Thomas Lifson "Valerie Richardson of the Washington Times takes us down memory lane to an incident that Alabama voters need to seriously consider. You see, Democrats had no problem at all with one of their own Congressmen who solicited sex from teenagers who worked as congressional pages. Homosexual sex, in point of fact, and if anything, it seems to have shielded him.
Massachusetts voters stood by Democratic Rep. Gerry Studds even after he was censured by the House in 1983 for his sexual relationship at age 36 with a 17-year-old male congressional page, as well as making sexual advances toward two other teenage pages.Far from dooming the Democratic Party, the episode barely registered at the ballot box. Democrats kept their House majority and gained Senate seats in 1984, while Studds was re-elected in his liberal Cape Cod district with 56 percent of the vote.He won re-election five more times and . . . . . .
. . . "Spare me your self-righteousness, Dems. You honored a murderous predator as the “Lion of the Senate” (Don’t miss Jack Cashill’s searing account today on these pages)." . . .
Where in the World Is the 'Big He'[?]
Steve Grammatico is the author of You Hear Me, Barack? PC-Free Conservative Satire.
He blogs at
Where in the World Is the 'Big He'[?]
Big Media have kept the former president from being a bigger part of the national conversation about powerful men using women, even though his actions make Franken and Conyers look like kids pulling girls' pigtails at recess. Why?
Because he's still viewed as an icon, beloved by most Democrats and their media familiars; if he publicly acknowledges his sins, he stigmatizes the party and the press organs that covered for him for decades.
Hillary wouldn’t allow him to express remorse in any case, as her actions as "Bimbo enforcer," the enabler-wife of a sexual predator, would come under renewed scrutiny. She has her pride, and she hasn’t given up on another run at the presidency.
Steve Grammatico is the author of You Hear Me, Barack? PC-Free Conservative Satire.
He blogs at