Saturday, October 20, 2018

‘The View’ Smashes Hillary’s Defense Of Bill’s Man-Skank Behavior

To say Hillary and Bill have enhanced the Democrat's reputation, one must ignore their own:

How quickly they turn! Hillary and the ladies of "The View" discuss what to call Bill after she is elected President back in April 2016.

Chicks On The Right  "DAAAAAANG. I really didn’t expect this, but at the same time, how can anyone defend it? I mean, everyone knows Bill Clinton is a serial liar and cheater. For Hillary to pretend like that’s not the case? RIDIC. Even Joy Behar can’t buy it, and that’s saying something."If you recall, Hillz recently claimed that Bill’s affair with Monica Lewinsky was NOT an abuse of power, and she weirdly tried to bring Trump into it." “Where’s the investigation into the current incumbent, against whom numerous allegations have been made and which he dismisses, denies, and ridicules?” Hillary asked. He didn’t perform sex acts in the Oval Office with an intern so…
"Surprisingly, Joy Behar called Hillary out. However, she couldn’t help but slam Republicans in the same sentence.
"What [Hillary] just did is exactly what Republicans do — they changed the subject,” Behar said. “And that’s why we never get anywhere in the discourse.”
"What does this have to do with Republicans? Whatever. I’ll let it slide. I’m just surprised she dared to speak out against Hillary.
"“This highlights to me I think why some people struggled to vote for [Hillary], because you can’t have it both ways in her position,” Abby Huntsman said. “You can’t put yourself on a pedestal and be a leader for the feminist movement, and at the same time refuse to acknowledge the reality that you’ve lived with for all these years and stand by your husband.”
“I don’t think she can have it both ways, and she continues to try and do this,” she continued." 
"Bingo. You can’t say that all women should be believed when you’re KNOWN for calling your husband’s accusers a buncha bimbos.
“ 'He’s guilty,” Behar said of Bill." . . .

How Obama Treated Slain Journalists

It was all good with TV hosts, MSNBC and CNN you can be sure.

First, some background: NY Times: "A Terrorist Horror, Then Golf: Incongruity Fuels Obama Critics" and this:
Which president actually abdicated moral leadership?
. . . They essentially did nothing to stop North Korea from developing dangerous weapons to threaten the world besides repeatedly telling the North Koreans to stop. They rewarded the murderous dictators in Cuba despite their not changing their ways." . . .

Daniel John Sobieski  "As facts are gathered concerning the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the foreign-policy implications are pondered by a liberal chattering class willing to blame President Trump when a sparrow falls from a tree, consider the reaction by President Barack Hussein Obama to the murder of journalists and the press treatment of a president who actually bowed to a Saudi king.
    "President Trump’s caution against a rush to judgment concerning our Saudi allies has the press moaning that the condemnation of the Saudis is not coming fast enough or will not be harsh enough. Any reaction comes in the context of the need to keep Iran from building a deliverable nuclear weapon or otherwise expanding its hegemony in the Middle East.               "Listening to Trump’s critics could easily result in a strategic disaster as we sit after the dust clears in our smug anti-Trump motivated self-righteousness[.] 
     "Journalists should not be slain by authoritarians, tyrants, or ideological fanatics for their views, but they have been, and in the case of President Obama with an attitude of callous indifference. Has the media forgotten the attack on the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which, along with a deli attacked at the same time, the Obama administration dismissed as the victims just being in the wrong place at the wrong time? 
The lives of the four Jews killed in a kosher market in Paris were dismissed by Obama as "a bunch of folks in a deli" shot "randomly" as they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
     "After the attack on that kosher market and on Charlie Hebdo, President Obama didn’t have time to join other world leaders in a moving protest march in the streets of Paris. He did have time to watch an NFL playoff game and welcome the San Antonio Spurs to the White House. 
     "After issuing a perfunctory condemnation of the Islamic State’s beheading of American journalist James Foley, President Obama was moments later on a golf course. The realities of dealing with Islamic terrorism, a phrase that cannot cross his lips, could not be allowed to disturb a President who was contemplating the threat of climate change as he works to correct his slice. 
     "Not only did Obama go golfing after James Foley’s execution, he didn’t do all that much to prevent it, according to Foley’s family:" . . .
. . . 
     "Our delusional former commander-in-chief, who still believes the massacre at Ft. Hood by jihadist Nidal Hasan is a case of “workplace violence” and that the Charlie Hebdo/deli massacre in Paris was a case of random violence and of victims being in the wrong place at the wrong time pathetically proclaimed at the G-20 Conference in Antalya, Turkey, as the Federalist reports:
 “What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the American people and to protect the people in the region who are getting killed and to protect our allies and people like France,” Obama said. “I’m too busy for that.” 
"Too busy, the same way you were too busy resting up for a Las Vegas fundraiser the night Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, and Sean Smith were murdered by a terrorist attack in Benghazi, an attack you and your Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, told the parents of the deal was caused by a video? 
     "The French, whom you refused to honor with your presence during a march protesting radical Islamic terrorism after the Charlie Hebdo attack, wasted no time in responding with air strikes on the de facto Islamic State capital of Raqaa, Syria. As CNN reported: 
On Monday, France targeted a command center, a recruitment center, an ammunition storage base and a training camp in the city, the French military said. On Sunday, the air force struck similar strategic targets in multiple sorties, reinserting France, a partner in the U.S.-led coalition striking ISIS from the air, into the battle against ISIS. 
      "The French were using target coordinates supplied by the U.S.. Why didn’t we strike ISIS with the French in a joint mission? Where was the press condemnation of his callous indifference to the murder of reporters? Why did he bow to a Saudi king? 
     "Critics of President Trump’s handling of the Khashoggi affair ought to revisit President Obama’s indifference to the war on radical Islamic terrorists and the murder of reporters by their bloody hands."

Journalist Dies After Being Attacked For Being White

Daily Caller
"They’re completely consumed with the murder of a journalist who isn’t American and whose murder had nothing to do with the United States but just ignore this murder."

Via Daily Caller:

"Jerry Wolkowitz, a freelance journalist and EMT, died on Thursday months after he was attacked for being a “white man.”
"Wolkowitz, 56, was attacked in New Jersey on May 1 by 26-year-old Jamil S. Hubbard.
“[Wolkowitz] was punched in the head and then dragged into the parking lot before being run over by a Chevrolet Malibu. His blue Kia Forte was then stolen,” the Asbury Park Press reported.
"Police found Wolkowitz with extensive head injuries and shattered bones.
"Hubbard was originally charged with attempted murder, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose and bias intimidation, and a grand jury later added armed robbery, eluding and theft." . . .

Keep reading…

Jamil Hubbard, 25, of Sayreville, is charged with first-degree attempted murder, 

Friday, October 19, 2018

The Only Remarkable Thing About [Robert Frances]O'Rourke Is How Much the Media Love Him

David Harsanyi  . . . "Democrat O'Rourke, who is also in a race against an incumbent, Ted Cruz, is down 7 points and falling. It wouldn't be completely surprising if Cruz ended up winning Texas by the same margin he did in 2012. Yet you might not discern this reality by merely paying attention to Betomania
Donkey Hotey

"As with Hawley, I didn't know much about Arizona's GOP Senate nominee, Martha McSally, either. I'm probably not alone. She didn't get to kibitz with Stephen Colbert or Ellen DeGeneres. Maybe she'd have better luck getting attention from the national media if she used a nickname given to her as a teen. Anyway, what could one of the highest-ranking female pilots in the history of the Air Force and the first female pilot to go on a combat mission possibly have to offer Colbert's audience? Beto once skateboarded through a Whataburger parking lot. 

"Also, McSally has a chance to win her Senate race. 

"So I'm sorry, Associated Press and LeBron James, but Beto O'Rourke isn't "shaking up" the Senate race in Texas any more than Hawley and McSally are shaking up the Missouri and Arizona races. You're just far more interested.

" Then again, Hawley and McSally are not inventions of the media. O'Rourke has raised $38 million thus far. It's an immense amount for any politician but an absurd one for a man who relies on  fawning coverage provided to him and the advocacy that has very little to do with his political race. 

"It's difficult to quantify these things, but it may be true that all the money being poured into a losing O'Rourke campaign in Texas might have been better utilized in closer races in other red states -- namely, North Dakota and Tennessee. Democrats seem more interested in subsidizing celebrity than winning back the Senate." . . .

This is what we call "entertainment"?

Idiot Model Who Portrayed The First Lady as a Cheating Slut in the Oval Office Doubles Down "Why do I call her an idiot?
"Because she said she meant no harm and “didn’t disrespect her.” Then she gives Inside Edition a glimpse of her new project where she mocks the First Lady’s accent."  

‘Law & Order: SVU’ is making an episode inspired by Donald Trump  "The spinoff series that focuses on sex crimes will feature a Donald Trump-themed episode titled Unstoppable, according to The Hollywood Reporter."

Law & Order SVU Episode Depicts Ann Coulter-Like Character Getting Violently Raped At Right-Wing Rally  . . . " A conservative "extreme commentator" is violently raped at a right-wing rally by Antfia members during the episode, titled "Info Wars."
"Many online speculated that the character was depicting conservative author and commentator Ann Coulter.
"After a female pundit is assaulted during a protest, Benson and Barba struggle to put their political beliefs aside in order to help bring the attacker to justice," reads the NBC description of the episode.". . .  Meaning the "good guys" are virulently liberal and anti-conservative.

Report: Rihanna Turned Down Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show to Support Kaepernick
. . . “The NFL and CBS really wanted Rihanna to be next year’s performer in Atlanta,” the source explained to Us Weekly. “They offered it to her, but she said no because of the kneeling controversy. She doesn’t agree with the NFL’s stance.” . . .

Let America continue to see only Democrats as the party of violence and oppression

Rich Terrell

Sen. Tim Kaine Calls for Democrats to ‘Fight in the Streets’ — Then Gets Loomered at DC Bar  "Back in March 2017 Senator Tim Kaine’s youngest son Linwood ‘Woody” Kaine was arrested at the Minnesota State Capitol after disrupting a pro-Trump rally.
"Woody joined an Antifa mob that was hurling punches and spraying Trump supporters with pepper spray inside the capitol. Kaine was arrested during the mob violence."
Linwood “Woody” Kaine, of Minneapolis, was later charged with one gross misdemeanor count of obstructing the legal process and misdemeanor counts of fleeing on foot and concealing his identity in public.
"On Tuesday of this week Tim Kaine, father of Woody, called on his fellow Democrats to “fight in the streets.”
"On Thursday investigative reporter Laura Loomer confronted Senator Kaine on his violent rhetoric and violent Antifa son.
"Laura Loomer got up in Tim Kaine’s face and asked him how it felt to be confronted out in public like what he is promoting." . . .

Antifa professor attacks Trump supporter with bike lock. Gets slap on wrist: Three years probation!

Here’s how to hit the Saudis — and still serve US interests

NY Post  "President Trump’s in a tough spot. Saudi Arabia is crucial to his economic and foreign-policy platforms. So, he’s trying to hold the US-Saudi alliance together while Riyadh takes a lashing from Congress. And it’s getting harder now that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin just pulled out of a high-profile investment conference in Saudi Arabia, signaling possible trade turbulence ahead.
"The importance of Saudi-US economic ties cannot be ignored. Riyadh is America’s main weapons buyer. Between 2013-2017, Saudi Arabia made up 18 percent of total US arms sales — about $9 billion worth — and then spent $5.5 billion last year alone.
"There’s more at stake now, even if it’s less than the $110 billion figure Trump touts. The Saudis inked a memorandum of intent to purchase about $100 billion in US arms over the next decade. So far, $14.5 billion has come through, according to the Pentagon. But these are sales American businesses don’t want to lose.
"Then there’s oil. The US imports 800,000 barrels a day of Saudi crude. Admittedly, this is 600,000 barrels below what we imported a decade ago — thanks to increased domestic production.
"But Saudi Arabia still sits on massive oil reserves, which means that in today’s global economy, the Saudis are key to keeping the prices steady and affordable worldwide.
"Oil therefore makes Saudi Arabia a key to Trump’s foreign policy. Trump re-imposed sanctions on Iran after exiting the controversial Iran nuclear deal last May.
"One round of sanctions has already been imposed, with another coming Nov. 4. The second round will include blocking Iranian oil from being sold worldwide, causing a shortfall in global supply. And Saudi Arabia, a bitter foe of Iran, has agreed to Trump’s request to boost production to keep oil prices stable." . . .

Pelosi unveils just how bad a Democrat House would look

Monica Showalter  "Like a witch lifting the lid from the pot of her bubbling brew, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi has unveiled her picture of what her Congress would look like if the Democrats retake the House in November.
"Axios has the chart in this tweet here.  The larger chart, complete with green faces for the Latinos, purple faces for the blacks, and orange faces for the Asians, is here:
"Comically, Axios makes the claim that the racial diversity of the group is the story, as if no one might ever notice the lockstep left-wing monolithic extremism of every last one of these probable nominees.  And even more comically, Axios writes that the diversity of skin color translates into diversity of thinking.
"Apparently, they don't know these guys.

Axios has photos and names of these Democrats
"Fact is, this is a real menagerie of the worst elements of left-wingery, people famous for their lockstep adherence to Pelosi's flying monkey commands, and famous only for the diversity of their idiocies.  These are people famous for making stupid and malevolent statements such as Maxine Waters, dolts who make specious, fact-free arguments such as Adam Schiff, lunatic machine pols such as Jerry Nadler, Benghazi liars such as Elijah Cummings, FARC terrorist-coddlers such as Jim McGovern, open borders advocates such as Raul Grijalva, and just garden variety left-wing irritants such as Nita Lowey, Carolyn Maloney, and Nydia Velasquez.  The rest are almost all just as awful.  Only Eliot Engel stands out as a non-extremist.  The rest are really out there.
"What we see here is Pelosi picking out old-line dinosaurs just like herself, people we have heard about for years and know very well, with claims to "diversity" being her smokescreen for concealing the lack of diversity of thought or ideas in this bunch.  Every last one of these people is a crummy little pawn for the Pelosi agenda who will vote in lockstep to it, and no newcomers, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, are going to be allowed in.  (Not that she'd be an improvement, but she'd be a new face.)
"This is not a group that will work well with Republicans, either – their long records already tell that.
"It's just the recrudescence of the same-old, same-old, repackaged as "diversity" to draw attention from the real lack of diversity of faces and ideas.
"If these Pelosi names and faces back in the news don't scare the public to vote Republican in November, one can only fear for the republic."

Whatever happens, Pelosi will be in the news:

Pelosi promises to get Trump’s tax returns if Democrats win the House

Americans Now MORE Skeptical Of Women Claiming Sexual Harassment After Year Of #MeToo

We can now add Snow White to the list of victims.

Daily Wire

"The #MeToo movement was supposed to increase awareness of the supposed danger and oppression American women face constantly. Instead, the movement, which demands men be ruined on mere allegations alone and suggests no allegation is false or exaggerated, seems to have made Americans more skeptical of accusations."A survey from YouGov and the Economist shows after a year of the hashtag, Americans are shifting toward those accused without due process.“ 'When it came to questions about the consequences of sexual assault and misconduct, there was a small but clear shift against victims,” the Economist wrote."As always, “victims” stands in for “accusers.”"The numbers are still clearly in accusers’ favor, but have shifted over the past year." . . .

Boy Has Message For Woman Who Falsely Accused Him Of Sexual Assault

The 9-year-old boy who was falsely accused of sexually assaulting a New York woman last week has a message for her: "I don't forgive this woman at all, and she needs help."
Teresa Klein sparked outrage when she claimed that Jeremiah Harvey grabbed her "ass" at a Sahara Deli Market in Brooklyn and proceeded to call the police, or so she claims, and made a huge scene outside the store.
"I want the cops here right now," Klein yelled on witness cell phone video. "I was sexually assaulted by a child!" . . .

Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami

Unfortunately named source 

We must NOT give the left the high ground! Condemn what was done to Pelosi and let America see that conservatives condemn actions that have been taken by the left. The tide will NOT have turned when we on the right begin to do these things; the tide turns when leftist media gets sick of Democrats doing this sort of thing.
Do not give Democrats images to use in their election ads!

This is what the left must be defined by, not Republicans:

Professor calls for harassing Republicans at restaurants, sticking 'fingers in their salads'  "The University of Mississippi has condemned a tweet by a faculty member that called on activists to abandon civility and harass Republican senators in public.

“ 'Don’t just interrupt a Senator’s meal, y’all,” James Thomas, an assistant professor of sociology, tweeted from his @Insurgent_Prof account on Oct. 6, the day Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh was sworn into the Supreme Court.
“ 'Put your whole damn fingers in their salads,” he wrote. “Take their apps and distribute them to the other diners. Bring boxes and take their food home with you on the way out. They don’t deserve your civility.”
"Without specifically naming Mr. Thomas, Ole Miss Chancellor Jeffrey Vitter issued a statement Sunday condemning a “recent social media post by a UM faculty member,” Campus Reform reported.

“ 'A recent social media post by a UM faculty member did not reflect the values articulated by the university, such as respect for the dignity of each individual and civility and fairness,” Mr. Vitter wrote. “While I passionately support free speech, I condemn statements that encourage acts of aggression. I urge all members of the Ole Miss community to demonstrate civility and respect for others and to honor the ideal of diversity of thought that is a foundational element of the academy.' ” . . .

We're Not Battling Craziness. We're Battling Evil.

Update:  Conservatives, we must condemn what was done to Pelosi. Evil will metastasize into us from the left if we do not stop it. We called this evil when it was done to us and we must not create a backlash against conservatives, The Tunnel Dweller.
. . . What else would you call a cause that deliberately seeks to ruin Christian business-owners because they refuse to bow to the perverse LGBT agenda?  What else would you call a cause that refuses to acknowledge who is a male and who is a female – and makes expensive and oppressive public policy based on such absurdities?

Trevor Thomas  "Ever since the election of Donald Trump as 
president of the United States, the American left has been – as my mother likes to put it – in "rare form."  Such "form" these last two years has resulted in obscene fits by individual leftists and, yes, liberal mobs.  Someone should ask these petulant, angry leftists – as did my mother when she encountered a tantrum (usually from a child): do you get a fever with those fits?
"The answer is no, because – in spite of what many have implied as they've witnessed the rage, violence, and vulgarities so often employed by today's liberals – we're not dealing with sickness or mere lunacycrazinessstupidity, or even the deranged.  These characterizations are tempting – I've used them myself– and often accurate, but they fail to describe best what we are dealing with.
"As Selwyn Duke alluded to recently, and others noted more directly years ago, modern liberalism – aided and abetted by the Democratic Party – is a dastardly tool of the enemy of all mankind.  It's like a modern-day Mephistopheles luring hordes of Faustian fools with promises of worldly pleasure – especially sex – and perpetual provision from a paternalistic, godless nanny state.  Such dark pursuits consume their personal lives and thus their politics as well.  This is what results when one makes a god of government.
"Speaking of "dark pursuits," it seems that witches now outnumber Presbyterians in the U.S.  Speaking of witches, it seems the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation brought them even more into the mainstream of modern liberalism – so much so that, now that we've entered the Kavanaugh era of the Supreme Court, Vox saw fit to report on how modern-day witches are helping the "faithful" to cope.

"Part of this coping involves placing hexes on Justice Kavanaugh.  New York City witches have an event scheduled this coming Saturday for devoted occultists.  A $10 donation is suggested for those attending.  Half of the proceeds will be split between Planned Parenthood and an LGBT organization.  Justice Kavanaugh is just the latest target of those invoking witchcraft to "magically bind" President Trump and his administration." . . . Full article.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Obama's Operation Choke Point finally unmasked

Ken Blackwell  "James Madison once wrote that “the rights of persons, and the rights of property, are the objects, for the protection of which government was instituted.” While in recent years our political leaders have not always lived up to Madison’s vision of government, rarely have they engaged in such blatant disregard for our constitutional rights as they did during Operation Choke Point — a secret program launched under the Obama administration to punish political adversaries.
"Operation Choke Point was a plot by President Obama’s Department of Justice, the Federal Deposit Insurance Commission, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and other government agencies to cut off banking and financial services for small businesses and industries that they deemed to be political enemies or otherwise undesirable.
"Some of these businesses included gun stores, ammunition shops, fireworks stores, small dollar lenders, and home-based charities.
"Some government officials tried to deny the existence of the program. That includes former CFPB director, Richard Cordray, who dodged questions from Sen. Mike Crapo in 2014 as to the CFPB’s participation in Operation Choke Point. Yet in that same year, Cordray warned banks against doing business with “… unscrupulous lenders and their payment processors.”
"Cordray was not alone in trying to hide the truth about this operation. Officials from the DOJ and FDIC all worked to keep the program’s existence from the public and to bury the truth. Finally, however, the truth is now being unmasked.
"Government documents were just unsealed providing evidence of just how far reaching and destructive Operation Choke Point really was to small businesses." . . .