Don Surber "Victor Davis Hanson delved into the classics to consider "Hillary’s Hamartia," which was his way of explaining in the context of Ancient Greek Literature her colossal mistake in refusing to accept the reality of 8 November 2016.
"One does not need even a passing knowledge of Greece 2,500 years ago to understand his point.
"But Hanson inadvertently raised a possibility that numbs the mind.
"Had Hillary won, we would never have known about her most recent crimes.
" 'No one would have known or probably cared that the Obama national security team had unmasked the names of U.S. citizens swept up with FISA court surveillance and leaked them to the press. Indeed, a President Clinton would likely have envisioned overzealous careerists who may have broken the law on her behalf as loyalists to be rewarded, rather than as lawbreakers to be referred to federal prosecutors," he wrote.
"That is the answer that asks the question: Was Trump the first victim of Democratic espionage?
"In his piece, he points out the genuine lawlessness of Hillary over the course of 40 years as a public servant, as she gamed the system until her net worth topped eight figures.
" 'From Clinton’s cattle-future imbroglio and the missing Rose Law Firm files to the Uranium One and Clinton Foundation scandals, Clinton for over 40 years has never much worried about the wages of chronic deception and ends-justifying-the-means morality," he wrote." . . .
"One does not need even a passing knowledge of Greece 2,500 years ago to understand his point.
"But Hanson inadvertently raised a possibility that numbs the mind.
"Had Hillary won, we would never have known about her most recent crimes.
" 'No one would have known or probably cared that the Obama national security team had unmasked the names of U.S. citizens swept up with FISA court surveillance and leaked them to the press. Indeed, a President Clinton would likely have envisioned overzealous careerists who may have broken the law on her behalf as loyalists to be rewarded, rather than as lawbreakers to be referred to federal prosecutors," he wrote.
"That is the answer that asks the question: Was Trump the first victim of Democratic espionage?
"In his piece, he points out the genuine lawlessness of Hillary over the course of 40 years as a public servant, as she gamed the system until her net worth topped eight figures.
" 'From Clinton’s cattle-future imbroglio and the missing Rose Law Firm files to the Uranium One and Clinton Foundation scandals, Clinton for over 40 years has never much worried about the wages of chronic deception and ends-justifying-the-means morality," he wrote." . . .