Saturday, October 27, 2018

NBC Tries, Fails To Defend Itself After Sitting On Information That Undermined Kavanaugh Accusers

Shame on these pro-feminists for their work in destroying an innocent and honorable man along with his family. TD

Daily Wire

"An NBC reporter who interviewed one of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers, and who admitted to sitting on evidence that two of his accusers were not credible, is now trying to defend herself and her network.
"It’s not working.
"Kate Snow interviewed Julie Swetnick on Oct. 1. Swetnick claimed in a sworn statement to her attorney, Michael Avenatti, that she saw Kavanaugh act aggressively toward women, spike punch with drugs to get women drunk, and line up outside of rooms to gang-rape women. On NBC, Swetnick walked back her most important claims: She didn’t see Kavanaugh spike any punch and she never saw men lined up to gang-rape women (they were just “huddled by doors.”
"Kavanaugh said he doesn’t even know Swetnick. One of the people Swetnick named to corroborate her story also didn’t remember anyone with that name.
"Snow opened her interview by acknowledging the network couldn’t verify any of Swetnick’s claims. Yet the network still chose to give her a 13-minute primetime interview.
"Last Thursday, NBC acknowledged that a second accuser represented by attorney Avenatti, whose name is still unknown, said her words were “twisted” in her sworn statement and that she never saw Kavanaugh spike punch or act inappropriately toward women. NBC had this information days before Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote, but didn’t report it until now.
"On Saturday, Snow took to Twitter to defend herself and her network for sitting on information that could have helped Kavanaugh gain some of his reputation back after the salacious allegations." . . .

So much for Hillary and her Hollywood friends believing the women.

7 Times Hillary Clinton Threatened, Smeared and Targeted Women
. . . "Mrs. Clinton has been accused of threatening, smearing and targeting women her husband has sexually assaulted or carried out consensual affairs with. Here are seven of those instances:" . . .

8 Dead, Several Others Shot At Pittsburgh Synagogue; shooter was anti-Trump

Daily Mail
CBS Local Pittsburgh  "PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Eight people have been killed and a number of others injured after a shooting situation at The Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill on Saturday.

"KDKA’s Meghan Schiller reports that a suspect, a heavy-set white male with a beard, has surrendered. The SWAT team had been talking with the suspect, and he was crawling and injured. It is unclear the extent of his injuries.
"KDKA sources confirm to Andy Sheehan that the suspect is 48-year-old Robert Bowers. It is believed that he acted alone.
"Police are also investigating if he announced his intentions on Twitter this morning. That account has since been taken down."
Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter Identified As Robert Bowers, Yelled ‘All Jews Must Die’ As He Opened Fire
Bowers is described as a white male, heavy set, with a beard. He surrendered to police after opening fire on police officers. Police say he was injured and crawling when he was taken into custody.
Pamela Geller reports:  The man disliked President Trump in the extreme. He'd likely be happy with Mr. Trump if the President hated Jews, but, well, there was, I suppose, the issue of American support for Israel. TD

Hated Trump I'm sure the Democrats, CNN and MSNBC will still look for a way to charge President Trump with these murders.
. . . People have already grabbed his Gab account after his name was heard over police scanner. According to the account, he’s a neo-Nazi who hated Jews, hated Trump and thought he was a globalist.
The Republican presidential candidate has Jewish family members and friends. Here’s who they are. By Armin Rosen  Written in 2016, before President Trump declared Jerusalem the official capital of Israel and was warmly and enthusiastically welcomed by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. TD

David Hogg Calls the U.S. ‘Stolen Land’ in Speech at U-Mass Dartmouth

"His 15 minutes of fame may be over, but that hasn’t stopped David Hogg from continuing his progressive crusade"

Legal Insurrection  "His 15 minutes of fame may be over, but that hasn’t stopped David Hogg from continuing his progressive crusade.
"The College Fix reports:
Photos added by TD
In campus speech, David Hogg says U.S. is stolen land, justifies illegal immigration
Anti-gun rights activist David Hogg often urges young people to take on the Second Amendment. But he’s picked up a few more topics to pontificate on recently.
In his latest talk Wednesday to students at University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, with the midterm elections just weeks away, Hogg defended illegal immigrants, decried white politicians, and bemoaned American imperialism.
“I’m gonna talk to you guys not about the America we want to create, but the America we are going to create,” Hogg told the crowd, a mix of approximately 160 local high school students, UMass college students, administrators and the general public.
“Our generation has the ability to go out there this November, and every single election, to go out there and make America the country it is on paper, because it’s not,” he said.
His speech came at the same time as March For Our Lives is targeting college students in a massive voter-turnout effort…
The love child of CNN; are they the ones managing this "young skull full of mush "?

Democrats against the Electoral College

D'Souza shuts down socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Cortez: A governmentally-ignorant politician being chosen by the governmentally ignorant.

"In the fall of 2012, I excitedly began my senior year government class. I was about to sit through a course on our system of government while also watching it play out right before my eyes on its biggest stage during the 2012 election. Much to my chagrin, nobody else seemed even remotely as thrilled. Throughout the next five months, blank stares and snores engulfed the classroom with unmistakable indifference. In those moments, it hit me just how far we had fallen.
"Recently, I was struck by a similar feeling. I came across yet another condemnation of our system of representative government on Twitter. Waleed Shahid, a former advisor to New York Congressional Candidate and Democratic Socialist heartthrob Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, said the Senate is not democratic enough because less populous states receive the same representation as high-population states. But this is the very point of the Senate. Without equal representation in one house of Congress, large states would be able to run roughshod over smaller states. Yet this fact is continually ignored by civically-illiterate citizens eager to support their points of frustration against Trump’s agenda." . . .
The 12th Amendment of the Constitution established the Electoral College
Democrats made a tremendous effort to contact electors in 2016 and ask them to change their vote from Trump to Clinton. To her shame, she did not stand up for Constitutional government.

Put another way, without the Electoral College, the states in blue would have made Clinton our president. 

Candidates would likely not have even campaigned in the states shown as red. (I hate saying "red states" since they are Republican). Red has always been the color of the Communist Party and was the color of the Soviet flag being waved outside the White House during Obama's inauguration. The Tunnel Dweller

Will we never be rid of this political family?

Chelsea's plan for dynastic succession comes into focus  . . . ", who could possibly retire and leave a seat open for the heiress apparent?  The third clue is the current member of the House of Representatives in the 17th Congressional District of New York, where the nominal but official residence of the Clinton Dynasty is located.  The fact that Chelsea lives in Manhattan in an apartment reportedly purchased for ten million dollars several years ago is as irrelevant as Hillary's lack of ties to New York before she ran for the Senate.  
"Chappaqua's House member is Nita Lowey, eighty-one years old and a lock to be re-elected to Congress in the deep blue district in a week and a half.  "If someone retires" can be translated as "when Congresswoman Lowey retires."  If she wants the benefits of a continued alliance with the Clinton Machine, she will take the hint and let Hillary, Bill, John, Sid, Philippe, and the rest of the gang know that the campaign for Chelsea in 2020 can start now." . . .
Flashback: Hillary Clinton Is Reminded of This 'Future President' Birthday Tweet
Two years ago on her birthday then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton tweeted a very confident happy birthday message to herself."
"Happy birthday to this future president"

I see evil incarnate in this woman. TD

Hillary Clinton’s Odious Lifelong Character Trait: Lying

Dennis Prager, 2016: Hillary’s the Wrong Woman  "Parents are telling their daughters that gender solidarity is more important than moral character."

2016: This writer at Quora loves Hillary and her character. Calling Clinton, "the nation's most professionally accomplished first lady (by far)." Others of us, not so much.

Why Democrats Need to SHUT UP About Political Violence

The Federalist Papers  "After bombs were sent to the Clinton’s, Obama’s and several members of Congress Democrats are suddenly upset about political violence and are blaming President Trump.
"Well, Democrats need to just SHUT UP about political violence because their party has been the one promoting it since Donald Trump was nominated as the Republican’s candidate for president.

"Republicans have been on the receiving end, but now that Democrats have gotten a taste of their own medicine they don’t like it.
"Well too bad, so sad.
"Maybe Democrat leaders should renounce Antifa and other violent actors before they point fingers.
"In fact Republican politicians, their staffers and the offices where they work have become a recurring target for political violence.
"Here are eight times just this year that Republicans faced such attacks." . . .

One of the several cited in this article:  
. . . "Republican Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner’s family was also doxxed and someone sent Gardner’s wife a graphic video of a beheading." . . .

Read the full article here...

Trump’s Foreign Policy Is Coming into Focus

Conrad Black
No one would call Donald Trump a sophisticated geopolitician, (including Donald Trump). But in practice, he is. He is not a historian, but he is a realistic analyst of the present and is building a fine future for his country. Americans sense this, and will respond to it.*

"Gradually, almost imperceptibly, the outline of a coherent Trump foreign policy is emerging and succeeding. The elements were to withdraw from the role as the default war-maker in the Middle East without creating a vacuum, render Russia less adversarial without facing it down into the arms of the Chinese, and revitalize the Western Alliance to a plausible notion of multilateral contributions and not just an American military guarantee for everyone, ex gratia and pro bono.
At the same time, there would be unrestricted war on terrorist organizations, a revival of nuclear non-proliferation by direct and overbearing threats to North Korea and Iran, and the reconstruction of America’s status as the world’s preeminent economy by tax reductions, deregulation, renegotiation of trade treaties, and encouragement of energy self-sufficiency.
There have been some unfortunate moments from a presentational standpoint, but it is a good plan and it is working.
Changing the Game in the MideastTurkey had attempted to masquerade as the patron of the Arabs and was sent packing in remembrance of the Arabs’ 500 years of involuntary enjoyment of Turkish occupation, and after a regional musical chairs game with ancient rivals Iran and Russia, all pretending a common cause in Syria. Turkey was left standing when the music stopped and largely has reconciled with the United States. The two countries will operate joint patrols to keep the Kurds from aggravating Kurdish discontent within Anatolia (Turkish Asia Minor)." . . .
. . . "Trump has struck up and retained a cordial personal relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping, but has steadily moved to break down China’s trade surplus with the United States, encouraged China’s neighbors to join hands in resisting Chinese hegemony in the Far East, and used the preeminence of the United States Navy to assure that the Chinese effort to convert the South China Sea into Chinese territorial waters does not succeed." . . .
. . . "The fixation of the Democrats, and of some gullible Republicans such as Marco Rubio, on the Russians, and the unutterable but now scarcely audible nonsense about collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign in 2016, has caused many Americans to forget the strategic correlation of forces in the world. But the president and his close advisors have realized that Russia could only be dangerous if it were so coldly rebuffed before the whole world that it were driven into the arms of China.". . . 
*Provided those bastions of courageous international relations, any Democrat, for example, don't depose this President and return America to Obama's guilt-ridden international subservience. The Tunnel Dweller

Conrad Black has been one of Canada’s most prominent financiers for 40 years, and was one of the leading newspaper publishers in the world as owner of the British telegraph newspapers, the Fairfax newspapers in Australia, the Jerusalem Post, Chicago Sun-Times and scores of smaller newspapers in the U.S., and most of the daily newspapers in Canada. He is the author of authoritative biographies of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Richard Nixon, one-volume histories of the United States and Canada, and most recently of Donald J. Trump: A President Like No Other. He is a member of the British House of Lords as Lord Black of Crossharbour.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Pipe-Bomb Suspect Arrested — Be Very Careful With the ‘Crazy’ Label

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
David French at National Review  "As my colleague Jack Crowe has noted, a bombing suspect is in custody. His name is Cesar Sayoc Jr., and as you can see the instant you log on to Twitter, he apparently drove a white van covered in pro-Trump stickers. That is not a vehicle a normal human being drives, and now I’m seeing the right side of the Internet light up with takes saying that he’s obviously “crazy.”

"Let’s use caution with that claim. It’s a word that can allow us to wrongly minimize the significance of the attack. There is a huge difference between obsessed, violent, unstable, and truly insane. And that difference matters both legally and practically. When a person who’s afflicted with severe mental illness assaults another person (think of the terrible attack on Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, Ariz.), the reasons are often so completely disconnected from reality that preventing such attacks is mainly a question of medication or other forms of mental-health intervention. 

"But there are other kinds of violent people, including angry obsessives. They’re not normal. They act strangely. But they’re also legally and morally responsible for their actions. If you spend any time in politics or the public eye, you encounter them with some frequency. Usually they’re harmlessly annoying, but sometimes they launch harassment campaigns online, sometimes they make violent threats, and sometimes they’ll show up at, say, a pizza place with an AR15. 

"The angry obsessive is absolutely vulnerable to being stoked, inflamed, and inspired by angry rhetoric. Speech can inspire violence. It can. It’s one reason why civility and a sense of proportion in your speech aren’t just abstract, sanctimonious, or elitist concepts. They’re moral responsibilities for people with any kind of meaningful platform. Not all listening ears are sober-minded or entirely rational. And when they hear a public figure they admire thunder against his political opponents with extreme language, sometimes they’ll take extreme action in response. " . . .  Full article...

How To Handle Leftists

Infidel Bloggers Alliance   "My initial reaction to this video is that, while the host presents a worthwhile topic, and it is thoughtful, and it does begin a conversation that needs to be had in our society, it is at the same time, a Steppin' Fetchit strategy, which accepts, somehow, that we Conservatives do not have a right to our opinion in the public square.

"And that we should, as the host says, "learn how to smile, and bob and weave" our way out of conversations.

"Readers of this blog may have noticed that that is not my strategy in life. I do not believe in hiding my opinions. I do not believe in avoiding confrontation.

"The way I see it, I will not become a Steppin' Fetchit, when I have just as much right to sit at the front of the bus as does anyone else. Or to enter the movie theater, or to espouse my views in public.

"We can not afford to cede the public square." . . .

Posted by Pastorius

New John James Ad: ‘Dems Care More About The Black Vote Than Black People’

Does the left not choose to recognize racism when they themselves are guilty of it?

Weasel Zippers

"And that’s how he’s gained 16 points in the last few weeks."

VOTE 🗳 Let's Fly! >> << 💪🦅🇺🇸

Ebony Magazine Runs Piece On Black Female Candidates, Leaves Out Black Republicans

"To Ebony, they don’t qualify as black."
Via Daily Caller:Ebony Magazine profiled 18 black women running for Congress in early October but did not include any of the six black Republican women, including one sitting congresswoman, running.
Ebony suggested that their profile, which was published on October 11, was the definitive list of all of the black women running for Congress, titling the piece, “Meet the 18 Black Women Running for a Seat in Congress.”
“This midterm election is one to watch with all 435 seats in the U.S. House up for grabs. Meet the 18 black women vying for a congressional seat,” Ebony writer Sarafina Wright said.
The piece, however, does not mention any of the black Republican women running for Congress.
Keep reading…

The "MAGAbomber"; Democrats don't mess with stupid pranks, they shoot to kill or cripple

Paul Joseph Watson
Questions About the Mail Bomber

CNN reports on the neighbor who violently assaulted Sen. Rand Paul. This post makes no mention of the politics of the attacker.  But this from March 2018 does: 
Rand Paul’s Socialist Assaulter Begins Federal Trial Next Week
Boucher has stuck to his story that this had to do with Paul’s landscaping rather than his political beliefs. However, Boucher had a long history of posting radical socialist propaganda on his Facebook page. He was an avowed Bernie Sanders supporter, but is sticking to his story to avoid greater charges for what was likely a politically motivated act of violence. Paul was also attacked by a terrorist shooter outside of a Congressional baseball practice last year, but escaped the gunfire.
Even the Hollywood liberal Vanity Fair has to recognize this guy was a left-winger
Jim Bullington, a former city commission member who knows both men, told the Post that the two, who live next to each other in their gated community, often engaged in heated exchanges about politics; Boucher is a vocal anti-Trump socialist, according to Bullington, while the libertarian Paul voted against an Obamacare repeal attempt because it didn’t go far enough in severing federal aid.
. . . "Police had claimed Clanton attacked at least three people with a metal U-lock; court papers attested he hit at least seven people in the head. One of Clanton’s reported victims needed five staples to fix the wound on his head." . . .

A search found "flags, patches and pamphlets “associating Clanton” with antifa and anarchist groups. Clanton was arrested at the second address.U-locks, sunglasses, a glove, jeans, and facial coverings that would have fit with being an antifa member were found; a camera was found with “selfies” of Clanton “wearing black clothing and facial coverings” that would have fit with the April 15 event. Additionally, Clanton’s phone records showed he was near the event on the day in question.
More of what is described as Professor Clanton's work:

Democrats don't mess with stupid pranks; they shoot to kill or cripple, along with destroying lives, careers, and families of conservatives. 
Warning; not being a leftist Democrat can have dangerous side effects. 
I ask us to pray that these acts of violence are not committed by conservatives. Let history judge the left for who they are.
Sen. Scalise (Republican) learning to walk again. CBS photo
The Tunnel Dweller

Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona has lost her Senatorial endorsement of the Arizona State Troopers Association

Daily Caller  "Kyrsten, who has been dogged by comments and actions made while an anti-war activist, is in a close race with former United States Air Force fighter pilot Rep. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.).
"As the Arizona Republic reports, the association’s membership says they were not consulted about endorsing any candidate for Senate." . . .