Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Ten legit public policy questions to ask Ilhan Omar

Majid Mohammadi  "Every American citizen has the right to ask public policy questions from his lawmakers in the public sphere.  Lawmakers also have the right to answer or refuse.  Ms. Ilhan Omar is not an exception because she is a Muslim.  Our Congress is not a safe zone for Muslims or any other group.

"Here are my ten questions:"

1. Why don't you defend the rights of Muslim women in Somalia and other Muslim-majority countries?

2. Why don't you talk about the violation of women's rights by enforcing sharia in some Muslim nations?  Here is a list for you to fight while you are enjoying equal rights in the U.S.: female genital mutilation, male guardianship, child marriage, banning women from holding high-ranking judiciary and administrative positions, banning female singers' voices from the radio, television, and CDs and audiocassettes, segregation of the sexes and gender apartheid stretched to every aspect of public life, denial of the right to obtain custody of their children from certain ages if divorced, and considering women as half-human in court procedures.

3. In your ideal country, could women choose what to wear, where to go, and what to do?

4. Why don't you talk about religious oppression in Iran under the Islamist regime?  Is the Islamist regime legitimate?  What do you think about obligatory hijab in Iran?  If your Muslim comrades are in power in a city, a state, or the whole country, do you believe that you should obligate women to wear the hijab?  Is the hijab sharia-based or tradition, personal choice or family obligation?  Why don't you defend Iranian women who protest the obligatory hijab and are prosecuted?

5. If Palestinians are Muslims, and you feel obligated to defend their rights, why don't you speak about the rights of Muslims under authoritarian regimes in China (Uyghur), Russia (Chechnya), and Iran?  Who in our Congress should defend their rights?  Are you aware that Muslims' religious rights are violated by these regimes?

6. Do immigrants owe America something, or does America owe them because they moved here?  Should immigrants appreciate the generosity of the American people, who gave them refuge when they had to leave their parents' country, or they are victims of their new country?

7. If a married woman has committed adultery in a Muslim community in the U.S., do you believe that that woman should be stoned to death, or she is free to go?  What about honor killing?

8. Is interest forbidden (haraam) or legitimate?

9. Last week, a female Iranian lawyer was sentenced to 44 years in prison just because she did her job.  The E.U issued a statement and asked for an immediate review of her sentence.  Why are you and the Democratic Party silent about her case?

10. Why don't you as a Muslim who enjoys American freedom condemn the brutality of the Taliban, ISIS, and the Iranian Islamist government against women?  Do women have the right to be free?
Majid Mohammadi is an expert on Islam and the Middle East.  Iran's Islamist Regime in Shambles is one of his latest books.

The blame game of the Israel-hating troika  . . . "Ignoring the fact that New Yorkers who disapprove of her performance include not just Republicans, but Democrats and independents as well, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez thinks playing the race card will win back voters.  Like Omar and Tlaib, she refuses to take responsibility for her own actions, words, and failures.  This is fine, because if she continues to propose untenable legislation that will destroy the American way of life and value system while sounding like you know — a complete and total moron — maybe we will be rid of her in 2020 as well.

"One can only hope.  But in the meantime, this troika of ungrateful, entitled, ignorant Democrats should keep it up.  Perhaps they'll bring the entire party down with them.  One can only hope."

Google barred a Christian video on same-sex marriage from advertising on YouTube after backlash from employees, internal communications show.

Daily Caller  "Google banned a video explaining Christian teaching on same-sex marriage from advertising on YouTube after backlash from upset employees, according to internal Google communications reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

"The video was flagged in June 2018 in an internal listserv, “Yes at Google,” which is run by Google’s human resources department, according to those communications and other internal documents, which a source shared with TheDCNF on the condition of anonymity.

"The listserv has more than 30,000 members and is devoted to policing “microaggressions” and “micro-corrections” within the company, according to its official internal description.

"The internal backlash to the video grew large enough to merit a response from a Google vice president, who said the video would no longer be eligible to run as an advertisement, the human resources team announced to the listserv. (RELATED: ‘Disrespectful’: Google Employees Melt Down Over The Word ‘Family’) . . .

. . . "The episode is indicative of the tension between Google’s liberal office culture and its public commitment to free expression.

"Other internal documents previously obtained by The DCNF showed Google employees melted down after an executive used the word “family” in a weekly, company-wide presentation.

"Many Google employees became angry that the term was used while discussing a product aimed at children because it implied that families have children, those documents showed." . . .
Hat tip to Rick Moran: Christian video on marriage removed from YouTube when Google employees object
. . . Nobody likes to be told they're a "sinner," but viewing a message that gently reminds gay people of Christian teaching on homosexuality and marriage is hardly "offensive" using any objective criteria. No one at Google is worried about "offending" Christians who might be as uncomfortable viewing pro-gay content as gays are at viewing what they see as anti-gay content. "This is why we have free expression. But when that "freedom" is only available to one side of a question, and "hate" is used as an excuse to silence those who might disagree, everybody loses." . . .

REGRET: Fox News Hit with Major Blowback After Hiring Democrat Donna Brazile

What does the future hold for Fox News under the liberal Murdoch children?

Fox News Hit with Major Blowback After Hiring Democrat Donna Brazile
"Donna Brazile announced on Monday that she had officially joined Fox News as a contributor.

"The former Democratic National Committee chair had previously worked for CNN as an analyst until she was fired for sharing a town hall questions in advance with the Clinton campaign.

"The DNC came under fire during the primary in 2016 for favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders and even had their convention protested by Bernie supporters. The DNC chair at the time, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was forced to resign and Brazile took her place.

"From Washington Examiner: . . . 

. . . “I fully admit that in my previous lives as a campaign staffer, presidential campaign manager and Democrat Party official, my own lack of civility in the heat of battle has been on full display. And it wasn’t pretty,” Brazile said. . . . 
But not for long...
Now it appears Hufsa Kamal, who is a producer for Bret Baier on FOX News, has a long history of vicious attacks on conservatives.  . . . "FOX News released the [anti-Pirro] statement after FOX producer Hufsa Kamal, a Pakistani-American, tweeted her disgust against Judge Jeanine Pirro on Sunday." . . .

Democrats, their voters, and the decline of our nation. . . . "That time is now. Vote Republican."

Today's Politicos vs The Words and Deeds of The Founders  "At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787,  Franklin was queried as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation. In the notes of Dr. James McHenry, one of Maryland’s delegates to the Convention,  a lady asked Dr. Franklin “Well Doctor what have we got, a republic or a monarchy.”  Franklin replied, “A republic . . . if you can keep it.' ” . . .

Democrats' Agenda Of Impeachment And Socialism Means Decline For America
"The Constitution says the President can be impeached for "High Crimes and Misdemeanors." What has President Trump done that would qualify for his impeachment?
"Donald Trump was elected President when he wasn't supposed to be, while Democrats were celebrating the coronation of Hillary Clinton as the first woman President.  For Democrats, that is Trump's impeachable offense. That alone would mean decline for America's formerly stable democracy.
"They say President Trump is a racist. But under his economic policies, blacks now enjoy the lowest unemployment rate in American history.  So do Hispanics and Asians. Women now have the lowest unemployment since 1953, 65 years ago." . . .

Gutfield Show mocks pandering dems.

Wake up Democrats, our party is un-American  . . . “ 'Democrats and many in media now accuse Mr. Trump of totalitarian methods and objectives,” wrote Ted Van Dyk recently in the Wall Street Journal. “There is much to fault in the Trump presidency, but the totalitarian tendencies appear to flow from our own party.”

"Those “totalitarian tendencies” started before most millennials were born. After all, the famous Newsweek “Thought Police” cover story was published in December of 1990. In that issue, Newsweek exposed the true nature of PC, already rampant on college campuses, calling it both “Marxist in origin” and  “totalitarian.' ” . . . ."That time is now. Vote Republican."

Mallard Fillmore

Don’t Speak the Name of the Suspect, New Zealand’s Leader Urges After Shooting

MSN  And we will NOT be handing out sweets to celebrate this man's acts of murder. May his name be shamed for generations along with the names of all who kill innocents. TD 

      "Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern hugs a mosque-goer at the Kilbirnie Mosque on March 17, in Wellington."

"The man accused of carrying out the attack that killed 50 people at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, is expected to represent himself in court, but the country’s prime minister said on Tuesday that she wants to do everything possible to deny him the attention he craves.
“ 'He is a terrorist. He is a criminal. He is an extremist,” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said in an address to Parliament. “But he will, when I speak, be nameless.' ” 

“And to others, I implore you,” she added, “speak the names of those who were lost, rather than name of the man who took them. He may have sought notoriety, but we in New Zealand will give him nothing. Not even his name.” . . .

Monday, March 18, 2019

Watch: Muslim Doctor Stuns CNN: President Trump And GOP ‘Beloved’ In Much Of The Muslim World

Weasel Zippers

AHMED: it is FALLACY to claim the administration is '' -  On the anniversary of and perpetrated by  & Iraqi Arab government on Iraqi claiming 180,000 lives  only ended because of a @POTUS

On Saturday, a Muslim doctor who has been highly critical of radical Islam appeared on CNN and must have given that network heart palpitations as she insisted that in many parts of the Muslim world, not only is President Trump beloved, but so is former President George W. Bush, and that the Trump administration is not Islamophobic.
Dr. Qanta Ahmed, who hails from Great Britain, stated, “One thing the viewers should know, this president and this administration is often castigated as Islamophobic, but I move in the Muslim word, in Egypt, in Oman, in Jordan, in Iraqi Kurdistan, where this president is beloved. This president and the Republican Party going back to George Bush is very dearly held. Today is the anniversary of Halabja, the massacre of 180,000 Kurds at the hands of Saddam Hussein. That only change would [be] because of a Republican president. So it is very important not to lose so much perspective that we start believing our entire government is Islamophobic. That is not the case.”
Ahmed added, “I did see his very categorical condemnation of the events in New Zealand and that was gratifying. And I also feel that he needs to do the same about white supremacy, not only the United States, but globally. There is nothing — the president has no responsibility if a fanatic mentions him in a manifesto. A fanatic could equally mention me. So I don’t think that is his responsibility. But, yes, I would like to see President Trump condemn all forms of lethal bigotry.”

. . . "Ahmed added, “I did see his very categorical condemnation of the events in New Zealand and that was gratifying. And I also feel that he needs to do the same about white 
supremacy, not only the United States, but globally. There is nothing — the president has no responsibility if a fanatic mentions him in a manifesto. A fanatic could equally mention me. So I don't think that is his responsibility. But, yes, I would like to see President Trump condemn all forms of lethal bigotry.' ” . . .

The Banality of Beto. "Come together"?

Tony Branco
Power Line  "I think I’ve figured it out: Beto O’Rourke is just a younger version of Howard Schultz, spewing forth empty platitudes while hopped up on too much Red Bull or something. Clichés sound so much better when said at high energy! I wonder if the Democrats will have to spread the podiums further apart in their televised debates to prevent injuries when Beto extends his full condor-length wingspan?

"Trump has already figured this out, and Beto will go down next to “Low Energy Jeb” as the handsy candidate who can put even Joe Biden to shame. Jimmy Fallon gets it, too: (Video)
. . . 
"P.S. Even The New Republic has figured Beto out:

. . . His rhetoric is as empty as his platform, his paeans to “coming together” the stuff of Obama fanfic. . .
O’Rourke’s posts resemble sophomoric creative nonfiction. They’re maudlin, confusing the expression of emotion with profundity. They’re formless, written in a quasi-literary clipped style. And they’re self-serious, filled with banal observations about the experiences that characterize American political life. But these sketches are also littered with stump-speech cliches. . .
O’Rourke lacks any platform whatsoever. He has no signature idea, and we know little about his political positions beyond the mushy centrism he exhibited in Congress.
Bobby O'Rourke's Gaffetastic Day  . . . "Apologizing for a lousy attempt at humor is one thing. But the outrage mob was lying in wait for O'Rourke and he gave them an obvious opening with his self-deprecating crack. Presidential candidates in 2020 are going to have to walk on eggshells, weighing every word for its potential "insensitivity." In this case, activists complained that a woman couldn't make the same joke, so it was insensitive." . . .
. . . "A 15-year-old daydreaming about a "moneyless society" is pretty common. But "sweet visions filling my head" after running over a couple of "happy happy" kids with his car is definitely not common. I have to ask it: what do you think the reaction would have been if a Republican candidate had written that? Every amateur Democratic mental health professional would declare the candidate unfit for office.
"But for Beto? His apology suffices:" . . .

Beto O'Rourke Is the Candidate For Vapid Morons
"Vapid: offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging."

. . . “My sense is, following some success that I had in Congress, and working with Republicans to actually get things signed into law, including both President Obama and President Trump’s administrations, that I may have an ability to work with people who think differently than I do, come to a different conclusion that I’ve come to on a given issue, and yet find enough common ground to do something better than what we have right now.”

If you finish that passage and think you’ve just read something positive about a Democratic presidential candidate, then—to warp the old Jeff Foxworthy bit—you might be Beto O’Rourke’s constituency.

Democrat Lawmakers Admit During Private Meeting They Don’t Know What Anti-Semitism Looks Like

Free Beacon
Omar doesn't respond when asked to 'affirm Israel’s right to exist'

"A meeting of Democratic lawmakers about anti-Semitism in the party included anti-Semitic jokes and unapologetic members of Congress, the Washington Post reports." . . .
The meeting was supposed to ease tensions between Muslim and Jewish Democrats. It ended with tears.

. . . "Rep. Dean Phillips (D., Minn.), a Jew who represents a district neighboring Omar's, told the room he considered her comments to be "tips of the arrow" of Jew hatred in America. 
"According to "several participants" who spoke to the Post on the condition of anonymity, 
Phillips asked Omar to apologize and "publicly affirm Israel’s right to exist and protect itself."
Phillips's request that Omar support the right of Jews to exist in the Jewish state and in the United States "stunned the three Muslim Democrats in the room."
"Omar did not reply to the Jewish member's request. Instead, one of her allies responded by changing the subject to the Palestinians. Tlaib "grew emotional and started to cry as she spoke of her grandmother’s suffering in the West Bank at the hands of Israelis," according to the Post.
"Tlaib has faced scrutiny for ties to anti-Semitism and for anti-Semitic comments of her own. In January, she accused senators supporting pro-Israel policies of acting as if they "represent" a country other than the United States. Maher Abdel-qader, one of Tlaib's top campaign volunteers and fundraisers, promotes anti-Semitic conspiracies." . . .

The terrible beauty of George Frideric Handel’s Israel in Egypt

The Bridgehead

"When George Frideric Handel’s Israel in Egypt premiered at the King’s Theatre in Haymarket on April 4, 1739, the audience disliked it. They disliked it so much, in fact, that when Handel put his new oratorio—the first of two he would write that consisted entirely of verses from Scripture—into the opera season, it was cancelled for lack of subscribers. Handel began to rework it, importing arias from other pieces of music, and then resurrected his masterpiece in 1756. The back-to-back thundering choruses and vivid imagery of God’s battle with Egypt on behalf of Israel soon made the oratorio one of Handel’s most beloved pieces, second only to the Messiah. “Handel understands effect better than any of us,” Mozart enviously observed. “When he chooses, he strikes like a thunderbolt.”
"Last weekend, I had the privilege of attending a magnificent performance of Israel in Egypt put on by the University of Toronto Schola Cantorum, the Collegium Musicum, the Choir of the Theatre of Early Music, and the Clarion Choir, directed by Jeanne Lamon and Daniel Taylor and hosted by St. Patrick’s Shrine Church (built in 1881) in downtown Toronto. It was one of the best performances I’ve ever seen, the music tearing the audience from the tyranny of the present and at the height of several of the choruses, seeming to break free of time itself. Handel’s soaring music and Scripture’s solemn words arch over time, fusing us with past centuries until the choruses of then and now and in between form a perfect continuum and one can only listen in awe and contemplate the transcendence of true praise." . . .
. . .
Finally:  "When the choirs fell silent after a full evening heavy with meaning, the voices died away to the echoes of the eternal. This was real music, the music of the spheres. The audience sat for a moment, and then began to applaud. The standing ovation carried on until the singers and musicians finally began to file out of the church. Hundreds of years after Handel put the story of Israel’s captivity in Egypt to music, the power of the piece has only grown, contrasted as it now is by the tawdry counterfeit pop that passes for “praise and worship” today. In an age of cheap modernity, Handel’s oratorios soar to ever-greater heights." . .  .