Democrats have been predicting for years that Texas will eventually be transformed from red to blue.National Review
- The Texas Senate candidate will have to prove he can mobilize minority voters before he is anointed as the new Obama.
"As far as Texas Democrats are concerned, the future has arrived in the person of Representative Beto O’Rourke. Though Democrats have been predicting for years that Texas would eventually be transformed from red to blue through the magic of the Lone Star State’s changing ethnic demography, few even on the left had been willing to claim that this would happen as soon as 2018.
"But with the latest polls showing O’Rourke in a virtual dead heat with Senator Ted Cruz in the latter’s attempt to be reelected, it’s hard to blame Democrats for being giddy about his prospects, as well as those of their party, in a state that is the GOP’s largest electoral stronghold. The Emerson poll that gave Cruz only a one percentage point lead over O’Rourke was a stunner but it is actually consistent with other surveys that have shown the race to be competitive with the RealClearPolitics average of polls giving the incumbent only a 5.5 percent advantage. But before Democrats start celebrating, there are two key questions that need to be answered about the Texas Senate race." . . . Jonathan S. Tobin
Well...there was this: Police Report: Beto O’Rourke Tried to Flee Scene of Drunk-Driving Crash Had he been a Republican, CNN and MSNBC would be having non-stop panel discussions on the guy. You know I'm right.