and Major Deregulatory Actions ... and Immigration Enforcement ... and the End of the Individual Mandate ... and a Roll Back of the HHS Mandate ...

Column by a man who has not thought well of Donald Trump.

 Rich Lowry   . . . and the reversal of the insane Title IX policy on campus . . . and an exit from the Paris Accords . . . and the avoidance of whatever Hillary would have wrought. 

"There is a meme used by anti-Trump conservatives on Twitter. Whenever Trump steps in it, they tweet the words “But Gorsuch.” It is meant to mock Trump loyalists who hold out Gorsuch’s nomination as a Trump accomplishment that overshadows any of his failings. The meme can be quite amusing — one version has a road sign emblazoned with the words “But Gorsuch” close to disappearing in a flood. 

"But I’ve never quite understood why anti-Trump conservatives would be so slighting about Gorsuch. He will presumably be a bulwark of the Constitution long after Trump has departed the White House three or seven years from now and is tweeting as a private citizen again. Bushies used to count George W. Bush’s two Supreme Court nominees as a central part of his domestic legacy, understandably (and Bush completely blew one of his nominations before getting it right). Trump is half-way there, with lots of time on the clock. 
 Now, it appears very likely that they will get the tax bill, which includes a rifle-shot elimination of the individual mandate. And the administration has been steadily reversing the executive aggrandizements of the Obama administration." . . .
 Full article

Mueller Strategy: It Is Now an Obstruction Investigation

Andrew C. McCarthy

Which means that it’s an impeachment investigation

"The smoke is clearing from an explosive Mueller investigation weekend of charges, chattering, and tweets. Before the next aftershock, it might be helpful to make three points about where things stand. In ascending order of importance, they are:
 1.) There is a great deal of misinformation in the commentariat about how prosecutors build cases. 2.) For all practical purposes, the collusion probe is over. While the “counterintelligence” cover will continue to be exploited so that no jurisdictional limits are placed on Special Counsel Robert Mueller, this is now an obstruction investigation. 3.) That means it is, as it has always been, an impeachment investigation.  

. . . "Since there is no collusion case, we can safely assume Mueller is primarily scrutinizing President Trump with an eye toward making a case of obstructing an FBI investigation. This also makes sense in light of the pleas that have been taken." . . .Read more

Donald Trump Attacks FBI For Going After Flynn Not Clinton
Clinton deleted 31,830 emails that she deemed ‘personal’ three weeks after receiving a congressional subpoena.

Far Left Icon Garrison Keillor Fired from Public Radio for Alleged “Inappropriate Behavior”

Image by Ghenghis Gary

The Gateway Pundit   Minnesota Public Radio reported:
Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) is terminating its contracts with Garrison Keillor and his private media companies after recently learning of allegations of his inappropriate behavior with an individual who worked with him.
Last month, MPR was notified of the allegations which relate to Mr. Keillor’s conduct while he was responsible for the production of A Prairie Home Companion (APHC). MPR President Jon McTaggart immediately informed the MPR Board Chair, and a special Board committee was appointed to provide oversight and ongoing counsel. In addition, MPR retained an outside law firm to conduct an independent investigation of the allegations. Based on what we currently know, there are no similar allegations involving other staff. The attorney leading the independent investigation has been conducting interviews and reviewing documents, and the investigation is still ongoing. We encourage anyone with additional information to call our confidential hotline 1-877-767-7781.
MPR takes these allegations seriously ". . .  Blah, blah, blah.
 USA Today:   . . . "In a statement provided by representative Azhar AlFadl Miranda, editorial page director Fred Hiatt said, “Readers are entitled to a basic level of transparency from the columnists they read in The Washington Post. Garrison Keillor failed to meet that standard this week. Knowing he was under investigation for his workplace behavior, he should not have written a column on that subject; or, if he was going to write, he should have told his editors and readers that he was under investigation. Instead, he wrote a column defending Sen. Al Franken without any disclosure of his own situation.' ” . . .

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Journalist: Obama’s Russian Collusion Far Exceeds Trump’s Relationship With The Country

Daily Caller  "Claudia Rosett, an award-winning journalist who worked for the Wall Street Journal for 17 years and known for her groundbreaking reporting on UN corruption, picks through the nuances of despots and dictators around the world.

"Rosett  . . . said the message from the 2016 election had nothing to do with Russia, but everything to do with shrinking paychecks, vanishing jobs and over-regulation.

"The Democrats’ rhetoric about Trump’s supposed Russian collusion does not match the degree of enthusiasm and flexibility that former President Barack Obama actually displayed to Russia for his entire two terms, Rosett says in this video interview.

"She cites: when Obama was caught on a hot mic promising flexibility to Vladimir Putin, shelving missile defense for Europe in a phony “reset” with our dangerous adversary, inadequate pursuit of Edward Snowden who is still hiding in Russia, the imaginary “red line” with Syria that opened the door to Russia being emboldened in the Middle East, the Iran deal that advantaged Russia and their allies on the world scene and the weak response of the U.S. when Russia annexed Crimea, which belonged to Ukraine." . . .

For more on Claudia Rosett, get her book or read her pieces here

Millennials, Unschooled In Political Truths, Pine For Third Party

Weasel Zippers

"Bernie is their man.
Apparently, neither Democrats nor Republicans are resonating with the youth of America.But rather than fight it out, millennials want an entirely new system.
Fully 71 percent of millennials say the country needs a third political party.
That’s according to a new NBC News/GenForward poll released this week.
And the anti-status quo showing in this survey likely has a lot to do with millennials’ views of President Donald Trump. Sixty-three percent think he’s doing pretty much a lousy job as president, while 65 percent see America, circa 2017, headed on the wrong track.
Meanwhile, six in 10 also currently disapprove of Congress, with 59 percent holding negative views of Republicans on Capitol Hill and 42 percent, of Democrats.
Of course, these are the same millennials who just pined for America to turn away from capitalism and toward socialism. In a YouGov survey published last month, 44 percent of millennial-age Americans said they’d rather live in a socialist country — and 7 percent said they’d prefer communism.
Emphasis mine. TD 

The First Victory Over ISIS: Where do we go from here?

Max Boot  "At various points during the 16-plus years since 9/11, Americans have cheered the success of our armed forces in fighting terrorism. The first such moment was the rapid downfall of the Taliban regime in the fall of 2001, which led one American officer to crow that pitting the high-tech U.S. military against the primitive Taliban had been “the Flintstones meet the Jetsons.” Then, in the spring of 2003, came the equally sudden downfall of Saddam Hussein after the U.S. military’s “thunder run” into Baghdad, leading President George W. Bush to declare “Mission Accomplished.” The unexpected success of the surge in Iraq in 2007–8, after years of worsening violence, led to further cheering—but it was nothing compared with the cacophony of praise that greeted Osama bin Laden’s death at the hands of U.S. Navy SEALs in 2011. That feat alone practically guaranteed President Barack Obama’s reelection.
"And now we have arrived at yet another joyous moment, with the defeat of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in sight." . . .
The truth is that this was a bipartisan triumph. While Trump committed slightly more U.S. forces to the fight and gave them slightly more permissive rules of engagement, his administration, by and large, followed the blueprint laid out by the Obama administration, of assisting indigenous forces to fight ISIS with advisers, air power, and even artillery rather than committing U.S. ground-combat forces. Much of the credit for routing ISIS belongs, in any case, not to politicians in Washington but to the fighters on the ground . . .

San Francisco spits on Kate's grave (Updated)

Kate Steinle, 32, was killed in July 2015.

 Barbara Simpson
"Because of the sanctuary city ruling, they said no. The man was released instead, to the streets – a homeless, unemployed illegal-alien felon. And until Kate Steinle was killed, he was someone who could have mixed into the huge illegal population of California. There are so many, no one even notices anymore, but if you do, you’re regarded as a racist."
" . . .The liberal establishment of the city has supported the result, and the insinuations are that anyone who complains is a bigot. Mayor Ed Lee continues to defend the city’s immigration policies even as a memorial grows at the scene of the shooting.
"But in reality, that verdict has made Kate Steinle’s murder a symbol of justice denied. I’ve been inundated with e-mails from people the news business and friends who are horrified that the rights of average citizens have been trampled in the rush to protect illegal immigrants from any criticism.
"A tweet from former Illinois congressman and conservative talk host Joe Walsh was printed on the front page of the East Bay Times – he wastes no words:
“Two years ago, the city of San Francisco killed Kate Steinle.
"Yesterday, the city of San Francisco spit on her grave.”
"A friend of mine, Jim Eason, wrote me:
“ 'There’s a 3-part suggestion: (1) get a weapon; (2) learn how to use it and (3) be able and WILLING to use it. The police cannot protect you – the bureaucracy will not help you – in California, you are on your own. Good luck' ”

"Doubling down on stupid.  Via WBTV:" . . .
City officials vowed to stand behind their “sanctuary city” policy. It’s what led Jose Ines Garcia Zarate to be released from San Francisco’s jail despite a federal request to detain him for deportation several weeks before Kate Steinle was fatally shot in the back in 2015. He had been deported five times and was wanted for a sixth.
“San Francisco is and always will be a sanctuary city,” said Ellen Canale, a spokeswoman for Mayor Ed Lee.
Sanctuary policies improve public safety by allowing immigrants to cooperate with police without fear, said state Sen. Scott Wiener, a Democratic former San Francisco supervisor.
The one big issue is how can we protect those illegals who are witnesses or victims of crimes who have the courage to come forward? TD

ANTIFA Met With ISIS, FBI Believes They Were Seeking Weapons and Bomb-Making Equipment

Infidel Bloggers    "Antifa radicals are meeting with ISIS. This is directly from an FBI field report."

The contributor is connected with Infowars, so watch for corroboration at other sources. TD

Walmart Under Fire for Selling Antifa T-ShirtsA search found no such items, but Zazzle has them.