Nikolas Cruz: Poster boy for gun-free zones "Nikolas Cruz is not a need for gun control. Nikolas Cruz is a cause for permitting teachers and school officials to be armed, and he is an unimpeachable argument for doing away with gun-free zones.
"Cruz is also a reason for We the People to point out the failure of the gun-control crowd, who are determined to seize upon every opportunity to advance their damnable agenda.
"Gun control hasn’t stopped violent gun crimes; rather, it is in a part large responsible for the escalation of same. The Nikolas Cruzes were not coming onto school property and killing people when I was growing up. As I have shared many times before, when I was in high school we routinely carried our guns to school in our cars and pickup trucks. Periodically, we would settle a dispute with an obligatory punch and wrestle in the parking lot after school, but no one ever reached for his gun in those situations." . . .
Contacts in Pennsylvania informed me that civilian government types there sent emails to employees instructing them that if a shooting situation occurs, they should hide from shooters, and that if possible, pick up a stapler or some other heavy object and throw it at the shooter. Apparently they believe throwing a stapler at a killer with a gun is more effective self-protection than a triple tap center-mass from a Glock 21 Gen4, .45 ACP.
After Parkland massacre, the left wants to disarm ‘gun-clingers' yet ignores gun violence in black community "Two days before a 19-year-old former student left 17 dead and many injured in a Parkland, Florida high school this past week, two 14-year-olds from Chicago's Back of the Yards neighborhood were shot.
"From Feb. 1 to Feb. 17, 2018, twenty Chicagoans, mostly black, were killed, and 65 others were shot and wounded. But you won't see the dead's faces and names 24-7 on CNN or MSNBC. The same mainstream media that cover school shootings involving mostly white suburban students with pictures and bios for days after the carnage give gunned down black youths, some caught in the crossfire of gang violence, a few seconds or so on a local or national news roundup.
"In the leftist media's perpetual war on Bible and gun "bitter clingers," the slaughter of blacks and Hispanics in Democrat-run cities, where guns are easily bought, stolen, traded, and sold neighbor to neighbor, doesn't serve their interests. " . . .