Monday, May 20, 2019

Jim Carrey: If only we could have murdered Kay Ivey when she was just a baby

First, this guy was simply dumb, but now he looks dumber. TD

Rich Terrell
Drew Belsky  "Hollywood has-been Jim Carrey has moved from rabidly opposing guns, which kill guilty people at least sometimes, to rabidly supporting abortion, which kills only innocent people.
"His latest contribution to the national debate is a cartoon of an unborn baby, sporting Alabama governor Kay Ivey's face and a thumbs-up, just about to get sucked out of the
womb by an abortionist's vacuum aspirator.  The business end of the tool is already pulling at the skin on Ivey-baby's face, making it easy for the viewer to imagine the skin coming off, followed by the brain, with arms and legs to follow."

The post below by Carrey tells us that he does indeed know what is done to a baby during an abortion. TD
 May 18MoreI think If you’re going to terminate a pregnancy, it should be done sometime before the fetus becomes Governor of Alabama.

He Did It, Not Me!

Victor Davis Hanson  "There is something Kafkaesque about the current round of investigating possible FBI, CIA, National Security Agency, Justice Department, and National Security Council wrongdoing during the 2016 election, Trump transition, and early presidency.
"Yet after all the bias, prosecutorial leveraging, the process crimes, the perjury traps, and after 22 months, $34 million, and a 440-plus page report, Mueller’s “hunter-killer” team did not establish that President Trump colluded with the Russians to warp the 2016 election.
"In fact, Mueller could not find prosecutable “obstruction” of justice by Trump to impair the investigation of what Mueller concluded was not a crime.
The Wolves Turn On Each Other
"Now we turn to the real unspoken question: how did it happen that the top machinery of the U.S. government meddled in an election, and sought to sabotage a presidential transition and early presidency?
"Note well: none of the leveraged targets of Robert Mueller turned state’s evidence to accuse Donald Trump of “collusion,” the object of the special counsel’s investigation, although to have done so would have mightily helped their cause and given themJohn Dean iconic status among leftists. In contrast, we have scarcely begun to investigate wrongdoing at the intelligence and justice departments and already the suspects are fingering each other.
"James Clapper, John Brennan, and James Comey are now all accusing one another of being culpable for inserting the unverified dossier, the font of the effort to destroy Trump, into a presidential intelligence assessment—as if suddenly and mysteriously the prior seeding of the Steele dossier is now seen as a bad thing. And how did the dossier transmogrify from being passed around the Obama Administration as a supposedly top-secret and devastating condemnation of candidate and then president-elect Trump to a rank embarrassment of ridiculous stories and fibs?" . . .

Tony Branco
Trey Gowdy: Brennan, Clapper and Comey KNOW Full Well DOSSIER Was Used In The Intelligence Assessment

What's Mitt Romney's problem?

The Americans who voted for President Trump in droves have already sent a message to the political elites — that if the right policies are in place, they don't care about off-color remarks about women or multiple marriages, or any of the "character" flaws Mitt seems to intent to undercut President Trump for.  Why is he doing this?  Trump never did anything to him.  But here he is, going after Trump with the best of the Democrats.
"Romney is a well-lubricated weather vane"

Monica Showalter  "After taking President Trump's endorsement to get himself elected senator, Mitt Romney has made quite a show of turning on Trump.
The last two incidents have been notable:
"He declared GOP "maverick" congressman Justin Amash "courageous" for joining the Democrats and calling for the impeachment of President Trump in the House.
"He also made this ad hominem attack on Trump over the weekend, playing Puritan for us:
On Sunday, Romney was back at it, attacking the president's character. "I think he could substantially improve his game when it comes to helping shape the character of the country," Romney said on CNN.
"I think young people, as well as people around the world, look at the president of the United States and say, 'Does he exhibit the kind of qualities that we would want to emulate?' And those are qualities of humility, of honesty, integrity, and those are things where I think there's been some call, where the president has distanced himself from some of the best qualities of the human character."
"So Mitt has lots to teach President Trump about character? " . . .

Resisting price controls on prescription drugs

A simple rule of economics: with price controls you get shortages. Good luck getting that prescription for your heart problems.

Washington Times  via FreedomWorks

"President Trump has made great strides in dismantling the big-government legacy of his predecessor, Barack Obama. Historic tax cuts, dozens of regulations cut for every new one implemented, and two conservative Supreme Court justices, to name a few.

"President Trump’s free-market reforms have proven wildly successful. The economy is growing, and consumer confidence is at historically high levels. This progress makes it even more disappointing to see the White House considering price controls on prescription drugs.
"The White House is considering a proposal created by the Department of Health and Human Services to control U.S. prescription drug prices called the International Pricing Index (IPI). This system would determine how much to pay for drugs under Medicare Part B — including vaccines and cancer medications — based on their costs in other countries, including those with socialized health care systems. At the same time, Republican Sens. Scott Hawley and Rick Scott have introduced similarly ill-conceived legislation in Congress.
"If it sounds too good to be true, that’s because it is. It would be incorrect to assume other countries have lower prescription drug costs because the markets naturally decided so. The International Pricing Index would be aggregating the drug prices of nations that have already artificially lowered drug prices.
"You can’t get something for nothing. The government cannot mandate lower drug prices and expect no consequences in the market. In fact, we have already seen the dangers of price controls in other sectors of the economy, from wages to housing. They interfere with supply and demand, causing waste and shortages." . . .

Empty supermarket shelves in Caracas, Venezuela,
Why Socialism Causes Shortages  . . . "Among the most conspicuous of socialism’s failings is its capacity to generate vast shortages of things essential for life. This is a universal feature of a socialist “economy,” and it always has been. In Maoist China, there was no meat and no fat in which to cook anything, if you could find something to cook. In Bolshevik Russia, there were never enough cars, apartments, or even loaves of bread. Every Latin American socialist experiment produced the same. All of this was thoroughly documented in the 1997 treatise The Black Book of Communism (among thousands of other books)." . . .

Tucker Carlson Rips Ilhan Omar: ‘Symbol Of America’s Failed Immigration System’

Did she go through a citizenship swearing-in and take the oath?

Daily Wire  "Fox News host Tucker Carlson slammed Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) on Friday, noting that she hates the United States and that she was "a symbol of America’s failed immigration system if there ever was one." . . .

. . . "For the Left, whether the country benefits is not the point. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar — herself a symbol of America’s failed immigration system if there ever was one, someone who hates this country coming here at public expense — spent yesterday demanding the abolition of ICE, the decriminalization of illegal immigration itself, and an end to all deportation programs," Carlson said. "She demands open borders, the unlimited arrival of anyone who wants to come to America, whether they have anything to contribute or not, and by the way, you get to pay for it. And if you don’t want to, you’re a bigot." . . .

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Our Cartoon President

'The Democrats Freak Out Over Cartoon Joe Biden’s Lead'

CNN’s Moral Insanity!

Religio-Political Talk  "A CNN panel falsely claimed that abortion is moral and human life doesn’t begin at conception. Dennis Prager explains why this argument directly violates science and reason. MOONBATTERY notes:
In the video below, a moonbat proclaims with a straight face that an unborn baby is not a human being. That is conventional insanity, of the type treated at psychiatric hospitals.Meanwhile, the supremely odious Chris Cuomo desperately clings to the argument that it doesn’t matter if babies are human beings so long as they are not legally regarded as persons. If only they had realized this during the Nuremberg Trials, some Nazis might have escaped the rope.Craziest of all is the underlying liberal belief that abortion is moral….

Every House Democrat Voted To Crush The Dreams Of Women Athletes With The Ironically-Named ‘Equality Act’

Alex Parker

"The party claiming to be all for women just voted to be all against women.
"On Friday, via a 236-173 vote in the Democratically-controlled House of Representatives, every single Dem thumbs-upped the ironically-named Equality Act, which guarantees women will not have equal access to athletic success by allowing men to crush ’em in every area of sports.
"Way to go, misogynists.
"Also, an aside: Generally, any time there’s a governmental measure with a name that sounds aggressively, euphorically positive, look out, Jack. If Congress ever comes up with the “For Your Own Good” bill, fight that thing with all ya got. Euphemisms and government go hand-in-hand.
"As for Friday’s ballots, 8 Republicans crossed over to also demand girls get obliterated by guys.
"The legislation was sponsored by every House Democrat but one: Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski, who eventually declared his anti-woman support.
"Specifically, the bill amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make “sexual orientation and gender identity” protected traits under federal law.
"One impact will be the mandate upon all public schools to allow dudes who say they’re chicks to pummel chicks via superior size, strength, and speed." . . .
. . . "Wanna know which Republicans voted against the chromosomally-XX among us? Here’s a list:
Brian Fitzpatrick (PA)
John Katko (NY)
Tom Reed (NY)
Elise Stefanik (NY)
Susan W. Brooks (IN)
Mario Diaz-Balart (FL)
Will Hurd (TX)
Greg Walden (OR)
Heritage Foundation Director Suspended From Twitter For The ‘Hateful Conduct’ Of Saying Men & Women Are Different
. . . "Greg was notified that his post violated the social media platform’s rules against “hateful conduct.' ” . . .

‘Stand Against Communism’ Will Challenge Marxist Infiltration Of The Democratic Party

Noisy Room  "On May 20th at 10 am a new organization called Stand Against Communism will hold a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

"The Democratic Party has been infiltrated by socialists, Marxists, and outright communists at every level, from precinct chairman to multiple presidential candidates. Starting May 20th this takeover of the Democratic Party will be publicly exposed until the party takes firm
action to remove these subversives from its ranks.
"Speakers will include Authors Bishop E.W. Jackson, Jerome Corsi, Diana West, Robert Knight, Trevor Loudon, and Virginia Tea Party leader Nelson Velez." . . .
US Maoists Tour Venezuela, Walk Right Into Counter-Revolution
These - I assume Bernie voters - call anti-Maduro Juan Guiado a "US puppet".  Tell us what you think, Bernie.

Joe Biden: a little wisdom, a little corruption

Billion dollar China deals, cocaine pipes, Joe Biden's son Hunter always has this way of skating  "Joe Biden's son Hunter certainly lives a life of privilege.
How'd the cops treat one of us if they found a cocaine pipe in our car during a traffic pullover or a rental car return?
"Here's the Washington Examiner:
A police report said that Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden returned a rental car in Arizona that contained a cocaine pipe days before the 2016 presidential election, according to a new report.
Hunter Biden, whose legal first name is Robert, also left credit cards, a driver's license, a Delaware attorney general badge, a cellphone, and a U.S. Secret Service business card in the car, according to the police report obtained by Breitbart News. He had rented the car from Hertz in California and it was returned in Prescott, Ariz., after hours. The car keys were not properly deposited in a drop box, but left in the car's gas tank compartment.
In addition to “a small white and brown pipe approximately 3-4 inches long,” an officer also found “a small ziplock bag with a white powdery substance inside all sitting on the passenger seat.”
"This is the same Hunter Biden who got a waiver to join the Navy even after his previous cocaine use, and then got booted from the Navy for thumbing his nose at that and going right on using it again.
"And as the Arizona case demonstrated - again.
"But no legal consequences, of course."Quite unlike what the rest of us would get." . . .

Tony Branco
Has Joe Biden already wrapped up the 2020 Democrat primary?
. . . "It's working.  Democrats value, above all, beating Trump in 2020.  If it takes a war-supporting, minority-incarcerating, segregation-defending white male with a penchant for groping, so be it."This kind of clear-eyed realpolitik is admirable because it's so honest.  But it doesn't ensure victory.  Biden beats Trump in most one-on-one polling, but then, so did Hillary Clinton." . . .

 Biden Rejects Democrats' Anger in Call for National Unity  . . . "At a rally in downtown Philadelphia, Biden, as he has done throughout the beginning stages of his campaign, made Trump his central target, blasting him as "the divider-in-chief."
"But he also chided other Democratic presidential candidates in the field, suggesting that anger toward Trump within his party was not enough to win the presidential election next year." . . .

Justin Amash Becomes First GOP Lawmaker to Say Trump Should Be Impeached

He gives Democrats some "bi-partisan" cover. Thanks, Justin; you and Romney can be a caucus together.

NY Intelligencer  "Michigan representative Justin Amash has become the first Republican lawmaker in Congress to acknowledge that President Trump should be impeached. The staunch libertarian, finally responding to the Mueller report in a series of tweets on Saturday, said he believed Trump’s conduct merited impeachment, argued that Attorney General William Barr “deliberately misrepresented” Mueller’s findings, and warned that partisanship has made Congress abandon the rule of law.
CNN's new BFF

"The ultraconservative congressman is one of the few Republican lawmakers who have been willing the criticize the president, though few have done so as consistently or vocally, and he’s one of the only Republicans who seems to have considered running against Trump in 2020. Now he’s endorsing an additional way of removing Trump from office." . . .

GOP Lawmaker Claims Trump Committed Impeachable Acts (But Doesn’t List Any)
That puts Amash to the left of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), both of who have come out against impeachment proceedings.
 Justin Amash Should Put His Money Where His Mouth Is On Impeachment
. . . "I think Amash’s call for impeachment is stupid at best. His tweets make very serious claims while providing essentially no evidence of those claims. Citing the Mueller report in a completely generalized manner is not an argument for impeachment. If it were, Mueller would have recommended Trump be charged (and we know the OLC opinion on indicting Presidents was not a factor). Saying that any other person would have been indicted, again providing no evidence, is not clever. It’s obfuscation.
"Amash should cite some previous examples of obstruction of justice convictions involving someone who publicly criticized an investigation and thought about doing something but never did it. I mean, since it’s such an open and shut case, there’s got to be just dozens and dozens of examples he can cite, right?" . . .

. . . "The shots at Bill Barr are even worse. At least with impeachment you can fall back on the fact that it’s an open-ended, political standard, which is what Amash attempts to do further down in his statement. What he’s accusing Barr of is simply a lie though. He did not misrepresent the Mueller report and Robert Mueller himself has confirmed that. To drag his name through the mud without anything to back it up undermines the entirety of his comments." . . .

Democrats Accelerate Efforts to Purge Pro-Lifers From the Party in 2020

Legal Insurrection
A growing number of pro-choice Democrats are telling their pro-life colleagues that their days in office are numbered. But will their strategy work?

"In the aftermath of the fetal heartbeat bills that were recently signed into law in Georgia and Alabama (Missouri will likely be next), enraged Democratic party politicians and pro-abortion groups are making one thing increasingly clear: Pro-life Democrats who hold elected office should be purged from the party.
"Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), a 2020 candidate for president, told the Washington Post on Wednesday that being pro-abortion should be a “non-negotiable” position in the Democratic party:" . . .