Rob's Right |
Murder is a Democrat thing.
"We can start with the striking statistic that 68 percent of all homicides occur in just certain parts of 5 percent of America's counties — and all, or virtually all, of these are Democrat areas.
"Also striking is Democrats' devolution on prenatal infanticide. The line always was, though the savvy never believed it, "We want abortion to be safe, legal and rare." Leftists also insisted that "we don't really know when life begins" or when "an unviable tissue mass becomes a baby." To echo Barack Obama's debate disclaimer from some years ago, that's above their "pay grade."
"But all that has been aborted. Now leftists support prenatal infanticide up until birth, and sometimes beyond, though this is subject to change without notice. (Coming, perhaps, is the day leftists will absolutely know when an “unviable tissue mass” becomes human: when it can vote Democrat.)
"In other words, yes, he’s a baby; yes, he’s human.
"And, yes, you can murder him because you feel like it. How sociopathic can you get?
"This devolution is no surprise. Leftists are, almost one and all, de facto atheists; as such, they essentially believe man is just a material being, a chemicals-and-water organic robot. To quote barrel-of-laughs botanist Lawrence Trevanion, people are “objects that perceive.' ” . . .
"The Democratic Party has descended into a maelstrom of hate."
"The Democratic Party has descended into a maelstrom of hate."
. . . "A woman is on Facebook Live, outside of Senator McConnell’s home in Louisville, saying she hopes someone “just stabs the mother f*cker in the heart, please.” #KYSen" . . .