Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Rodeo Road to be renamed Obama Boulevard, with festival where he once campaigned

Honoring Obama were also streets named "I", "ME", and "Mine". TD

LA Times

"A Los Angeles road will officially be renamed in honor of former President Obama on May 4, City Councilman Herb Wesson announced Tuesday.
"Along with the unveiling of the road’s new name, the councilman will host a street festival with music performances, vendors and food trucks at the intersection of the new Obama Boulevard (currently Rodeo Road) and West Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
"The name change was first suggested by Wesson in 2017. In his proposal, Wesson noted thatObama held a campaign rally at Rancho Cienega Sports Complex on Rodeo in 2007 when running for president.
"Rodeo Road — not to be confused with Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills — is a 3.5-mile residential street in the predominantly African American Baldwin Hills/Crenshaw neighborhood. The street intersects with King Boulevard, “creating one of the most significant African American points of interest in the country,” according to the street festival event site.
"Obama Boulevard will further establish a “presidential row” that includes Washington, Adams and Jefferson boulevards." . . .

Hollywood worships the ground Obama walks on and so does he.

Correspondents Dinner: Thanks, but no thanks.

Tony Branco
Washington Examiner  "There may be empty seats at this weekend's White House Correspondents' dinner following a late-in-the-game boycott ordered Tuesday by the White House.
"The boycott comes weeks after news organizations invited White House staff and other administration officials to join their tables at the ritzy annual gathering at the Washington Hilton, where tickets cost $300 per seat.
" 'The President and members of his administration will not attend the White House Correspondents Dinner this year," a White House official told the Washington Examiner in an email. "Instead, Saturday evening President Trump will travel to Green Bay, Wisconsin where he will hold a campaign rally.' ". . . 

Look at the kind of comedy you'd be missing:
"What you missed from Michelle Wolf's correspondents' dinner speech"

Only in Today's America

Hat tip to Smokey at Weasel Zippers

Why The So-Called Equality Act Is A Bait-and-Switch Power Grab

The ‘Equality’ Act doesn’t really protect anybody. It undermines human freedom and dignity by legally stripping Americans across the board of inalienable rights.

 The Federalist  "Let’s place ourselves, for a moment, into the mindset of a statist. If you and your cronies wanted to control everybody’s lives, how exactly would you go about getting such raw power? Obviously, you wouldn’t come right out and say you have a special project designed specifically to cement a permanent one-party state.
"You wouldn’t explain, full disclosure, that the ever-growing bureaucracy you have in mind would promote a surveillance state and coercion that produces toxic levels of social distrust. You wouldn’t clarify that the point is to keep tabs on everyone in every aspect of their lives, including their education, their businesses, their medicine, their housing, their families, and their churches.
"No, of course not. You would mask your self-supremacist intentions with a benign and trendy word like “equality.” You’d pretend that your project was about helping a vulnerable minority. To prevent scrutiny, you’d quickly shame anybody who had a question about it and defame them as haters. At the same time, you’d give special favors to those who can be persuaded to support your con job.
"That’s usually how such things are done, as the history of authoritarian systems proves.

Sowing a Colossal Inequality of Power 
"So we have the “Equality” Act, recently introduced by Democrats in Congress. It’s currently being considered in various committee hearings and is on track for a floor vote in the House of Representatives later this spring or early this summer.
"On the surface, the “Equality” Act is supposed to protect LGBT folks from discrimination by adding the categories of sexual orientation and gender identity to all federal civil rights laws, including the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It would make claims of discrimination related to these characteristics legally actionable in the way racism is, and aapplying to virtually every area of life: the workplace, education, banking, jury service, federal funding, housing, medicine and psychiatry, and all public facilities.
"It is a power grab in the guise of anti-discrimination. A bait-and-switch.  . . ."

Trump Official Trolls Omar On Threat Complaints: Just Some People Saying Something

Live Wire  "Brava to Housing and Urban Development (HUD) official Lynne Patton for a brilliant response…to be filed under “Why didn’t *I* think of that?”  
"Patton is no stranger to personal attacks, having been called a racist “prop” by Rep. Rashida Tlaib at the Cohen hearing.
"And she reports that she receives threats sent directly to her home, after being doxxed by the MSM.
"Via BizPac Review.
Added by TD
Lynne Patton, the regional administrator at the Department of Housing and Urban Development in the Trump administration, doesn’t have a whole lot of sympathy for Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., who says she is facing a growing number of death threats as a result of President Trump drawing attention to her disrespectful 9/11 remarks.
But then, Patton knows a thing or two about death threats, being a black woman who willingly serves under the president.
Playing on Omar’s own words about the Sept. 11, 20011, attack, which the Muslim lawmaker belittled by describing it as “some people did something,” Patton took to social media to post a spot-on meme that read: “Ilmar Omar is crying she’s receiving death threats. They’re no death threats. There just some people saying something.”
Patton included the caption: “#WelcomeToTheClub 🤷🏽♀️ We’ve been getting death threats for 3 years now. And for the record, I now get death threats & hate mail SENT TO MY APARTMENT because the mainstream media reported where I live. Never mind just on social media. #SoSorryNotSorry.”….

The anti-Trump left and the incredible uniformity of groupthink

Babbin quotes Churchill:  A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.  
Cartoon added by TD
Patricia McCarthy  "Medical conditions, such as psychological disorders, all have a predictably reliable set of symptoms and traits.  For example, persons who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder all have exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, a lack of empathy, and several other shared behaviors.  (Think Barack Obama, Michael Avenatti, Chris Cuomo, and their ilk.  Though Trump is often called a narcissist by the Left, he is not; he is extremely empathetic and extraordinarily magnanimous.)
"Similarly, those who hold certain political views predictably share numerous characteristics.  Jed Babbin has a column at The American Spectator, "The Democrats' Fanaticism," in which he lays out the impenetrable Trump-hatred of the Left.  Leftists are unable to give up on the Trump-colluded-with-Russia meme they have relied upon to destroy the presidency of Donald Trump.  They are obsessed, unable to address any other issue that requires their attention.  They cannot accept the Mueller Report's conclusion that there was in fact no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.  Babbin quotes Churchill:  A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.  That perfectly describes the Democratic Party of today.  What is interesting is the how much in lockstep are the political views these people have in common. 
. . . The same people who hate Trump believe in the hoax of global warming and are letting small children "choose" their sex.  A trans child is the latest celebrity accessory.  To those on the other side of such nonsense, this is child abuse, especially when children as young as eight are given over to doctors who begin hormone treatments that will likely ruin their lives.
 . . . "These are the same folks who think people should be able to use the restroom of the sex with which they "identify."  Thus, a teenage boy who feels like a girl must be allowed to shower with the girls after gym class.  If that makes those girls uncomfortable, too bad.  Their discomfort is politically incorrect.  Only the feelings of the trans person matter.
. . .  While they weighed in heavily on the murder of fifty Muslims at a mosque in New Zealand, Hillary Clinton and Obama could not bring themselves to call the victims of Islamic terrorists in Sri Lanka what they were: Christians.  They were "Easter worshippers."  Christianity is under siege all over the world by the fiercely secular left.  Christians were virtually wiped out in the Middle East under Obama's watch, and he had little to say about it.  He offered them no escape.  He brought thousands of Muslims here and left the Christians to fend for themselves." . . .  

Victor Davis Hanson: “It was a coup attempt to destroy the presidency…”

Hanson on Trump, Mueller, Democrats, the media, and the deep state

Illustration added by TD; http://www.terrellaftermath.com/
Legal Insurrection  "Last week as the Mueller Report was about to drop, Victor Davis Hanson of the Hoover Institution and the National Review Institute was interviewed by The Epoch Times as part of their American Thought Leaders series. He offered his thoughts on the Mueller investigation, the Trump presidency, and much more.
"Hanson takes us back to the earliest whispers of Russia and walks us through the maddening series of attempts to prevent Trump from becoming president, even after he won the election. You may have forgotten some of the crazier details, such as the effort to get copies of the Steele dossier to members of the Electoral College.
"Hanson has forgotten nothing, and his analysis cuts like a knife despite his cool demeanor.
Hanson begins by summarizing how things got started.
"The Epoch Times provides a transcript:
I think we’re gonna get the Mueller report today or tomorrow. But if you were to summarize the Mueller investigation, there’s a lot of ways to look at it, but I think the best is that there were people within the United States government–the director of the FBI, James Comey; the director of the CIA, John Brennan; the director of National Intelligence, James Clapper; the deputy director; and an array of others; and then NSC and the DOJ who felt A: that Hillary Clinton was going to win. They had followed the analytics and the polls–90 percent surety.
But they felt as an insurance policy that Donald Trump for a variety of reasons–culturally, politically, socially–was unacceptable as president. And the very thought that he could be president was so foreign and disruptive that they felt they had a higher duty, a higher loyalty to stop that. So what did they do? They started to surveil his campaign, and they put informants we know into his campaign.
"Hanson suggests that when Trump won, actors in this conspiracy decided their only way out was to go deeper:
Then when Trump did the unthinkable, he won both in anger at that fact but also as a preemptive defense of their behavior. You see, because you’ve got to
remember the dialectic would have been “President Clinton, look at all I did for you. I should be rewarded. I went beyond the call of duty.” And now the mentality went “My gosh, I’ve got legal exposure. So we’ve got to press further.”
So then it was a methodology of getting more FISA requests and disrupting the transition. And then finally the act that resulted in the Mueller commission, and then to dethrone. And then finally the larger context of this was when he was elected there was an effort to sue three states for the voting machines and nullify the election. There was a sustained effort to give the Steele dossier to the electors and to persuade the electors not to vote according to their constitutional mandates.
"He eventually calls this what it was. An attempted coup:" . . .

Monday, April 22, 2019

Actress Patricia Heaton Rips MSNBC for ‘Loathsome’ Easter Sunday Ambush on Robert Mueller

Breitbart  "Actress Patricia Heaton ripped MSNBC for their “loathsome” harassment of FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller as he left Church on Easter Sunday, pointing out that their ambush occurred in the backdrop of Christians in Sri Lanka being brutally murdered as they worshiped.
"On Sunday, MSNBC filmed their reporter Mike Viqueira ambushing Mueller outside a Church in Washington D.C., asking questions about President Donald Trump and the implications of his special counsel report into supposed Russian collusion during the
election. As Mueller tried to enter his vehicle, he simply replied, “No comment.”
"The exchange drew anger from many on social media, including Patricia Heaton, who referenced Sunday’s bombings against Christian worshipers in Colombia, Sri Lanka, at the hands of Islamist terrorists.
“ 'Hello @MSNBC. Today is Easter Sunday, the holiest day of the Christian calendar. Some of the faithful were murdered today while they worshiped,” the Everybody Loves Raymond star said. “But you ambush Robert Mueller outside of his church and chuckle about it afterward. This is loathesome. Shame on you.' ” . . .
Ms. Heaton could wind up on a blacklist with Laura Ingraham  "Actor Jon Voight released a video message Monday offering support to Laura Ingraham, as the Fox News host once again is facing a left-wing blacklist campaign.
“ 'You know the truth is very important–right now most especially,” Jon Voight said.
“ 'And those who believe in the truth are to be cherished. People like Laura Ingraham. They’re wonderful people who we need very much at this time, when our president is being attacked with lies and slanders from the media,” the Holes actor said." . . .
Don't mess with Big Jon! 

CNN had its lowest primetime weekly ratings overall and in the key age demographic last week, according to Nielsen Media Research.

Daily Caller  . . . From April 8-12, the network only averaged an audience of 690,000 people and 180,000 in the key 25-54 age demographic. Their coverage last week included three presidential town halls with New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro. (Every CNN Presidential Town Hall Finished Behind MSNBC And Fox News In Ratings)

"Gillibrand’s town hall only had 507,000 viewers, compared to Inslee’s 549,000 and Castro’s 654,000.

"Comparatively, last week, MSNBC’s prime time lineup averaged 1,600,000 viewers with 249,000 in the key demo. Fox News managed to beat CNN and MSNBC combined, with a total viewership of 2,438,000 and 394,000 in the age range.

"The top networks for primetime viewership last week were led by Fox News, followed by MSNBC, the Home and Garden TV, USA Network and TBS Network to round out the top five.

"CNN finished 15th, behind networks like Discovery Channel, Food Network, TLC and A&E Network. Their ratings have continued to drop following the conclusion of the Mueller report. It appears like they might have a difficult time bouncing back after investing two years of heavy coverage on the investigation into the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with the Kremlin."

LEAKED: Obama Team Kept List of Muslims For Top Jobs ...Excluded Non-Muslims

Obama and non-Muslim
Daily Caller  "The newest batch of John Podesta’s hacked emails released by Wikileaks shows Obama’s transition team kept lists of Muslim and Asian candidates for jobs in the administration.

"According to an email chain from 2008, John Podesta received lists of exclusively Muslims and Asians to be considered for jobs in the Obama administration. The email chain revealed that in this process, Middle Eastern Christians were purposefully excluded, or set aside in a separate list, with an aide writing,

In the candidates for top jobs, I excluded those with some Arab American background but who are not Muslim (e.g., George Mitchell). Many Lebanese Americans, for example, are Christian. In the last list (of outside boards/commissions), most who are listed appear to be Muslim American, except that a handful (where noted) may be Arab American but of uncertain religion (esp. Christian).
"Also notable, there was concern that some of the Muslims suggested would not survive media scrutiny, with one aide writing, “High-profile Muslim Americans tend to be the subject of a fair amount of blogger criticism, and so the individuals on this list would need to be ESPECIALLY carefully vetted.”

"She continues, “I suspect some of the people I list would not survive such a vet — but I do personally know, at least in part, virtually all of the candidates in the 1st two categories (but I know very few of those listed for outside boards/commissions).' ” . . .

Major Actor Joins the #WalkAway Movement

David J. Harris  "Hollywood actor Isaiah Washington has joined the #WalkAway movement and will even speak at an event in Los Angeles on May 1st. The #WalkAway movement was started by Brandon Straka and has been building up steam as they go along, siphoning
votes from the Democrats in sizable numbers. Washington is known as a Christian actor who was a star on Grey’s Anatomy and has appeared in Spike Lee movies. His high profile could make him a major recruiter of the movement among his fans. He could also have major pull with Blacks joining Candace Owens’ BLEXIT movement.

From The Gateway Pundit  
The #WalkAway Campaign will have the LA PREMIERE screening of our “documonial” (testimonial documentary) movie The Great Awakening:

"Breaking the Chains of the Democratic Party at the Regal Cinemas LA Live Theater. We will be using our grassroots activism to invite LA citizens to fill the Theater for the screening. Our 35 minute film is a documentary style short film created by using the #WalkAway testimonials of 20 black Americans telling their stories of why they have left the Democratic Party and can never return. It tells the TRUE history of the KKK, Planned Parenthood, media bias, Obama, Trump, and how racial minority communities are often DISCOURAGED from thinking for themselves politically."
"Recently, Hollywood actor Isaiah Washington very publicly announced his own #WalkAway, and now is joining the #WalkAway team as a panelist for this event."  . . .
•Brandon Straka, #WalkAway Campaign Founder
•Isaiah Washington, Actor
•Joy Villa, Singer/Songwriter
•Angela King, American King Foundation Founder
•Major Williams, Politician

Beto wasn't specific in 2018, either

Illustrations added by TD

Silvio Canto, Jr.  "The Dallas Morning News endorsed Beto O'Rourke last year.  It even paraphrased the Declaration of Independence to make its case:
When, in the course of human events, a people become so divided among themselves that they can no longer engage in meaningful political discourse or even remain civil to one another, it is time to take bold steps forward.
"So they endorsed the guy who will bring us together by taking your AR-15 away, defend late-term abortion, and introducing articles of impeachment. 
"Since then, the paper has written more and more articles about how unspecific Beto is running for president.
"Check out the front-page story from Sunday:

Five weeks into his presidential campaign, Beto O'Rourke still hasn't shaken the rap that he's a bit of a lightweight.
There are no white papers.  He's delivered no major policy speeches.  The section of his campaign website devoted to "vision" reads like a cut-and-paste version of comments he delivers on the stump — more flowery eloquence than nitty-gritty.
"You mean that the editorial staff just figured that out?
"Later on, the article tells us this:
Even on immigration, a marquee issue for O'Rourke, his tendency toward lofty rhetoric in lieu of specificity can fuel a perception that he's more talk than action.
"Really?  More talk than action?
"The Dallas Morning News must be having second thoughts or losing readers or both.  I can tell you that the newspaper is getting lighter every morning I pick it up.
"In the meantime, we can confirm that this the same unspecific Beto that drove around Texas saying nothing for two years."

Pictured below: he who would confront America's enemies and defend our allies