David Hogg Is Quickly Learning How to Be a Bully
HIGH ON THE HOGG: Parkland Teen Hogg Refuses to Accept Laura Ingraham Apology – UNTIL SHE DENOUNCES FOX NEWS
‘PICK ONE’! Kyle Kashuv DROPS MIC on David Hogg for playing the ‘children’ card
"When is it okay to talk back to someone who keeps falsely branding you a murderer? Well, that depends on whether he's being funded by Republicans or Democrats.
"Ever since the shooting last month at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., a student named David Hogg has become the new face of the gun-confiscation movement. He's everywhere you look, telling you that if you disagree with him, you've got blood on your hands. If you've managed to miss his schtick, here's a quick recap from David Rutz at the Washington Free Beacon:" . . .
. . . "That's right: The 17-year-old boy is calling for a boycott of insurance companies and Sleep Number beds.
"I'm sure Hogg thinks he's Speaking Truth to Power™. But what he's really doing is abusing his newfound power to lash out at someone who bruised his ego. This isn't about protecting people from gun violence. This is about his pride.
"In other words, he's acting like a 17-year-old kid. Which is why I never took him seriously in the first place.
"No, adults shouldn't be picking on schoolchildren. No, David Hogg didn't do a Nazi salute at that rally. No, he's not actually 25 years old. No, he's not a "crisis actor."
"And no, adults shouldn't be using kids as human shields in the first place, in a cynical attempt to deflect criticism of their political agenda." . . .
David Hogg, who initially flubbed the speeches his FBI swampist father had apparently provided, is a brainwashed child of the left-wing Deep State. Hogg seems to view the NRA as the New Jew, the all-purpose scapegoat that can be blamed for everything.
"(Gateway Pundit) – As previously reported, crazed liberal and anti-gun activist 17-year-old David Hogg unleashed a boycott rampage after Laura Ingraham tweeted about his college rejections.
"David Hogg, a senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School has been rejected by numerous colleges as of late.
"Maybe the high school senior should attend his classes rather than being truant." Hat tip to TeaParty.org
I 100% agree an apology in an effort just to save your advertisers is not enough. I will only accept your apology only if you denounce the way your network has treated my friends and I in this fight. It’s time to love thy neighbor, not mudsling at children.
So since it's presently useful you are now an untouchable child, David?
‘PICK ONE’! Kyle Kashuv DROPS MIC on David Hogg for playing the ‘children’ card
Hogg’s been getting dragged — rightly so — for talking out of both sides of his mouth. Hard to take someone seriously who says “love thy neighbor” with the same voice he used to call the NRA “pathetic f*ckers that want to keep killing our children.” And speaking of children, Kyle Kashuv has another bone to pick with Hogg:
Are you a child or are you an adult that can dictate policy? Pick one. witter.com/davidhogg111/s