Monday, October 29, 2018

A master smackdown for Kamala Harris on Twitter

American Thinker

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"Democrats have been puffing and bloviating and making political hay off the appalling mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue, but few can match the sanctimonious hypocrisy of California's junior senator, Kamala Harris, who tweeted:
We have to speak truth about the fact that racism exists in our country and anti-Semitism exists in our country. We need to speak truth about that and deal with it.
"This earned her this impressive smackdown from Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit on Twitter (who had been last seen smacking down smarmy hipster narrative-echo chamberman Ben Rhodes), drawing nearly 6,000 retweets and 15,000 likes:
Keith Ellison is your party cochair.

On the Ellen Show, Kamala Harris Jokes about Killing Trump, Pence, Sessions  
Democratic senator Kamala Harris joked about killing President Trump and members of his administration in a Thursday appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show.“If you had to be stuck in an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pence, or Jeff Sessions, who would it be?” DeGeneres asked Harris during a series of random, mostly cheery questions she read from cards.Harris made a displeased face and asked Ellen, “Does one of us have to come out alive?”
May we assume this Ellen studio sign then lit up? 

Craziness: Bomb Suspect Cesar Sayoc And Stormy Daniels Worked at the Same Strip Club

Beth Baumann

"In a really strange turn of events, it has been discovered that bombing suspect Cesar Sayoc worked at Ultra Gentleman's Club in West Palm Beach, FL, the same strip club that Stormy Daniels performed at back in April, WPTV reported. 

"Sayoc worked as a DJ at the club on Thursday afternoon and was arrested on Friday. 
"According to the club's manager, Stacey Saccal, Sayoc had worked as a DJ for the past two months. She had received no complaints about him from other staff members and he seemed like a "nice guy."

" 'I never knew that his van was covered in political stickers. I thought it was an ice cream truck," Saccal told WPTV, noting that he parked far from the club. 

"Saccal also said her employees had no idea that Sayoc was political. He never talked about politics at work and no one noticed the stickers on his van because of how far away he parked when he had a shift.

" Fellow DJ Scott Migs said Sayoc brought two duffle backs and a cooler to work with him on Thursday night. He stashed them behind the DJ booth. Migs said he's unsure if any weapons were in the duffle bags. 

"According to Saccal, employees were shocked when they learned about Sayoc's actions. Everyone felt he was a nice guy and they all thought they knew him. 

"Stormy Daniels performed at the same strip club back in April, which just so happened to coincide with President Donald Trump's visit. Interestingly enough, this strip club sits across the street from Trump's golf course.

" Is all of this mere coincidence or a coordinated attack against President Trump?

'Respond to Hate With Love': Muslim Organizations Raise Thousands to Benefit Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting Victims

Tony Branco
We need to hear of things like this to offset other judgments like anger over the murder of the Fogel family in Israel doubtful tears from the always-suspect CAIR:
" . . .CAIR! Nobody’s buying your phony messages of support to the Jewish community following the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre"More on this topic herehere, and, of course here: "Muslims Celebrated The Sep 11 Attacks". The Tunnel Dweller
'Respond to Hate With Love': Muslim Organizations Raise Thousands to Benefit Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting Victims  "As Pittsburgh continues to reel from a tragic weekend, a Muslim-led effort has begun a crowdfunded campaign to raise money for the victims of Saturday’s synagogue shooting.
"Posted on LaunchGood, a Muslim-focused crowdfunding site, the effort aims to help support the short-term needs of victims and their families by raising money for medical bills, funeral costs and other expenses after a gunman stormed services at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue, killing 11 and wounding 6 before being captured by police.
"The charity drive has already been a success, with organizers claiming to have raised an average of $2,000 per hour since launching the effort on Saturday. Within six hours, the campaign had already reached its initial goal of $25,000. In less than 24 hours, it had broken $50,000.
"Two Muslim-led nonprofits, CelebrateMercy and MPower Change, organized the fundraising drive in partnership with the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh and the Tree of Life Synagogue, which will work together to distribute the funds to victims and their families." . . .

Sad: Jewish Doctors, Nurses Put Their Personal Feelings Aside to Help Save Synagogue Shooter's Life
“He was taken to my hospital and he’s shouting, ‘I want to kill all the Jews,'” said Dr. Jeffrey Cohen, president of Allegheny General Hospital and a member of the Tree of Life Synagogue, Fox News reported. “The first three people who took care of him were Jewish.”
One of the nurses who came to Bowers' aid, was a Jewish nurse whose father is a Rabbi.     
Beth Baumann
Rob Rogers, and this: Kristallnacht: Night Of Broken Glass
This from Israel National News: Muslim groups raise money for synagogue victims
"Crowdfunding campaign by two US Muslim groups has raised almost $80,000 for surviving victims of Pittsburgh synagogue massacre."
. . . 
“The Pittsburgh Muslim Community extends our deepest sympathy and condolences to the victims, their families, and all of our Jewish brothers and sisters,” said the statement.
Earlier on Sunday, the 11 victims of Saturday’s deadly mass shooting attack were identified.
"Eight men and three women were among the dead, authorities announced, including 71-year-old Dan Stein, 75-year-old Joyce Feinberg, 65-year-old Richard Gotfried, 97-year-old Rose Malinger, 66-year-old Jerry Rabinowitz, 59-year-old Cecil Rosenthal and his 54-year-old brother David Rosenthal, 84-year-old Bernice Simon, Bernice’s 86-year-old husband Sylvan Simon, 88-year-old Melvin Wax, and 69-year-old Irving Youngner.

The gunman, 46-year-old Robert Bowers, was reportedly inside the synagogue for roughly 20 minutes, shooting congregants and guests." . . .

How sad that supporters of the anti-Israel Obama call President Trump, courageous friend and ally of Israel and the Jews, is being viciously attacked by Democrats. TD

Republican Jewish Coalition calls for resignation of 7 Democrats over 'ties' to Farrakhan

ABC News

"The Republican Jewish Coalition is calling for the resignation of seven Democratic members of Congress whom it claims are "connected" to controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. The group describes him as a "known anti-Semite.' "
"Farrakhan has routinely spoken disparagingly about Jews over the years, as well as white people, in general. He was thrust into the mainstream spotlight again this week after excerpts from a speech he gave last week on the Nation of Islam's Saviour's Day surfaced online. During the speech, he once again described Jewish people -- who he says "are my enemy" -- in a pejorative manner.
"The lobbying group on Tuesday called for the following lawmakers to step down: Reps. Keith Ellison, D-Minn.; Barbara Lee, D-Calif.; Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Danny Davis, D-Ill.; Andre Carson, D-Ind.; Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y.; and Al Green, D-Texas." . . .

Daily Caller covers this, but first you have to view a commercial.

Shep Smith vs Chris Wallace brouhaha

On-air spat gets uncomfortable: Chris Wallace tries to fix testy Trump-blaming Shep Smith  "Following the arrest of suspected package bomber Cesar Sayoc Jr.,  Shepard Smith argued that the president bears responsibility for Sayoc’s actions.
"Most Fox News fans were not at all shocked. The big surprise came when one unexpected colleague tried to talk him down from that ledge … while they were on air.
" 'You just can’t ignore the politics of this, even if you wanted to,”  Smith opined while speaking with political commentator Chris Wallace about Sayoc’s arrest in Florida." . . .
"Wallace promptly pushed back, noting that attributing the suspect’s actions to Trump would be as misguided as blaming the near-fatal shooting of several congressmen last year to Democrats.
"“I don’t think you can draw any particular link or any responsibility on the part of the president for this action,” he said. “I mean, as Sarah Sanders said … a Bernie Sanders supporter shot up the congressman at the baseball practice. Is Bernie Sanders responsible for that?”
"“Nobody is saying he’s responsible,” Smith replied, before again aiming criticism at President Donald Trump for his allegedly “divisive” rhetoric. “When you talk like this the concern is that one crazy one might get empowered.”
"It’s unclear why the self-described Fox News “reporter,” who’s repeatedly displayed a notable aversion for the president and his supporters, neglected to highlight the media’s own increasingly angry and divisive rhetoric." . . .

" 'It’s a twisted individual and to hold President Trump responsible …,” Wallace tried rebutting, presumably referencing Sayoc’s lengthy criminal history, which includes having threatened in 2002 to detonate a bomb that would be “worse than September 11.”
"Smith ignored this point, doubling down on his argument that the president’s rhetoric — particularly his criticism of the demonstrably left-wing media — has ginned up tension in America.
" 'I think that it’s really incorrect to somehow hold the president, either by implication or directly, responsible in any way for the misdeeds of someone who’s a psychopath or a sociopath,” his counterpart again tried to point out before being interrupted again.
"'Nobody did that, Chris. Don’t say I did. All I said is when the rhetoric gets loud, the crazies come out sometimes,” Smith said, again suggesting that rhetoric alone inspires violence.
"The debate eventually concluded with Wallace again trying to remind Smith that connecting heated political rhetoric to the actions of the clinically insane is never wise." . . .

Maxine Waters would agree with Shep, don't you know?
"Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) published a video on Thursday placing the blame for the bomb threats to her office — and to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama — squarely on President Donald Trump's shoulders, despite his clear and repeated condemnation of the attacks. Waters avoided any mention of her own efforts to incite protest, or the similar statements from Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Cory Booker." . . .

In Pittsburgh, a Holocaust survivor was four minutes late to synagogue, escaping death a second time

At the same time, Samet dismissed the notion that President Donald Trump bears responsibility for inciting anti-Semitic violence. He supports the president.
"I don't fall in love with people, except my family, but I love him for what he's doing," Samet said. "Our economy is fantastic. Obama was a jerk and hated Israel."  . . .
SFGate "Twice now, Judah Samet has almost paid with his life for being Jewish.
"More than 70 years ago, he narrowly escaped death in Germany's Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Again Saturday, he looked death in the face - not in his native Hungary, where nationalism is resurgent, but in the country where he found sanctuary after the Second World War.
"Samet, 80, almost died in the parking lot of Pittsburgh's Tree of Life synagogue, his place of worship, when a gunman who "wanted all Jews to die" killed 11 people during morning services. It was the deadliest attack against Jews in U.S. history.
" 'I survived the second time yesterday," he said in an interview on Sunday. The question put to him repeatedly following the attack, he said, was whether memories of the Holocaust had flashed before his eyes as he watched anti-Semitic violence convulse his adopted home. "And I said, 'it never stops,'" he told The Post.
"The octogenarian's recollections are particularly noteworthy as more information emerges about the victims of Saturday's massacre. They ranged from 54 to 97, ages that made them more conscious than most of the ghastly outcome in the previous century of anti-Jewish hatred.
" 'I used to say, 'I can't look back,'" Samet said. "But then, about seven or eight years ago, I looked around and noticed that most survivors were in their 90s, and that pretty soon there wouldn't be anyone else in Pittsburgh to talk."
"Samet, who owns a downtown jewelry shop he inherited from his father, has been a member of the Conservative congregation for 54 years. For four decades, he was a part-time cantor, chanting prayers and helping to lead worship.
"On Saturday morning, he did what always does on the Sabbath - he went to synagogue. Services start at 9:45 a.m. Yet that morning, Samet was delayed.
" 'I was talking to my housekeeper here; she comes once a week," he said in a phone conversation from his apartment, where he lives alone. He needs only a few minutes to drive the leafy streets to his synagogue in Squirrel Hill, the nucleus of Jewish Pittsburgh. "I was four minutes late. Instead of 9:45, I got there about 9:49, maybe 9:50."
"Those four minutes may have saved his life." . . .

Hollywood's Michael Moore will be searching for some way to blame Trump, I'm sure.
Speaking of Moore, here is a friend of his with Jew-hating Farrakhan:

. . . Seven long-serving Democrats have close ties with Louis Farrakhan. Each of them should resign.They include former Nation of Islam employee, Congressman Keith Ellison, who is Deputy Chair of the DNC. Ellison has tried to excuse his 2013 meeting with Farrakhan, while ignoring his more recent meeting with the NOI leader in Farrakhan’s hotel room, in 2015. At least six other Democrats are known to have embraced Farrakhan. These members of Congress - Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee, Danny Davis, Andre Carson, Gregory Meeks, and Al Green - have all, while in office, sat down with Farrakhan for personal meetings.There can be no question about how abhorrent it is for these Democrats to be connected to Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan is first and foremost a preacher of hate. He preaches about Jewish “control” over the government and media and has claimed to have “pulled a cover off of that Satanic Jew,” saying “your time is up, your world is through.” And those were just the comments from last week.

#WalkAway movement urges disgruntled Democrats to leave the party behind

Fox News  "A newly created political movement urging liberals to leave the Democratic Party held a march in Washington, D.C., on Saturday.
"The five-month-old #WalkAway movement advocates that those who feel disillusioned with the party -- which some say uses scare tactics and identity politics -- to come out publicly against it." . . .
Oct. 27, 2018 - 4:24 - What started as a 6-minute YouTube video has surged onto the national stage with countless former Democrats deciding to leave their party; WalkAway campaign founder Brandon Straka explains.

‘Phony liberalism’: #Walkaway campaign founder urges to abandon Democrat ideals

. . .  “People are fed up with what’s happening on the left,” he said, adding that interest skyrocketed after the hearings into sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. “These were really the kind of die-hard loyalists. People in their 60s and 70s who had been Democrats their whole life who said ‘This was the final straw for me.’”
"Scores of video testimonials posted to the #WalkAway Campaign Facebook page give a variety of reasons for switching political allegiances.
"Some said the Democratic Party has become hate-filled and hostile to opposing points of view while moving further to the left. Others say they were tired of the party’s "politically correct" culture.
"The movement caught President Trump's attention. He tweeted about the event before it began." . . .

Source for this video. (Hat tip to Nancy Dilbeck, Ventura. CA). * Song : Walking Away by Craig David. and Apple Music

Other news sources discounted this movement, one of which was quite naturally - wait for it - CNN 
. . . But not everyone believes the grassroots campaign is genuine.CNN contributor David Love called the movement fake and a Russian ploy to divide key Democrat voting blocs, the Washington Times reported.
Walkaway from things such as Elizabeth Warren's madness?

No respect: Lefty protester interrupts moment of silence in memory of synagogue victims

Sounds like someone last seen at the Kavanaugh hearings.

Thomas Lifson  "Trump-haters were out in force yesterday, seeking to blame Donald Trump, and by extension, all Republicans, for the horrendous shooting in Pittsburgh at Congregation Tree of Life Synagogue.  The only logic behind such a charge is that Trump – a man whose favorite child converted to Judaism and presented him with Jewish grandchildren and who was vilified by the shooter – is always wrong.
"So blinded by rage are some of them that they even defiled a moment of silence for the victims called for by Republican congresswoman and candidate for Senate Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee.  
"Michael Patrick Leahy reports for Breitbart:
Half a dozen angry liberal protesters attempted to disrupt a Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) campaign rally Sunday afternoon where Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was the featured speaker.
The two headlined an event held before a packed house at singer Ray Stevens' CabaRay Theater in Nashville.  Marsha Blackburn spoke for about ten minutes to the enthusiastic crowd of 500 that had been infiltrated by a small left-wing group.
When Blackburn called for a moment of silence to remember those killed at an attack on a synagogue in Pittsburgh, the crowd's silent respect was interrupted by one of the protesters who shouted at Blackburn.
I believe that is Fox News Steve Doocy at the far right. On Bret Baier Monday?

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Rage Makes You Stupid

National Review
"People have the strongest feelings about the things they know the least about." Kevin Williamson
Anti-Kavanaugh protestor
"What are we supposed to think about political rage?

"Before and after the arrest of Cesar Sayoc, the suspect in the recent string of bombs sent to prominent Democrats and media figures, we were treated to any number of homilies about “rage” and its origins in “toxic” political rhetoric. Many of these homilies were pointed directly or indirectly at President Donald Trump and his immoderate Twitter habits. That political rage is necessarily linked to political violence was assumed, and sometimes asserted, but rarely argued.

"Five minutes before that, rage was all the rage. Rebecca Traister, an editor for New York magazine, has just published a book celebrating the “revolutionary power” of anger, which was celebrated at The Atlantic on 4 October under a headline noting the “seismic power” of “rage.” On 21 September, the Washington Post affirmed that “rage is healthy, rational, and necessary for America.” On Friday, NBC news praised a television show for depicting “anger as righteous and necessary.” Before that, it ran a segment encouraging certain political partisans to “embrace their rage.”

"Earlier in the year, Leslie Jamison wrote a very interesting and intelligent essay for The New York Times Magazine exploring anger as a “tool to be used, part of a well-stocked arsenal.” Right as the bombing suspect was being arrested in Florida, Rewire shared “All the Rage That’s Fit To Print,” its assessment of four books on “fury.”

"I’ve omitted the word “women” in several instances above, on the theory that we’re all adults here, and that we would recognize the obvious hypocrisy and illogic of any “my rage good, your rage bad, bad, bad,” construct." . . .

Antisemitism, the media, and the left

The left has made itself a fount of anti-Semitism, with all major currents of its poison coming from its direction. Democrats have normalized it, promoted its participants and celebrated its advocates. Now they are trying to pin a hideous massacre by an unhinged monster on Trump. This won't wash.  Monica Showalter
Clarice FeldmanCrazy Haters and the Twisted Press  "This Saturday eleven people were killed by a shooter in a Pittsburgh synagogue during morning services. The shooter appears to someone who not only hates Jews, but hates President Trump as well. " . . .
. . . "I cannot help noticing, besides the general media avoidance of this issue (probably because they largely support this version of domestic “catch and release”), the shockingly disparate treatment in the coverage of this series of events with the shooting of Congressman Steve Scalise by a man who hoped to take out the Republican House leadership. The header that day in the Washington Post was “Lawmaker Steve Scalise is Critically Injured in GOP Baseball Shooting; James T. Hodgkinson is killed by police”. (Contrast that with this header from the same paper: “Trump’s words have nothing to do with the mail bombs? Spare us.”) It’s true that if you read down seven graphs in the front page Scalise article, you would have learned that Hodgkinson was opposed to Trump, or if you had a local version of the paper, you could see in the “Public Safety" section an article reporting that Hodgkinson was a fervent Bernie Sanders supporter. But you could easily miss the connection. 
It seems to me that partisan scoring of points on twisted evidence is not good journalism. Nor does it seem to me that there’s much purchase to be had in blaming the right for violent rhetoric, when the most violent seems to be coming from the left. Numerous examples existThey echo Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters's call for violence against their opponents.
. . .
The anti-Semitism is coming from the left  . . . "Yet for years it's been obvious the left and its Democrats in office have been the anti-Semite's best friend.
"Just weeks ago, we watched as former President Bill Clinton and other top Democrats sat there side-by-side in the front row with open and notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan at Aretha Franklin's funeral. I remember writing at the time:

Seriously, how'd that freak get in there, and why the heck was he seated in the front row, alongside the other so-called leaders of the black "community," such as the just barely past the respectable line Jesse Jackson; Al Sharpton; and America's supposed "first black president"; Bill Clinton?
"Jewish Republicans have pointed out that not only has Farrakhan been prominent himself in the Democratic Party, the party itself is loaded with people closely tied to him. " . . .

Don't forget Hillary Clinton, the Democrats' top leader up until recently, famously called a campaign aide a 'f**king Jew bastard.'  . . . "There's the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who called Jews, 'Hymietown' and worse still, there's the Rev. Al Sharpton, instigator of the anti-Semitic Crown Heights riots and anti-Semitic Freddie's Fashion Mart fire, and another Democrat the top Democrats never fail to bow down to. He's still unrepentant. According to the Daily Caller:" . . .

Thomas LifsonMedia will be thwarted in efforts to swing midterms blaming Trump’s rhetoric for violent attack

Watch Fox News' Chris Wallace butt heads with Shep Smith as Ole Shep blames Trump for the DudBomber.

Liberal Media United: Trump to blame for violence
Supporter of Israel, anti-ISIS President Trump blamed even for shooting by anti-Trump anti-Semite.
. . . "Here’s a sampling of some headlines from the past few days:
From GQ: There Aren’t Two Sides: Trump’s Violent Rhetoric Is What Got Us HereFrom the San Fransisco Gate: Trump Allies Reject Link of Rhetoric to Increased ViolenceFrom the New York Daily News: The tide of hate and the man in the White HouseFrom the Atlantic: Trump’s Caravan Hysteria Led to ThisFrom the New York Daily News: Yelling fire in a heavily armed theater: That’s what Donald Trump has been doing for three years now
 "And it’s not just in print that the leftstream media is piling on Trump." . . .

ENEMY Of WHITE PEOPLE; Posted Anti-Semitic Rants, Ripped Trump

“For the record, I did not vote for him nor have I owned, worn or even touched a MAGA hat,” he once posted on social media, referring to President Trump.
Socio-Political-Journal "The alleged gunman in Saturday’s mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue spewed anti-Semitic posts on a social media platform where he claimed that Jews were "the enemy of white people," according to a report.
"Two hours before Robert Bowers, 46, allegedly burst into the Tree of Life Synagogue and opened fire during a Shabbat service, he posted on the chat site about the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the New York Times reported.

"HIAS, a Maryland-based nonprofit, helps refugees around the world and is guided by Jewish values, according to the organization.

"In total, Bowers allegedly killed 11 people and wounded at least six, including four police officers. He was also wounded and taken to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
"A criminal complaint said the 11 dead were eight men and three women, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported. Authorities did not immediately identify them.

. . . "Since the Bowers account launched on Gab in January, there have been frequent posts on the account about Jews, including conspiracy theories, according to reports by the New York Times and Associated Press.
One post read: “Open your eyes! It’s the filthy EVIL jews Bringing the Filthy EVIL Muslims into the Country!!”
"Another featured a photo of a Nazi concentration camp used to cremate Jews. A caption read “Make Ovens 1488F Again.” The first two words refer to the white supremacist “14 Words” slogan and “88” stands for “Heil Hitler” because “H” is the eighth letter of the alphabet.
"Other posts featured conspiracy theories about the Holocaust, in which six million Jews perished during World War II." . . .

Pretty much just as Farrakhan and the Iranian Mullahs felt. I'm sure this murderer loved the BDS movement. TD

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Chris Wallace Calls Out Shepard Smith For Blaming Trump For Suspicious Devices

Shep, that was so CNN-ish. You must have been channeling Don Lemon, Dan Lothian or Chris Matthews. TD

Weasel Zippers
Video address: Twitter
"Well done, Chris.  

"Kudos to Chris Wallace for calling out Shephard Smith for blaming President Trump for the actions of Cesar Sayoc."
"Really bad journalism on the part of Shepard. "