"When Obama withdrew U.S. protection, Europe suddenly became vulnerable to Putin and jihad."
I feel it is ironic that German guilt from WW2 would cause Germans to welcome a culture that deeply hates Jews and served Hitler's armies during that war. They took well to the "Final Solution" and even today chant that Hitler was right. Rich Terrell photosnark
American Thinker, 2016 . . . "Today, Angela Merkel's Germany is making another suicidal gesture by opening the borders to tens of thousands of predatory, war-indoctrinated jihadis – young men of military age, who have been taught to despise, hate, and beat up anybody outside their own Muslim sect. They are indoctrinated in war theology – the last major war theology on Earth. Merkel and the EU have drifted into this suicidal fiasco by mistake – but they still refuse to admit it.
. . .
"Today Angela Merkel and the EU preach peace, peace, but they stupidly let in 50 million easily indoctrinated Muslims – so there will be no peace. Isaiah (48:22) was right again. The Swedes, Germans, and French still yearn for that Napoleonic absolutism, and the EU is always frantically denying that it plans to become another Roman Empire.
Methinks they do protest too much.
After Hitler and the Holocaust, West Germany had a long period of stability, under American defense guarantees, and many West Germans repented of the most disastrous mass regression in European history, the Nazi period.
. . . Still – Angela Merkel overcompensated to an insane extreme when she opened Europe's borders to the closest thing to the Nazis since Hitler. This is a madness of Europe's political elites.
ISIS is not at all different from the sadistic mass murders committed by the Nazis and by Stalin. War ideologies are pretty much the same; only the uniforms, the hats, and the flags change.