Washington Times Opinion "While speaking to a tech conference this week in Las Vegas President Obama
repeated a claim he and many members of the media have made since his presidency came to an end.
"Three, Obama had a pliant press covering up for him, as the Washington Times notes in an op-ed about the latest garbage from him, headlined:" . . .
repeated a claim he and many members of the media have made since his presidency came to an end.
“ 'I didn’t have scandals, which seems like it shouldn’t be something you brag about,” Obama said. “But actually,” he said, “if you look at the history of the modern presidency, coming out of the modern presidency without anybody going to jail is really good. It’s a big deal.”
"The notion is obviously absurd on the face of it, for anyone who paid unbiased attention over the eight years of his presidency. Mark Hemingway and Hans Von Spakovsky have gone through the labors of detailing many (but not all) of the scandals of the Obama years. The short list includes Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS targeting, Solyndra, the Veteran Administration… how much time do you have?
"The fact that these troubling episodes have not risen (in some people’s minds) to the level of the multiple “Generic-Gate” scandals that crippled presidencies of the past is less a testament to Obama’s ethics than it is commentary on the two institutions charged with monitoring and exposing these dramas. " . . .
. . . "Make no mistake, Spygate is an Obama scandal and it involves Barack Obama, himself, in a very personal way.
"First, the Spygate story is inexorably linked with the Clinton email drama, another Obama-era scandal that for some reason he gets to duck any responsibility for. Andrew McCarthy has been very thorough in explaining these very important links. " . . .
This just in:
'Scandal-free' Obama is daring Trump to bust corrupt members of his administration . . . "Obama claims he had no scandals because he allowed no consequences, no matter what anyone ever did, no matter what laws they broke, which is not an argument to claim he had no scandals. In fact, as a leftist, he tended to let all kinds of miscreants and plagues on society out scot-free, starting with Bradley Manning, and moving on to all the criminals he let out via pardons, at least some of whom have resumed their lives of crime. It was quite a pattern with him, and signaled an inclination toward lawlessness, which only grew as his administration continued. "Three, Obama had a pliant press covering up for him, as the Washington Times notes in an op-ed about the latest garbage from him, headlined:" . . .