Hot Air
"Progressives plan to make a big push for single-payer health care in the midterms, hoping to force Democrats even harder Left than in the past four Congressional election cycles. They want a Medicare-for-all system that will eclipse private health insurance, similar to what Bernie Sanders laid out in his 2016 Democratic primary campaign. The Center for American Progress has put pressure on current officeholders to take up the cause of single payer, with considerable success; 2020 presidential hopefuls such as Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, and Kamala Harris have all signed onto Sanders’ latest legislative effort to create the program.
"Before they start creating new single-payer systems, though, perhaps they should fix the broken single-payer systems already in place. The scandals at the Veterans Administration get plenty of coverage, especially given that the VA locks veterans into its own providers and forces them to pay retail for any outside medical care. But a report on the other major system, the Indian Health Service (IHS), shows much worse performance and for a longer period of time, The Hill reports:" . . .