"Donna Brazile, who forever discredited herself as corrupt when she supplied debate questions in advance to her former boss, Hillary Clinton, and was fired by CNN for it, found a new home at Fox News as one of their “contributors” (people paid to be available a certain number of hours for on-air commentary). But in an appearance over the weekend, she made the argument that Hillary Clinton only lost because of Russian interference – a contention for which there is no evidence whatsoever: (hat tip: Daily Caller)"
"I realize that Fox News needs to have a certain number of progressives on air in order to maintain its stance of being “fair and balanced.” I am not one of those who prefer to hear onbly those views with which I agree. But surely Fox News can find someone on the left who can string together a few coherent sentences and present the progressive view without lying. Someone who is not known for corruption and betrayal of trust of her former broadcast employer.
"I understand that Donna Brazile is personally quite charming at an individual level, and probably is a welcome visitor to the green room. But not making waves with staff should not outweigh spouting false, discredited claims. As far as I am concerned Ms. Brazile has worn out her welcome."