Trump was my last choice during the primary campaigns, but now he is our remedy to the leftist juggernaut overtaking America's culture and political system. TD
"Mueller should have wrapped this up by Thanksgiving. Instead, he is flogging that dead horse called the Russian dossier."Don Surber "Don't feud with Donald Trump. Too many have and wound up worse for wear. I gave 26 examples. No. 27 may be Robert Mueller, who has wasted the last seven months trying to frame President Trump.
"Mueller has nothing -- and is losing his reputation.
"Trump cannot fire Mueller. That would make him a martyr." . . .
. . . "Mueller's unwillingness to back down will cost him everything because he is up against an innocent man who happens to be president.
"Over the weekend, the results of Trump's investigation of Team Mueller surfaced. Mueller had to fire his top investigator because that investigator left a trail of anti-Trump emails, and was caught destroying evidence and altering statements in that Fake Investigation of Hillary's emails." . . .