Oscar's Political Dilemma: How Left Is Too Left? "A day after Universal's Neil Armstrong biopic First Man opened to a standing ovation at the Venice Film Festival on Aug. 29, a political rocket came blasting out of the conservative netherworld to knock it from its orbit. That's when news spread that the movie had omitted a real-life scene: Armstrong planting the American flag on the moon.
"Right-wing outrage was immediate and helped ding the picture at the box office, where it failed to draw a crucial male demographic and earned a muted $44 million domestically." . . .
The best and worst of Hollywood political speeches
Alec Baldwin: Trump Is ‘Punishment’ for America’s ‘Slaughter of Native Americans, Slavery, Japanese Internment . . . "Baldwin’s rant not only fails to mention that the United States has done a great deal to right these historical wrongs, he also doesn’t mention that most of these tragedies took place under Democrats.
"The Saturday Night Live star preceded this statement with another social media post, in which he called for all Americans to rally behind Trump’s eventual successor." . . .
“Every day I wake up, I still am horrified. I feel like I’m in some dream that Trump is president of the United States. I almost can’t even say it,” he told reporters after a Democratic Party fundraiser.