Wednesday, October 3, 2018

National Council of Churches urges Kavanaugh’s nomination be withdrawn

Washington Examiner   "The National Council of Churches, a partnership of 38 Christian faith groups in the United States, is urging for Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination to be withdrawn, citing his temperament and demeanor before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week.

“ 'Judge Kavanaugh exhibited extreme partisan bias and disrespect towards certain members of the committee and thereby demonstrated that he possesses neither the temperament nor the character essential for a member of the highest court in our nation,” read a statement released by the council Wednesday.
"Additionally, the group pointed to what the statement described as “several misstatements and some outright falsehoods” in Kavanaugh’s testimony. The group argued that although everyone should be honest, it’s especially critical that someone on the Supreme Court speak truthfully.
“ 'Judge Kavanaugh’s extensive judicial and political record is troubling with regard to issues of voting rights, racial and gender justice, health care, the rights of people with disabilities, and environmental protections,” the statement reads. “This leads us to believe that he cannot be an impartial justice in cases that are sure to come before him at the Court.' ” . . .

In the center of the Democrat star chamber

Rich Terrell
"Judge Kavanaugh Is the Victim of a Great CrimeJudge Kavanaugh’s wife is the victim of a great crime.  Judge Kavanaugh’s children are victims of a great crime.  The crime was committed by powerful people by their making the unprovable public accusation that the judge, long ago, may have committed a criminal assault.
What is a crime?  What is a great crime?  A crime is anything done to you that reduces you to an inanimate object.  Suppose someone steals something of no great value to you.  That is a crime, but a minor one.  Suppose someone steals something that is very dear.  A much greater crime has been committed.  If someone steals your life savings and leaves you destitute that is a great crime.  Suppose you have been enslaved.  What is the magnitude of that crime?  Then there is torture – psychological or physical.  You are left forever scared.  And there is murder.  You no longer exist.  You are an inanimate object." . . .
Dem Sen. Hirono Asked About Kavanaugh Throwing Ice In A Bar: “This Is Why We Need An FBI Investigation”   CNN, of course.

Obama’s Social Experiments Are Wreaking Havoc on America Today  
 . . . "Democrats seem to be operating on the basis of "guilty until proven innocent," believing the accuser without any corroborating evidence. This kind of sexual assault witch hunt actually began under former president Barack Obama — as did some of the other key social issues America is wrestling with today.
"While the Left's advocacy on social issues and identity politics long predated Obama, the former president's policies supercharged many of the issues dividing America in 2018. His administration helped launch the current liberal cultural wave that wreaks havoc on American politics — and extends far beyond politics." . . .

The 'Kavanaugh Effect' Gives GOP Hope for Midterms

PJ Media

"When it began, Democrats believed that the battle to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court would energize their voters to turn out for the midterm elections next month.
Instead, this latest poll from NPR/PBS/Marist appears to show that the Democrats' smear tactics have energized Republicans.
In July, there was a 10-point gap between the number of Democrats and Republicans saying the November elections were "very important." Now, that's down to 2 points, a statistical tie.
Democrats' advantage on which party Americans want to control Congress has also been cut in half since last month. Democrats still retain a 6-point edge on that question, but it was 12 points after a Marist poll conducted in mid-September.
"That "blue wave" is at ebb tide thanks to the extraordinary combination of Democrats overplaying their hand and the hysterical, unbalanced, and unfair tactics of their partisans. Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, which conducted the poll, said, "The result of hearings, at least in short run, is the Republican base was awakened."
While Democrats and Republicans are now equally enthusiastic about the midterms, the story is very different for key Democratic base groups and independents. While 82 percent of Democrats say the midterms are very important, that's true of just 60 percent of people under 30, 61 percent of Latinos and 65 percent of independents.
"This is even more significant than the "enthusiasm gap," which has now closed. These are the voters that Democrats are counting on to bring them a congressional majority. That they are significantly less turned on by the election is not surprising. Historically, these groups have failed to turn out for midterm elections, despite numerous predictions to the contrary." . . .

Capitol Police Arrest Democratic Staffer For Doxxing GOP Senators

Daily Caller 
U.S. Capitol Police arrested Wednesday a former Democratic staffer suspected of posting the personal information of at least one United States senator to the internet.
The home addresses and other personal information of Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch of Utah were posted to Wikipedia on Sept. 27 from an individual located in the House of Representatives.
Jackson A. Cosko, 27, was charged with making public restricted personal information, witness tampering, threats in interstate communications, unauthorized access of a government computer, identity theft, second-degree burglary and unlawful entry, according to a Capitol Police statement. Additional charges may be forthcoming as the investigation continues.
Cosko has most recently worked as an intern for Texas Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee. He has also worked under Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire and former California Sen. Barbara Boxer, according to Fox News.
Keep reading…

Weasel Zippers    "So it was, in fact, a Democratic staffer. The charges are interesting and reveal more than the story is saying presently about the case – witness tampering, identity theft, second-degree burglary and unlawful entry. There’s a lot of charges there. That suggests he broke into whatever House computer he used, maybe essentially impersonated someone. But what’s the ‘witness tampering’ charge? He was on Sheila Jackson Lee’s staff until the charges broke, then he was canned." . . .

Capitol Police Arrest 27-Year-Old Democrat Staffer Jackson Cosko For Doxxing 3 GOP Senators  . . . "Many Republicans on the Senate Judiciary had their home addresses and phone numbers published on their Wikipedia pages last Thursday.
"Shortly after Lindsey Graham went off on Senate Democrats for destroying Kavanaugh’s life in order to derail his confirmation, Republicans were doxxed.
"The victims included Republican Senators Mike Lee, Orrin Hatch of Utah and Lindsey Graham, reported the Washington Times."The Capitol Police arrested Democrat Jackson Cosko, a “cyber-security graduate student,” according to his LinkedIn page." . . .

Jackson Cosko: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know.  See also  . . . "According to Legistorm, he worked for U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and previously worked for Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA). A September 2018 letter from Sheila Jackson Lee (D -TX) identified him as a staffer for her office at that time. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is a member of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. (A different person working for Hassan was the intern suspended for shouting F*** you at President Donald Trump recently.)
"Jackson Lee’s office identified Cosko as an intern and said he was fired because of the accusations. 
"Here’s what you need to know:" . . .

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Canadian Man Faces Two Years in Prison for Evangelizing At Gay Pride Parade

Activist Mommy

"To our American readers: never forget what a valuable thing our First Amendment is."We must also be wary never to let this happen here."A passionate evangelist in Canada is facing up to two years in prison for passing out pamphlets warning of the dangers of homosexual sex and telling the good news of Christ’s salvation at a gay pride event in Calgary."According to Toronto police, Bill Whatcott, a Toronto bus driver by day, “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, which explained he was arrested in Calgary and returned to Toronto."Whatcott, 51, was charged with “willful promotion of hatred against an identifiable group, namely the gay community.”
"The Christian Post reports:" . . .

Hat tip to Marcus Rogers.

A cartoonist who smeared Rush Limbaugh in 1995 now does it to Judge Kavanaugh

Rush Limbaugh  . . . "This cartoon, ladies and gentlemen, was drawn shortly after the Oklahoma City Bombing, after President Clinton said that “angry voices on the right” were speaking out against him. There was only one voice on the right. In 1995, I was it. There were some local talk shows, but CNN’s the only cable out there. There’s no Fox News. There’s no blogosphere. There’s no alternative media. There aren’t really any conservative websites.
Everything’s starting to blossom at that point, but this program nationally was still it four years after our founding. Clinton had blamed “angry voices on the right” for Timothy McVeigh blowing up the building in Oklahoma City, the federal building. Of course, I was livid. I was not gonna accept that. We challenged the White House on it, and they issued a “correction,” claiming, “No, we were talking about the Michigan militia short-wave radio.” . . .

. . . "Do you remember during the hearings Brett Kavanaugh said that his 10-year-old daughter was praying, suggested the family pray for “the woman,” meaning Dr. Ford. Judge Kavanaugh was starting to break down and tear up at that point, talking about the wisdom of his 10-year-old daughter.
"The same cartoonist is back in some publication, the Illinois something, Illinois Journal or some such thing. The cartoon has now gone viral all over the web and on Twitter and some parts Facebook they love it. " . . . (Below)

. . . It’s the same cartoonist, 1995 to today. It’s just vile. It’s filthy. It’s dirty. It’s disgusting. It’s despicable. And it’s sick. And, of course, it has accomplished its objective! It’s gone viral, and people have seen it. People are reacting to it. I weighed whether or not to give it the attention that anything talked about by me ultimately gets, and I decided to go ahead and do it. In my never-ending quest to have people understand who liberals are — how sick and demented they are — this is what passes for humor on the left." . . . 
"The disorders they suffer are simply said to be their political positions, and their anger is at the country or specific groups, like (summarized) “white men who need to die so that feminists can castrate the corpses and feed them to pigs.” That’s Georgetown University professor Dr. Christine Fair. These people are clearly not all there. "

More on this cartoonist and his work :
When They Came For Kavanaugh’s Kid

Fox News: Far-left cartoonist accused of targeting Kavanaugh's 10-year-old daughter in vicious cartoon   . . . "An email to Britt requesting comment was not immediately returned. On his Facebook page, Britt responded to one critic by saying "I'm not the one who brought up his children. Brett 'I LOVE BEER' Kavanaugh brought them up." The page was later removed from public view." . . .

How you can help Kavanaugh's confirmation

Lloyd Marcus   "In response to my article, "Kavanaugh and the Depth of Democratic Evil," patriots have contacted me asking how they can help Brett Kavanaugh.  The answer is, call your senators.  Here's the number: 202-224-3121.  That is the number for the Capitol Switchboard.  When you call, tell them what state you are from and that you need to be connected to your U.S. senator. 

"It doesn't matter whether your senators are Democrats or Republicans, whether they have already announced their support or opposition to Judge Kavanaugh.  This is urgent, folks.  Call immediately, and ask your senators to support Brett Kavanaugh for the U.S. Supreme Court.

"Kavanaugh's record as a judge and public servant is exemplary, more than qualifying him for the Supreme Court.  This is why it is so disgusting that Democrats and fake news media are destroying his life."

. . . "Please watch, like, and share our brief video.

"Folks, what the American left is doing to Brett Kavanaugh, his wife, and his two daughters is pure evil from the pits of Hell.  It is time for good people to push back firmly in Godly, reasonable, and legal ways.  Please, please, please call your senators!
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." –Edmund Burke
"Folks, if we allow the evil American left to block the confirmation of an awesome constitutional conservative like Brett Kavanaugh, whom on Earth can we get confirmed?  Please call your senators.
"Thanks, and God bless the Kavanaugh family, President Trump, and America!"

Trump and the US Economy

How much will you save because of the Trump economic actions?  "Since Congress passed tax reform, American families have seen bigger paychecks and more opportunity. The map below shows how average households in your state and district will benefit. These benefits could be greater if made permanent or disappear if repealed. It’s time to protect our paychecks."

Download the report:
Tax Cuts in Every Congressional District in Every State
Kevin Dayaratna, PhD, Parker Sheppard, PhD, and Adam N. Michel

Meanwhile, Trump's economy births huge manufacturing contract
. . . "Show me any governor, even Democrat, who wouldn't be salivating at the prospect of landing a few thousand, even a few hundred, of these high-paying jobs for his constituents.  No doubt, deep-blue Democrats like Moonbeam and cuckoo Comrade Cuomo, whose coastal enclaves are now hemorrhaging high-paying jobs and had-enough citizens, will sniff sanctimoniously at being required to launder morally defiled defense dollars – all while furiously formulating new tactics for taxing the max away from these new golden geese.  One certainty is that between now and the midterms, every Republican politician in every state should be touting this Trump retention of key manufacturing jobs, such skilled occupations as Obama had kissed off as long gone to the Third World, never to return to his America.  They probably wouldn't have come back to his, a Democrat-controlled, America – which is a good reason why sensible, hardworking citizens should never again give power to the max-taxing, jobs-destroying Democrats."

False Tale of Vandalism at Kavanaugh Home

This false news was easily believed by all who have seen the left's actions, heard their words, and judged their character to feel they are fully capable of such things. TD

Fact  Q: Was Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s home vandalized by “over 200 protesters”?
A: No. The vandalized home in the photo is actually a house in Ontario, Canada.

Through a viral image and story, tens of thousands of social media users have helped spread a false account about vandalism at the home of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
The popular meme shared in multiple posts on Facebook includes a photo of a home defaced with graffiti that, among other things, reads: “I should burn this house!”
. . . "In fact, the photo of the property in the meme doesn’t even match the house where Kavanaugh lives, which has been shown in press reports.
"Instead, we found the photo used is actually of a home in Ontario, Canada, that was vandalized in 2016. The photo was among several featured in a news story about the incident in the Hamilton Spectator."

Monday, October 1, 2018

FALLOUT: Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill Falls Behind GOP Opponent After Opposing Kavanaugh

Daily Wire

"The incumbent Democrat is in a hotly contested race"

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) speaks a proposed protection plan for people with pre-existing health conditions, during a news conference on Capitol Hill July 19, 2018 in Washington, DC.

"Following Brett Kavanaugh's powerful testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, Democrats opposing him from their not-so-comfortable red state seats are beginning to feel the heat. One poll shows Sen. Claire McCaskill in Missouri now behind her GOP opponent in a tight midterm race.
"According to The Federalist, the new poll by Remington Research Group "found that of the 1,555 likely Missouri voters surveyed late last week, 48% said they were planning to vote for Republican candidate Josh Hawley while 46% said they planned to vote for McCaskill."  
"Even worse for McCaskill is that her opposition to Brett Kavanaugh served as one of the deciding factors for voters to come out against her, with 49% saying it affected their decision. Only 42% said McCaskill's opposition to Kavanaugh motivated their support.
"The incumbent Democrat is in a hotly contested race, and support for Hawley has been surging in the polls over the past month," reports The Federalist. "The Real Clear Politics poll average puts Hawley ahead of McCaskill by one point and shows that the race has grown increasingly competitive going into November."
"McCaskill joins several other red state Democrats who face tough reelection campaigns in the midst of the Kavanaugh circus. Some, like Sens. Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Jon Tester of Montana, have elected to roll the dice by proposing a "No" vote. Others, like Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, where Kavanaugh' enjoys 59% approval, have elected to remain on the fence until the final vote on the Senate floor." . . .

Kellyanne Conway cannot be a victim; she is a Republican!

‘I’m a victim of sexual assault’: Kellyanne candidly reveals secret to CNN. Libs immediately call her a liar.

 Kellyanne should know by now that you can only be a victim if you are a liberal. ". . .


BelieveAllWomen crashed and burned pretty quickly. f course she knows. This is obviously to get these idiots on record claiming that woman lied about sexual assault the damage these imbeciles have done to women is going to play out in relationships and the workforce for years. and of course, actual victims of sexual assault/violence. i've supported our local rape crisis center for years, and i know all the statistics about under-reported rape, arrested/charged/convicted rapists and what it does to the women brave enough to come forward. liberal bastards ruin EVERYTHING they touch.

Democrats attempt to use Kavanaugh's emotional testimony against him

Senate Democrats did all they could
Heritage:  House Democrats are ready to investigate Brett Kavanaugh if they win the House
. . . "If Kavanaugh committed perjury, Democrats warn, they’ll investigate. Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., who would be chairman of the House Judiciary Committee if Democrats control the House, told ABC News on Sunday that the lower chamber would likely investigate.
"If he is on the Supreme Court, and the Senate hasn't investigated, then the House will have to," said Nadler. "We would have to investigate any credible allegations of perjury and other things that haven't been properly looked into before."
The current FBI investigation, which is set to last one week, so far does not include interviews with the former classmates who have disputed Kavanaugh's testimony about his partying, according to the New York Times.
. . . 
"Krishnamoorthi added that Kavanaugh’s testimony was “one of the most partisan appearances by a federal judge.”
"If Democrats decide not to pursue an investigation on the allegations against Kavanaugh, they appear ready to investigate his fitness. After watching Kavanaugh raise his voice, accuse the Clintons of revenge, and ask Democratic senators if they like beer or have blacked out, a number of Democrats don’t think he has the disposition to serve on the Supreme Court for life.
"Kavanaugh’s performance before the Judiciary Committee, said Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., “raises very difficult question about his temperament and fitness for office.”
“We saw an entitled, defensive, angry, partisan, paranoid, angry guy. It was very unnerving just to watch it. And you want to put him on the court for life?
"Whether Kavanaugh is confirmed or not, Connelly said, his qualifications and fitness to be a federal judge “are worthy of further examination.' ” . . .

Republican Headquarters In Rockford, Illinois Vandalized With Word ‘Rape’

Georgetown Professor: White GOP Senators In Kavanaugh Hearing “Deserve Miserable Deaths,” Have Corpses “Castrated”…  . . . "Georgetown University Distinguished Associate Professor Christine Fair tweeted that white Republican senators in the Brett Kavanaugh hearing deserve to die.

“ 'Look at thus [sic] chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement,” Fair tweeted on Thursday. Referencing a video of “Lindsey Graham’s tirade,” Fair, who is a victim of sexual assault, added, “all of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps.”

“Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes,” she concluded the tweet.

That isn't the first time Fair's left the rails of civil discourse.
. . . "In January 2017, Fair was involved in a Twitter dispute with Asra Q. Nomani. In response to Nomani's tweet that as a Muslim, she voted for President Trump, Fair tweeted that she had "written [Nomani] off as a human being" and that Nomani had "pimped herself out to all media outlets." Nomani responded by filing a complaint with Georgetown University, Fair's employer, alleging discrimination and harassment.[20]
"In May 2017, Fair began an altercation with white nationalist Richard B. Spencer at a gym in Alexandria, Virginia. While the two were working out, Fair approached Spencer and accused him of being a Nazi, along with a number of other accusations, leading a third gym patron to intervene on behalf of him. This incident resulted in Spencer's membership being terminated by the manager of the gym.[21]

"In January 2018, Fair was involved in an incident at Frankfurt Airport. When her bag was flagged for possibly containing explosives, it was searched and German Federal Police instructed Fair that she would have to dispose of a liquid deodorant or transfer it to her checked bag. German police stated that Fair was uncooperative, as she accused them of sexism, of being Nazis and thugs, and directed expletives at them. Fair was charged with slander under Germany's defamation law. She subsequently published an article on HuffPost partially rejecting the police account of the incident." . . .

This is a real sign that the lady is way out there.  "Georgetown prof who harassed pro-Trump colleague brags about harassing alt-right leader at the gym"
  • First, I want to note that this man is a supreme coward. When I approached this flaccid, sorry excuse of a man and asked ‘Are you Richard Spencer,“ this pendulous poltroon said “No. I am not.”  But of course he was. …
  • As a white woman, I find his membership at this gym to be unacceptable. I found his membership at this gym to be an unfair burden upon the women and people of color–and white male allies of the same. I also loudly identified him as a neo-Nazi who has said, inter alia, the below detailed things. . . .
What on earth do her students turn out to be like?