In any case, Obama may have thought he was addressing yet another typical Dem fundraiser Upper West Side audience desperate for gun control. He chose poorly.Just One Minute "Obama ran his mouth in Brazil recently, spouting nonsense about gun laws in the US:
"Some of you may be aware our gun laws in the United States don't make much sense. Anybody can buy any weapon any time. Without much, if any, regulation, they can buy it over the Internet, they can buy machine guns," Obama told the audience.
"But here's the kicker, and let's go to the videotape! Come in at the 40 second mark. What does the crowd do after Obama says "Anybody can buy any weapon any time"? They go nuts! What, did Brazil score a goal in the World Cup?
"Not really. It turns out Brazil has very restrictive gun laws and very corrupt police. The upshot proves the old adage that when you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. Their gun homicide rate is roughly five times that of the US.
"The public is not happy. Back in 2006 they rejected by referendum an attempt to further limit civilian access to weapons. And their current President, a former paratrooper and law-and-order candidate, ran on a "Suns out, guns out" message: . . .
From May 31, 2019: Obama Tells Multiple Lies About Guns In The U.S. To A Crowd In Brazil . . .
"Former President Barack Obama told multiple lies on Thursday to a crowd in Brazil while discussing gun laws in the United States — something that he repeatedly did during his presidency.' . . .'Everything stated by Obama was a blatant lie."Stephen Gutowski, a Second Amendment reporter for The Washington Free Beacon, highlighted some of Obama's in a series of tweets on Friday." 'Former President Obama just straight up lied about America's gun laws while at an event in Brazil--a country with strict gun laws and an unfathomably-high gun murder rate," Gutowski tweeted. "Former President Obama told the Brazilian crowd 'anybody can buy any weapon any time without much, if any, regulation' of our gun laws which is just plain false on its face. A complete lie.' " . . .