Friday, October 26, 2018

Bomb suspect arrest reports

When Democrats gloat over the suspect being a (possibly) pro-Trumper, keep this always in mind as you read updates: From June, 2017: 
 A lone gunman who was said to be distraught over President Trump’s election opened fire on members of the Republican congressional baseball team at a practice field in this Washington suburb on Wednesday, using a rifle to shower the field with bullets that struck four people, including Steve Scalise, the majority whip of the House of Representatives.

Christmas time for Democrats! Bomb Mail Suspect Arrested in Florida, Suspect’s Van Covered in Pro-Trump Stickers

Cesar Sayoc, 56, pictured in this booking photo
from an arrest, via
A Florida man suspected of mailing suspicious packages to at least 11 prominent Democrats, including 2 former U.S. Presidents, was arrested in Plantation, Florida on Friday.
The suspect, a Caucasian 56-year-old male, was under surveillance for 24 hours before he was taken into custody by F.B.I. agents.The man was arrested at an Auto Zone store on State Route 7 at SW 6th Street around 10:30 a.m., according to CBS4 in Miami.A white van covered in “pro-Trump stickers” was towed from the location.A loud explosion was heard at the time of the arrest, possibly from a flash bang device used by the F.B.I.The suspect, who lives in North Miami Beach, is a former resident of New York. He was known to law enforcement for making threats in the past.The suspect was reportedly identified from surveillance footage at a postal center in Opa Locka, Florida.The feds say several of the suspicious packages were mailed to New York from the center. Postal workers are sorting through millions of pieces of mail searching for more suspicious packages.Several hoax pipe bombs were sent to the homes of former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Packages were also sent to California Congresswoman Maxine Waters, former U.S. AG Eric Holder, and anti-Trump actor Robert De Niro.None of the packages were capable of exploding, according to law enforcement officers. . . .
Hat tip to Mickey Bell at Moretti Underground
Trump-supporting, bodybuilding, Native American Florida strip-club worker is revealed as the 'MAGAbomber' who 'sent suspicious packages to 12 liberals'
. . . " 'It's really bad,' the woman said by telephone. She declined to give her name. 'We heard a loud bang, like a bomb exploding. Police officers who told us to stay inside said they were arrested the guy who's been sending bombs all over the place. It's pretty scary but we're inside trying to get some work done.'"The suspect is reportedly a former resident of New York who is living in Florida. The 12 mail bombs are all believed to have been handled by a regional mail sorting facility in southern Florida. "The suspect is known to law enforcement, and has a history of making terroristic threats to judges, sources said." . . .
These should suffice until the press conference this afternoon, 2:30 EDT

National Review: The Caravan Is Real

Rich Lowry

Whatever Trump’s exaggerations, the caravan itself isn’t a fabrication.

"The last thing the Left wants prior to the midterms is an image dramatizing the weakness of our southern border. 

"So the caravan of thousands of migrants, emanating from Honduras and headed toward the United States, is considered an illegitimate story, a shoddy excuse for President Donald Trump’s fearmongering.

"It’s certainly true that Trump and his allies have thrown up a lot of chaff around the caravan. It’s not being paid for by George Soros, or infiltrated by unknown Middle Easterners. But the president gets the big point right: We have borders, and should enforce them. 

"Whatever Trump’s exaggerations, the caravan itself isn’t a fabrication. It started as a group of 160 people in Honduras. It quickly grew to 1,600. Guatemala tried to close its border to the migrants, but rapidly gave in. The caravan grew to as large as 7,000 as it crossed into Mexico, before shedding people in recent days.

" The media have run with the story because it isn’t every day that a group of thousands of migrants crashes through a Mexican border crossing. The images, of a throng of migrants as far as the eye can see on the roads, are compelling. To which the response of progressive commentators has been: No fair." . . .

Rich Terrell

Democrat election video

Allie Beth Stuckey

Some current Supreme Court justices not pleased with the confirmation process

Justice Ginsburg in earlier days
Ginsburg Calls Out Congress For Politicizing Confirmations, Calls For Return To How It Used To Be Done  . . . "Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg criticized Congress for politicizing the judicial confirmation process Wednesday night, urging a return to the bipartisan confirmations of decades past.  
"Speaking at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, the justice urged lawmakers to “reach across the aisle” and restore collegiality to a process riven with brinkmanship.
“What a difference in time that was from what we are witnessing today,” she said in reference to her own glide-path confirmation, elsewhere adding that the “obvious culprit is Congress,” according to The Washington Post.
. . . “ 'The way it was was right,” she said. “The way it is is wrong.”
“I wish I could wave a magic wand and have it go back to the way it was,” she added. 
When discussing her confirmation process, Ginsburg often notes she commanded support from even from conservative Republicans like GOP Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah. She was confirmed 96-3. Other of her colleagues, like Justice Stephen Breyer and the late Justice Antonin Scalia, were confirmed to the Supreme Court by an overwhelming margin." . . .

The Dangers of Politicizing Supreme Court Confirmations   "The Democrats have become so divisive that they're even starting to turn off their own Supreme Court Justices. That's all I can figure after hearing this clip of Justice Elena Kagan talking about the damage the politicized confirmation process is doing to the perception of the courts." —Dana Loesch

Thursday, October 25, 2018

WHOA: 9/11 ‘Top Cop’ so DISGUSTED with CNN panel for politicizing mail bombs he walks OFF set

Per Breitbart, former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik (9/11 Top Cop) was so troubled by the way CNN was politicizing the pipe bombs sent to ‘top’ Democratic officials that he left the set and walked out on the panel he was supposed to sit on.
Not even TRYING to hide it – CNN straight-up editorializing in its ‘breaking news’ chyrons now

Bernard Kerik, NYC’s 9/11 Top Cop: I Walked off CNN When They Politicized Mail Bombs   "Kerik recalled, “I was scheduled to be on CNN. We were supposed to talk about the investigation and seizure of these devices, and right in the beginning of the set, they suspended us and they went to John Brennan, who was somewhere speaking … and then he went on a 10-minute rant about the president.”
"He added, “As somebody that led through the worst terror attack in our country’s history, and knows how important unity is, especially on a day like today, in the aftermath of this, I just found it appalling that CNN would use this time to let this guy go on this political rant about the president, and I walked off. I took off the earpiece and the mic and I left. I can’t stand it. It just turns my stomach what these people are doing, and it’s wrong.”
"Kerik said CNN’s choice to focus on the mail bombs’ political fallout came at the expense of an opportunity to solicit public assistance for authorities’ ongoing investigations.
"Kerik advised, “They should be focused on the investigation, focused on getting the information the FBI has to the public in case somebody knows something. Get the visuals out to the public if they’ve seen something. I just think it’s wrong.”
"Pollak asked, “So they had you there to talk about the mail bombs, and you had to listen to a political rant by John Brennan, and they wanted you to address the politics, and you said you’re not doing that?”
"Kerik replied, “They didn’t even get to that part because I didn’t wait for him to finish. I wasn’t going to stand there and listen to more of his rhetoric.
"“Here’s the problem: pre-interview and right up until this guy began to talk, I listened to everybody on CNN talking about how disruptive and terrible it is for people to be uncivil.”
"Kerik continued, “Nobody talked about Maxine Waters. Nobody talked about Eric Holder encouraging people to engage in violence. Nobody talked about a U.S. congressman attacked and shot on a baseball field. You know what? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander." . . .

The Hunt for Mid October Bomber

The hunt for the October mail bomber

. . . "The latest: Authorities are focusing on Florida, the NYT reported this afternoon, because the USPS believes many of the packages were sent from there. "Though investigators initially believed that some of the packages were delivered by hand or by courier, they have now concluded that all 10 were likely sent through the mail, a person briefed on the matter said."
  • "All the packages were sent in manila envelopes lined with Bubble Wrap. They each had about a half dozen first-class postage stamps on them and return addresses with the name, misspelled, of [Debbie] Wasserman Schultz... The mailing labels were printed on a computer."
The list of those known to be targeted, all Trump antagonists:  Here:  . . . 
"What he's saying: "A very big part of the Anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that I refer to as Fake News. It has gotten so bad and hateful that it is beyond description," President Trump tweeted.
What's next: "For now, the packages are being sent to an FBI lab in Virginia, which is the first step in the forensic search for their sender," The Verge reports. . . .
How authorities look for a mail bomber  . . . "By this time, investigators are likely looking at several angles. “I would assume there’s some very solid leads,” Johnson says." . . .
Ian Macfarlane

On the Caravan

'Ellen' Producer Attacks Melania Trump To Promote Migrant Caravan. Team Melania Hits Back.  . . . "First Lady Melania Trump, a legal immigrant to the United States, was targeted by talk show host Ellen Degeneres' executive producer on Monday.
"While promoting the 7,000-plus migrant-packed caravan headed toward our Southern border, Andy Lassner of "The Ellen Show" wrote via Twitter, "I'm way more afraid of another Melania getting in to this country than I am of any caravan of human beings seeking asylum.' " . . .

Prepare to greet the members of the 'caravan'!  . . . "The Washington Post has reported that the president "sought to fan public fears on Twitter, suggesting without evidence that the "'caravan' contains gang members and terrorists from the Middle East."  Yet a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security reported that there are some "gang members" and people with "significant criminal histories" in the caravan.  Department spokesperson Tyler Houlton said on Twitter that the "caravan" includes citizens not only of Central American countries, but also of the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and "elsewhere."

"The Gateway Pundit reports that a Univision correspondent found Bangladeshis in the caravan in Guatemala." . . .
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
“Just Wendy” on Twitter tweeted: Well during the whole time Jorge the bs artist was talking to all I saw were 20 year old men no women or children,there was this gem throwing up gang signs. Make no mistake this is an invasion.
Mattis, Trump Expected to Send Almost 800 Troops to Border to Counter Migrant Caravan  . . . "I’ve written before that the Democrats had complete power from 2008-2010 and could have changed immigration laws then.
"Three administration officials told CNN that Mattis and others are still working on ironing out the details on the troops:
The officials tell CNN final details are being worked out including where the troops will come from and their specific tasks.
The troops will not engage in lethal operations to stop the migrants. Instead they are expected to provide fencing, wall materials and other technical support at several key points along the border where it is believed the migrants may try to cross.
The troops will also provide tents and medical care for border authorities in those areas. The troops retain the right of self-defense, but border patrol officers will still be the ones physically stopping illegal migration, the officials said. . . . 
Come to think of it, how many American troops originally came from down there? TD 
Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
The Second Caravan Sealed the Democrats' Fate  . . . "Having already set in motion plans to limit or eliminate foreign aid to El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, President Trump has already done more to fight this foreign invasion than Obama did in eight years.  Should the migrant army simply keep walking when it meets resistance, that will not be the victory many Democrats seem to anticipate.  It will not demoralize the Republican base, which recognizes that short of military resistance and the public relations nightmare a military confrontation may produce, Trump's hands are largely tied by our current immigration laws.  Instead, the human wave will be the punctuation mark on the end of the sentence, "Build the wall.' " . . .

NY Times Publishes 'Trump Assassination Porn,' But That's Not The Worst Part

Daily Wire

"The New York Times, once almost universally considered the most thorough, reliable, and professional news publication in the U.S., is now publishing "Trump assassination porn" that fantasizes about the Secret Service helping a Russian agent murder Trump.
"The worst part: rather than passively receiving the submission, The New York Times Book Review went out looking for it, actively petitioning spy and crime novelists to produce Trump-Russia-themed stories that were almost guaranteed to indulge Russian conspiracy theories and include some sort of scenario that ends up with a dead President of the United States. And, of course, when they got one, they were thrilled to push it out to readers. Here's how the editors explain their Trump-Russia fiction mini-series:
[O]ne of the biggest stories out there, of course, is the Mueller investigation and the relationship between Trump and Putin. It's hard not to speculate about what might happen next. To that end, we thought: Who better than some of today's most talented crime and spy novelists — Joseph Finder, Laura Lippman, Jason Matthews, Zoe Sharp, and Scott Turow — to conjure possible outcomes?
. . . .

TOP TEN THREATS BY Democrats Against Trump, His Family and His Supporters

Democrats and their sycophant press are loving these bombs

First, did you know this?  Former NYC Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik Walks Off CNN Set For ‘Politicizing’ Suspicious Devices
Kerik recalled, “I was scheduled to be on CNN. We were supposed to talk about the investigation and seizure of these devices, and right in the beginning of the set, they suspended us and they went to John Brennan, who was somewhere speaking … and then he went on a 10-minute rant about the president.”
Shocker: Democrats Blame Trump’s Rhetoric For Spate Of Suspected Bombs
"Not a single Democrat has spoken out against the mobs accosting Republicans in public."

Andrew Cuomo jumps up and suggests he too got a bomb, even though he didn't    "Did Andrew Cuomo actually want to get a bomb from some unknown criminal or terrorist delivered to him?
"If there was political hay to be made, sure looks like it.
"How else to explain this rather absurd farce? According to Vice News:
Though New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday that an explosive device had been sent to his office after a spate of bombs targeting at least six high-profile liberal figures, the NYPD says he wasn't a target.
“A device has been sent to my office in Manhattan, which we were just informed about,” Cuomo said at a joint press conference Wednesday outside CNN headquarters, where a bomb was found. “That device is also being handled.”
In a subsequent statement, the NYPD denied that Cuomo or his office had been targeted.
"So, first Cuomo said he never got a bomb, at a time when other prominent Democrats had gotten them from some unknown criminal or terrorist. Then Cuomo said that, oh, actually he had also gotten one, a "suspicious package" to be precise, apparently wanting to be placed on the list of leading Democrats with enough clout to enrage some package bomber. The weasel words 'suspicious package' of course, could cover him for anything.
. . . 
"Then the New York PD smacked him down and said that nope, he wasn't part of this, he never got a bomb. The best he got was some lawyer briefs about group that gets into fights with antifa leftists called 'Proud Boys.' According to the Syracuse News-Standard:
In a subsequent statement, the NYPD denied that Cuomo or his office had been targeted.
"The whole idiocy sounds like he wanted to join the bigs and make himself seem important. Or that he would anything to get his name in the news, given that the bomb incidents were the nation's top news story." . . .

Pipe bombs scare: Here's what we know

Some insight on this: What are these pre-election mail bombs?
"The Democrats could use a flood of electoral sympathy at this point. What a coincidence." 

Why no one trusts the media to get the bombing story right  . . . "But there is no "reflection" on news broadcasts today or on newspaper websites. Events are reported and commented on in real time. There's no time to assemble facts. There's no time for anything except reaction by the reporter - augmented by talking heads and "experts." That reaction is almost always, by necessity, full of a reporter's biased assumptions of "what it all means."
CNN's Lemon and Chris Cuomo

"Even after some of the facts have been revealed, the reporter tries to fit those facts into the "narrative" that has already been established. Hence, the first blush reporting of a major story - a terrorist attack or an attempted bombing - becomes nearly set in stone. Try altering the narrative once the facts have been carefully placed to "prove" various assumptions and you're usually labeled a conspiracy nut. 

"There's no solution to this problem. We just have to relearn how to be a good news consumer. What for the facts. Try to divorce the facts from the narrative and form your own opinion about what those facts actually mean." . . . 

O'Rourke fandom reaches bizarre levels in Texas Senate race

Fox News

What Democrat money buys for O'RourkeChoreographers, songwriters, camera crews, etc, cost money. Democrats have it!
The actors of Esther’s Follies – an Austin-based theater troupe that bills itself as the “Texas answer to SNL” – have got O’Rourke’s back.

'Betomania' is resulting in some bizarre tributes for the Democratic candidate challenging Ted Cruz."Though Rep. Beto O’Rourke is trailing Sen. Cruz in the polls, his fans haven’t lost their enthusiasm for the rocker-turned-congressman. Supporters have now painted giant murals of the Democrat and created viral – if not slightly cringe-worthy – videos for O’Rourke."Though his legal name is Robert Francis O’Rourke, the Democrat goes by Beto – a nickname his followers have latched on to with their antics. In one video encouraging people to vote early for O’Rourke, an actress wore a jacket that said “Beto’s bandits.”"Fox News has ranked the race as likely Republican."Here’s a look at three of the more over-the-top ways fans have shown their support for O’Rourke." . . .
Political Cartoons by AF Branco

About those bombs sent to Democrats and CNN: None detonated, which is a ‘huge clue’

Update:  Bomb Expert Labels Today’s ‘Pipe Bomb’ Scare A Dumb Hoax

National Sentinel  "Election 2018: As you likely are aware, several “crude” explosive devices were sent by someone to a number of prominent Democrats and at least one news channel, CNN, on Wednesday.

"As you are also likely aware, none of the bombs went off.
Make of that what you will, but there are investigative reporters — no, real ones — who have been looking into this without peering through a partisan lens.
"Some of them are also talking to authorities like the FBI and other police agencies. And they’re being told some things that you’re not likely going to hear from the “establishment” media because they are too busy blaming the incidents on POTUS Donald Trump because they are unhinged Leftists who are using this opportunity to bash him and Republicans.
"And that in and of itself is a huge tell (clue).
"First of all, let’s examine what we know:" . . .
Investigative reporter Paul Sperry also offered this: “6 bombs sent to Democrats. 0 go off. All crudely made pipe bombs and conspicuously obvious explosives, and all easily screened and discovered. Stunt seems designed for maximum political/media optics, not maximum damage.”[Actually, the count is up to nine now, including one sent to Trump critic and actor Robert DeNiro, but the other facts remain the same.
The pipe bombs might as well have had "ACME" stamped on them. Totally telegraphed by packaging (excessive postage, taping), amateur packing of gun powder (bad end caps, etc)


The Emperor’s Woke Clothes: "How did an elite, repressive minority policing speech and culture through political correctness come to browbeat the American democratic majority?"

"The overwhelming will of the majority can be continually frustrated by wildly unrepresentative, power-seeking elite factions."

The Tablet The overwhelming majority of Americans oppose political correctness. A recent survey of 8,000 Americans reveals that people of all ages, races, and educational levels oppose it by lopsided margins. None of the demographic categories presumed to be aligned with it, or to fall within its protective embrace, actually support it. Three out of 4 black people, 2 out of 3 people with postgraduate degrees, and 78 percent of people under the age of 24 all regard political correctness as a problem. While 79 percent of white people oppose political correctness, it is Asians (82 percent), Hispanics (87 percent), and American Indians (88 percent) who are most likely to be resistant to it.

"The findings are as encouraging as they are distressing. They are encouraging because they affirm something that no one with a glancing familiarity with the character of the American public has had any cause to doubt. People long habituated to freedom of conscience and speech instinctively dislike attempts to place restrictions on them. A regime of policing speech and thought for adherence to an unprincipled, logically incoherent, and ever-changing array of progressive nostrums will always be unpopular everywhere, but especially so here.

"The study demonstrates that the opponents of political correctness are not primarily the followers of Donald Trump. Nor are they in any significant sense the alt-right, a ragbag of at most a few thousand malcontents in a country of 350 million, who have been falsely magnified into a ludicrous simulacrum of a real social force. They are not predominantly the remnants of a dying white America brainwashed by Fox News. They are not a pitiable collection of angry white males—ruddy, be-Dockered, pale, stale, males left behind by the times—clinging to their dwindling privileges in an ever more vibrant and diverse America.

"PC’s opponents are a portrait of rainbow-coalition America itself—people of all ages and all colors protective of their liberties, who sense instinctively who is really at the core of the politically correct movement and oppose the ideas and motives that animate it. This diverse America is of course fundamentally at odds with the Fox News crowd and the Trumpists. But they have no more love for their would-be saviors among the politically correct, who rule through fear inspired by legalistic threats and social media mobs." . . .