M. Catharine Evans "A crazed, bug-eyed Cory Booker, junior senator from New Jersey, blasted Department of Homeland Security secretary Kristjen Nielsen during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday on immigration.
"Booker became so unhinged in his staged outrage that he repeatedly threatened Nielsen, with clenched fists pointed in her direction.
"Equal to Booker's overt violation of Nielsen's right to be treated without hostility and intimidation was the deranged content of his tirade.
"Nielsen had stated earlier she did not hear the president say the "s-hole" word at last week's White House meeting on DACA. " . . .
"Booker went ballistic and accused Nielsen of covering up for the real target of his outburst: President Trump."
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"The senator then proclaimed that "tens of millions" of Americans are "hurting" over the word. Booker said he himself experienced "tears of rage" when Durbin called him to report the president's alleged vulgarity.
"Booker's feigned emotional breakdown over a word he has heard many times as mayor of Newark was laughable.
"Booker then rolled out the "white supremacy" charge, with examples of white criminals and their crimes, as if Nielsen, by the fact of her skin color, had committed them.
"The senator's fake outrage and predictable race-baiting do not lessen the seriousness of threatening and harassing a female Cabinet member."
"Booker's lunatic bellowing requires a mental health examination."