Laura Ingraham To David Hogg: Sorry For Making Fun Of You For Not Getting Into College . . . "Trying to organize a national advertiser boycott to avenge a petty personal slight is petty in itself, but 17-year-olds have a better excuse to be petty than 54-year-old news-show hosts do. Plus, whatever his faults, Hogg is shrewd in his assessments of his own political power. The average person in his position who’d just been mocked by Ingraham probably would have tweeted his outrage first, complaints about her, counter-mockery, etc etc, *then* had the idea to organize a boycott as he gave the matter more thought — assuming it occurred to him at all. There’s none of that on his Twitter feed. His first mention of her comments was to ask who her advertisers were, followed quickly by a list for his fans to target. It’s an inversion of roles: The adult is the one tossing schoolyard insults and the kid is the one coolly considering how to punish his antagonist."
Rebecca Boldrick, David Hogg’s Mom: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Rebecca Boldrick, David Hogg’s Mom: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
From Ms. Boldrick's Facebook page.
- 1. Rebecca Boldrick Is a Teacher and Does Not Work at CNN . . .
This photo is only from a tour of CNN in Atlanta.
- 2. Boldrick Said Her Daughter’s Phone Died During the Shooting, Leaving Her Very Worried
- 3. Boldrick Doesn’t Like Trump, But She Tries to Respect Other People’s Viewpoints
- 4. Her Family Has Received Death Threats Since the Shooting
- 5. Her Husband, Kevin Hogg, Is Retired from the FBI