Thursday, April 25, 2019

American Voter Hillary Clinton is Not a Crook, She's an “Undocumented Felon”

Rich Terrell
2015: Her deliberate concealment of federal records raises questions under the federal criminal code.

Hillary Clinton is Not a Crook, She's an “Undocumented Felon” "Since the beginning of the Donald Trump presidency, the Democrats and their shills in the “Mainstream Media”, have been accusing President Trump of all kinds of wrongdoing, including felonies and of being a traitor to his country.  You can’t make this crap up.  But, the emphasis all along of wrongdoing should not have been about President Trump, it should have been about Hillary Clinton and the Democrat National Committee. They are the guilty ones. 
"The only one who really colluded with the Russians was not President Trump, it was the above named Hillary and the DNC who actually colluded with the Russians through that sinister outfit called Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele.  In fact, Hillary and the DNC paid $12 million to GPS to gather dirt on now President Trump to try to discredit his candidacy, and after his election as president.  Why was the Mueller investigation solely directed at Trump, an innocent bystander, who happened to win the presidency when most all of the talking heads said Hillary was going to win, and not on the real culprits, Hillary and the DNC?  Do you think revenge had anything to do with that disastrous decision?" . . .
Legal Insurrection
Should the Boston Marathon Bomber Get to Vote?  . . . "One of these days, if Sen. Sanders ever gets around to reading the U.S. Constitution, he’ll stumble upon the Fourteenth Amendment and notice that it says in Section 2 that voting cannot be in any way abridged “except for participation in rebellion, or other crime.” While I can appreciate a “slippery slope” argument, I don’t think it applies in this case. Most states haven’t let prisoners since 1868, and it hasn’t led to further disenfranchisement of other groups." . . .

. . . "There is a reasonable argument to be made, of course, that those how have already paid their debt and have returned to society should be allowed to vote again. But our republic is not going to suffer from not letting domestic terrorists like Dzhokhar Tsarnaev cast a ballot for Trump or Sanders." . . .

If Kate Smith's statue goes, so should Muhammad Ali's Liberty Medal

Some have argued that Smith's songs from the 1930s have been taken out of context.  No one, however, has called for Paul Robeson High School in West Philadelphia to be renamed because of racial insensitivity.  And no one seems to care that Muhammad Ali was, in Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby's words, "an unabashed bigot."

Christopher Paslay  "Now that the Philadelphia Flyers and Comcast Spectacor have officially removed the statue of Kate Smith outside the Wells Fargo Center and banned her famous version of "God Bless America," there is another question that needs to be addressed: should Muhammad Ali, a racial separatist and supporter of George Wallace, continue to be honored by the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia? 
""Fans of Ali know that on September 13, 2012, he was given the prestigious Liberty Medal for being a "Champion of Freedom" and is currently on the Constitution Center's list of medal-winners, which dates back to 1989, when Poland's Lech Walesa won the award.  According to President Clinton, "Ali embodies the spirit of the Liberty Medal by embracing the ideals of the Constitution freedom, self-governance, equality, and empowerment and helping to spread them across the globe." 
. . . 
"In a 1975, interview with Playboy Magazine, Ali even went as far as to say, "A black man should be killed if he's messing with a white woman."  The same went for white men hitting on black women.  "We'll kill anybody who tries to mess around with our women," Ali insisted.  According to the National Constitution Center's website, however, Ali is "a champion of freedom who embodies everything the award was established to honor: individuals of courage and conviction who strive to secure the blessings of liberty to people around the globe."
"Sure, Ali matured over time, and like Malcolm X, he softened some of his views.  But then again, so did Kate Smith.  In 1982, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Ronald Reagan, because her rendition of "God Bless America" helped sell millions of dollars in war bonds during World War II."

From 2008: Why Biden’s plagiarism shouldn’t be forgotten.

What is certain is that Biden didn’t simply borrow the sort of boilerplate that counts as common currency in political discourse—phrases like “fighting for working families.” What he borrowed was Kinnock’s life.

From Slate, which was - and is - in the tank for Democrats!  "Teachers and scholars consider the unattributed use of someone else’s words and ideas to be a very serious offense, but the public doesn’t seem to mind much, at least when it comes to politics. The incidents of plagiarism and fabrication that forced Joe Biden to quit the 1988 presidential race have drawn little comment since his selection as Barack Obama’s vice presidential running mate—just as revelations of plagiarism by Stephen Ambrose and Doris Kearns Goodwin scarcely hurt their book sales. In 1987, before Biden quit the race, he called the incidents “a tempest in a teapot.” Although most reporters disagreed then, at least enough to pursue the story, they seem now—perhaps jaded by two decades of scandal-mongering—to have come around to Biden’s view.  . . . 

"Biden’s downfall began when his aides alerted him to a videotape of the British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock, who had run unsuccessfully against Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. The tape showed Kinnock delivering a powerful speech about his rise from humble roots. Taken by the performance, Biden adapted it for his own stump speech. Biden, after all, was the son of a car salesman, a working-class kid made good. Kinnock’s material fit with the story he was trying to sell.

"At first Biden would credit Kinnock when he quoted him. But at some point he failed to offer the attribution. Biden maintained that he lapsed only once—at a debate at the Iowa State Fair, on Aug. 23, when cameras recorded it—but Maureen Dowd of the New York Times reported two incidents of nonattribution, and no one kept track exactly of every time Biden used the Kinnock bit. (Click here for examples of Biden’s lifting.) What is certain is that Biden didn’t simply borrow the sort of boilerplate that counts as common currency in political discourse—phrases like “fighting for working families.” What he borrowed was Kinnock’s life." . . .

Ben Garrison

Biden Launches Campaign with Attack on Trump, Focuses on Charlottesville

Legal Insurrection  "Out-of-touch campaign theme is “America is an Idea” — but the Dem radical base thinks “America is a Bad Idea' "

"Former Vice President Joe Biden officially entered the 2020 presidential race on Thursday morning.
"He released a video this morning that lacks the substance most include when launching a campaign: “policy, biography, ideology.” Instead it’s a video over three minutes of someone with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

"Maybe Biden took this route to differentiate himself from the other candidates. Plus, Biden is well known after all his time in Washington, DC, so maybe he didn’t feel the need to rehash the past.". . . 

Heart-wrenching words; is Biden quoting Neil Kinnock?

"I’ve always liked Biden, but this video and launch is plain out weird, mostly because he starts off with a lie about Charlottesville, VA:" . . .
(You've heard it over and over. Remember Romney's "Binders of women's names" that Joe got skulls full of mush to think was evil made manifest?)

Scott Adams, Dilbert creator gives us details on this since Democrats assume you haven't been clued in on the details:

Mr. Trump, if you debate Biden remember his treatment of Paul Ryan in their 2012 debate. If Joe flashes those radioactive teeth at you, you're reduced to gulping water like Ryan was. TD

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Somebody did something to many Easter Worshipers in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka's cardinal calls terrorists 'animals' and says 'punish them mercilessly'
Yet the Son of God Himself let his followers know that persecution would be our lot and that he would handle it in His own way. TD
The Sri Lankan archbishop obviously has gotten tired of the niceties as more than one of the churches he shepherds mops off the blood from the walls.
 It is clockwork. Virtually every year you can count on it. Holy Week is the most dangerous week of the year to be a Christian.  "The news media, who did not tell you about it, would like you to learn more about Pete Buttigieg."

Background to Sri Lanka's Easter Terror Atrocities  "Within Sri Lanka's multi-ethnic and multi-religious society, the Easter Sunday terror massacres have stirred embittering memories of suicide terror atrocities perpetrated during the nation's 26-year-long civil war (July 1983 to May 2009). The Easter bombings killed at least 321 people and injured over 500." . . .

Cohen says he lied about being guilty;

Don Surber
"The wheels on the Mueller bus keep falling off."

The Wall Street Journal reported, "Michael Cohen has disavowed responsibility for some of the crimes to which he has pleaded guilty, privately contending in a recent recorded phone call that he hadn’t evaded taxes and that a criminal charge related to his home-equity line of credit was a lie."

"He said this to Tom Arnold, a former comedian turned anti-Trump vigilante.
"So the star witness is a liar who continues to lie about lying." . . .

The Obama Use of FISA-702 as a Domestic Political Surveillance Program….

The Last Refuge  "Now that we have significant research files on the 2015 and 2016 political surveillance program; which includes the trail evident within the Weissmann/Mueller report; in combination with the Obama-era DOJ “secret research project” (their words, not mine); we are able to overlay the entire objective and gain a full understanding of how political surveillance was conducted over a period of approximately four to six years.
"Working with a timeline, but also referencing origination material in 2015/2016 – CTH hopes to show how the program operated.  This explains an evolution from The IRS Files in 2010 to the FISA Files in 2016."
"The FISA-702 database extraction process, and utilization of the protections within the smaller intelligence community, was the primary process.  We start by reviewing the established record from the 99-page FISC opinion rendered by Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer on April 26th, 2017; and explain the details within the FISC opinion.
"I would strongly urge everyone to read the FISC report (full pdf below) because Judge Collyer outlines how the DOJ, which includes the FBI, had an “institutional lack of candor” in responses to the FISA court.  In essence, they were continually lying to the court about their activity, and the rate of fourth amendment violations for illegal searches and seizures of U.S. persons’ private information for multiple years.
"Unfortunately, due to intelligence terminology Judge Collyer’s brief and ruling is not an easy read for anyone unfamiliar with the FISA processes outlined. The complexity also helps the media avoid discussing, and as a result most Americans have no idea the scale and scope of the issues.  So we’ll try to break down the language." . . .

The walls are closing in on Obama.But TV talk shows and the MSM will shield him

Tony Branco
Thomas Lifson  "The truth of violations of law by the Obama White House, long buried, is being excavated by two private groups.
"Judicial Watch has obtained testimony from a top FBI official that Hillary home-brew server emails were found in the White House.  This means that Barrack Obama's illegal handling of classified information contained in those emails is closer to being exposed.  This implicates him in the same felonies committed by Hillary Clinton that James Comey falsely claimed "no reasonable prosecutor" would pursue.". . . 
Judicial Watch announced today that a senior FBI official admitted, in writing and under oath, that the agency found Clinton email records in the Obama White House, specifically, the Executive Office of the President. The FBI also admitted nearly 49,000 Clinton server emails were reviewed as result of a search warrant for her material on the laptop of Anthony Weiner. . . 
. . . 
"A second scandal threat for the Obama administration is also slowly being excavated.  Proof is piling up that White House operatives exploited the NSA's surveillance of all electronic communications in the United States to monitor political opponents.  This very long and detailed post by Sundance ofConservative Tree House defies any possibility of concise summary.  But by putting together information from the Mueller Report with a ruling by FISA Court Judge Rosemary Collyer, Sundance teases out the clear implications.  This requires time and focus to follow but is rewarded by a deeper understanding of how the Obama administration actually did spy on its oppponents, not just on the Turmp cam


Is there any possibility that Clinton issued that pardon with "an intent to obtain an improper advantage for himself"? Any at all?
In July 1999, Hillary Clinton indicated that she would be running for the U.S. Senate from New York. Weeks later, President Clinton offered clemency to members of the Puerto Rican terrorist group F.A.L.N, responsible for 130 bombings in the 1970s and '80s that killed five, maimed more than 80 and caused almost $3 million in damage.
Was Clinton's motive for this pardon to help Hillary win the Puerto Rican vote in New York? Time for a purity-of-heart investigation!  . . .

Ann Coulter  "According to Robert Mueller, a president can be guilty of obstruction of justice simply by exercising the powers of the president -- if he does so with "an intent to obtain an improper advantage for himself or someone else, inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others." 
"Wow. That's a new standard for a president's Article II powers! I don't see it in my pocket Constitution.
"What Mueller is saying is that he should hold the position of supreme exalted master president to review all decisions made by the man who was elected to the office of president by mere voters.
"Mueller can't say Trump obstructed justice. The investigation found no Russian "collusion," or related crimes, so there was no justice to obstruct. That's why there's nothing in the report about "perjury," "destroying evidence" or any other recognizable crime, like, say, "accepting a cash bribe."
"Instead, Mueller proposes to review the decisions of the person duly elected president on a purity-of-motive standard. "An improper motive," the Mueller report states, "can render an actor's conduct criminal even when the conduct would otherwise be lawful and within the actor's authority."
"Except the "actor" here is the president. We're not talking about the authority of a CEO or chief of police. We're talking about the U.S. president, whose "authority" comes directly from the Constitution.
"If a special counsel is entitled to sit in judgment on a president's motives for exercising his constitutional powers, there will never be a president who is not under investigation for everything he does. Mueller is claiming that prosecutors and Congress have a right to probe the president's state of mind when he orders the 101st Airborne into action or nominates a new Supreme Court justice.
"While we're at it, can the president convene a commission to investigate the motives of a member of Congress for voting a particular way? How about a Supreme Court justice? (I've been dying to get to the bottom of Justice Roberts' vote to uphold Obamacare.)
"I'm fine with the new standard, provided it's retroactive and the punishment is death. 
"Have I got "corrupt" for you! " . . .
How about Obama? When he said if he had a son, he'd look like Trayvon Martin, and then sent three White House officials to Michael Brown's funeral -- more than he sent to Margaret Thatcher's funeral -- did Obama seriously believe Martin and Brown were innocent victims? Or was he just trying to gin up the black vote to help Democrats' electoral prospects -- i.e. trying "to obtain an improper advantage for himself or someone else, inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others." 

Even CNN is noticing Kamala Harris is an empty pants suit

Thomas Lifson  "I have long had very little regard for the abilities of Kamala Harris. She entered politics on her back, as the mistress of Willie Brown, a man decades older, and ran for office more on the basis of her good looks and enticing and exotic intersectional cred as mixed race child of  black (from a Jamaican, not African-American) father and an Indian (South Asian, not Native American) father. He performance in office, from her work as an assistant DA in Oakland on through California AG and her brief tenure as a US Senator has not been impressive.
"But now that she has been on the presidential campaign trail for a few months, as a top five member of the pack of at least 20 declared and likely candidates, her limitations are becoming obvious even to the partisans of CNNN (who, after all, want a strong candidate who can stand up to and compete with Donald Trump).
"This is a woman who has no depth, and who skates away from difficult questions with a smile, a laugh, a toss of her head, and a canned evasive response (such as “we should have a discussion about that”).
"CNN is not pleased, and put together a compilation from just one town hall (hat tip: The Right Scoop):

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Nonprofit Pays Bail For Man Who Attacked His Wife, Hours Later He Murders Her

Blue Lives Matter

Such wonderful, compassionate people.
"St. Louis, MO – Just hours after a nonprofit group posted bail for a man accused of assaulting his wife, the suspect went to the woman’s home and brutally murdered her, according to prosecutors.
"Samuel Lee Scott, 54, was arrested for domestic abuse on April 5, after he allegedly beat 54-year-old Marcia Johnson, injuring her cheekbone and ear, the Associated Press reported.
"Scott also allegedly told Johnson that the “might as well finished what [he] started since [she] was going to contact the police,” the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office wrote in a probable cause statement.
"On April 9, the court granted Johnson’s request for an order of protection, and he was notified that he was prohibited from going to her residence or within 300 feet of her, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.
"Later the same day, the St. Louis Bail Project posted Scott’s $5,000 bail.
“ 'The Bail Project is an unprecedented effort to combat mass incarceration at the front end of the system,” according to the group’s website. “We pay bail for people in need, reuniting families and restoring the presumption of innocence.”
"The Bail Project is comprised of “passionate advocates” known as “Bail Disruptors and Client Advocates…many of whom have experienced the bail system firsthand,” according to the website.
“ 'We believe that paying bail for someone in need is an act of resistance against a system that criminalizes race and poverty and an act of solidarity with local communities and movements for decarceration,” the page read. " . . .

And the race of the woman this man killed was? 

Sri Lanka terrorist attacks ignored by CNN town hall with 2020 Dem hopefuls: Media watchdog

Washington Times  "CNN’s string of town halls Monday night lacked questions on the Sri Lanka terror attacks that killed over 300 people, but presidential hopefuls were asked about the voting rights of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
Democrat voter
"The media watchdog NewsBusters monitored five back-to-back town halls with 2020 candidates without witnessing a single question on Easter Sunday’s anti-Christian terror attacks.
"The FBI is assisting Sri Lankan authorities with their terror investigation, which has been blamed on an “Islamic fundamentalist group.”
"“You have said that you believe that people with felony records should be allowed to vote while in prison,” Harvard student Anne Carlstein asked Sen. Bernie Sanders. “Does this mean that you would support enfranchising people like the Boston Marathon bomber, a convicted terrorist and murderer?”
"The Vermont independent and self-professed socialist said he feared going down a “slippery slope” by denying anyone their time in the ballot box."
“I think the right to vote is inherent to our democracy,” he replied. “Yes, even for terrible people, because once you start chipping away and you say, ‘That guy committed a terrible crime, [we’re] not going to let him vote. Well, that person did that. Not gonna let that person vote,’ you’re running down a slippery slope. … I do believe that even if they are in jail, they’re paying their price to society, but that should not take away their inherent American right to participate in our democracy.”

Bernie's voters.