Monica Showalter
"Update from Thomas Lifson:
In contrast to the politeness of everyone else, Hillary Clinton refused to acknowledge the arrival and greeting of President and Mrs. Trump as they joined the other presidents sitting in the front row of the George H.W. Bush funeral at the National Cathedral. President Trump leaned over his wife to shake hands with President and Mrs. Obama, who graciously reciprocated. Bill Clinton, sitting on the other side of Michelle Obama, did not reach out to shake hands, but at least looked in the direction of President Trump. But not Hillary Clinton.
The woman defeated by Donald Trump stared straight ahead, refusing to acknowledge the arrival of the president of the United States only a few feet away. Neither a glance nor a nod broke the frozen expression of anger on her visage.
"No foot-stomping Wellstone funeral, no bitter McCain funeral. The Bushes are keeping it classy, with class something they've always been known for, and it's nice to see that they haven't changed. Their bitter political spats with President Trump are not going to dirty this up. They want the event to really be about President Bush and no one else."