"If there’s one thing about the Trump administration, it’s that there’s never a dull moment. Also, there are a lot of moments that you can file under “not under Obama” concerning domestic and foreign policy. We’ve all but defeated ISIS. Millions of working and middle class families benefited from the tax reform package in December, the economic growth has been better than originally projected, a better job-creating and investing climate has been created, and now peace has broken out on the Korean peninsula. Or at least that’s what’s been announced. The Korean War will officially end, a peace treaty is to be signed, and the peninsula will be nuclear-free (via NYT):
The leaders of North and South Korea agreed on Friday to work to remove all nuclear weapons from the Korean Peninsula and, within the year, pursue talks with the United States to declare an official end to the Korean War, which ravaged the two nations from 1950 to 1953.
"And whom can we thank for brining North Korea to the bargaining table? Well, that would be President Donald J. Trump—and that’s not conservative media saying this; it’s the South Koreans. CNN, the network so anti-Trump that they couldn’t accurately report on him feeding koi fish, added that South Korea’s foreign minister had this to say:
South Korea's foreign minister has said she believes President Donald Trump is largely responsible for bringing North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to the negotiating table.President Trump is not too quick to pat himself on the back;
Speaking ahead of Friday's historic summit between the leaders of North and South Korea, Kang Kyung-wha told CNN that the US President had played a significant role in bringing the two sides together.
"Clearly, credit goes to President Trump," . . .
Trump Wary on NKorea's Nuke Offer: 'They Seem to Be Acting Positively'
. . . "When a reporter noted that Trump was more hopeful than in the past, he responded: "I'd like to be optimistic, but maybe this has gone further than anyone has taken it before.
" 'This should have been handled a long ago. This should have been handled over years by many different administrations, not now." . . .
To bring this about our president must have supreme confidence in his nation, it's military, and in the rightness of this cause. No president who is ashamed of America could have ever had the steel spine it takes to confront evil in this world. As Barack Obama showed us for eight years.
When Trump and Kim meet, do not expect to see our president to bow before him or any despot. TD